內容簡介: |
關於作者: |
罗薇娜·莫瑞(Rowena Murray),英国西苏格兰大学教育学教授。其学术写作课程在英国和海外都很受欢迎。著作包括畅销书《如何撰写博士学位论文》《怎样成功通过论文答辩》等。导读者李武,上海交通大学媒体与传播学院副教授,数字传播与信息行为研究中心主任,北京大学博士。长期致力于与知识传播有关的在线行为议题(如数字阅读、知识付费和开放存取)研究,试图深入理解互联网的发展如何改变人们获取、消费和分享知识的方式。著有《学位论文写作与学术规范(第二版)》等。
前言 i
致谢 iii
概述:在理性和虚荣之外 1
1 为什么要为学术刊物撰稿? 5
2寻找和确定目标期刊 39
3寻找写作的时间 73
4找到话题并进行论述 95
5制定写作大纲 125
6 撰写草稿 147
7 修改论文 169
8与他人开展对话和交流 187
9如何回复审稿人的意见? 207
10论文发表后该做些什么? 229
结语:在学术惯例与竞争之外 241
参考文献 243
索引 251
Preface i
Acknowledgements iii
Introduction: Beyond reason and vanity 1
1 Why write for academic journals? 5
Reasons for writing 7
Internal and external drivers 8
Can it be learned? 16
Reasons for not writing 24
‘I haven’t done any research’ 26
2 Targeting a journal 39
Getting to know the journals 42
Instructions for authors 48
Journal resources for authors 48
Analysing a journal 49
Analysing abstracts 59
3 Finding time to write 73
Incremental writing 77
A writing plan 79
Goal setting 83
Monitoring progress 87
Becoming a regular writer 90
4 Finding a topic and developing an argument 95
Finding a topic 97
Conference presentations 98
Thesis 101
Freewriting 101
Generative writing 108
Writing to prompts 109
The writing ‘sandwich’ 112
Finding an argument 119
Formulating a hypothesis 120
Constructing an argument 121
5 Outlining 125
Level 3 outlining 132
Allocating word lengths 136
Writing a 275- word abstract ?C Brown’s 8 questions 136
Writing a 375- word abstract ?C Murray’s 10 prompts 142
Calibrating your outline 143
6 Drafting 147
What constitutes good writing in journals? 149
Shaping sections 157
Streamlining 158
Turning headings into prompts 159
Internal critique 167
7 Revising the draft 169
Foregrounding generic aspects of academic style 172
Revising the outline 175
Revising drafts 176
Revision processes 180
8 Dialogue and feedback 187
A writers’ group 189
Writing retreat 195
Dialogue 202
More freewriting and generative writing 203
9 Responding to reviewers’ feedback 207
Examples of reviewers’ comments 211
Destructive feedback 215
Contradictory comments 218
Rejection 219
Responding to feedback from editors and reviewers 223
Acceptance 223
10 After publication 229
Marketing your writing 230
Social media 232
What now? 234
What next? 235
Conclusion: Beyond ritual and rivalry 241
Bibliography 243
Index 251