內容簡介: |
This textbook is based on the learning characteristics of higher vocational college students. The content is closely related to the key knowledge of the major courses of pharmacy.The content is in line with the development of the industry with the new knowledge. It features appropriate ratio of each unit, moderate difficulty and the pure English expressions.
The book is divided into four units, with a total of 19 lessons. The first unit is the essential area of the pharmaceutical majors that includes microorganism and human body structure as well as disease.The second unit introduces basic theory of production technique for pharmacy. The third unit describes related management and administration for pharmacy.The fourth unit introduces biopharmaceutics.These four units cover the basic knowledge of pharmaceutical major. Therefore, pharmacy professionals can combine units freely and teach according to the actual needs of personnel training purposes.
Unit 1 Human Body and Microorganisms
Lesson 1 Microorganisms Around Us(常见微生物)1
Lesson 2 Biology of the Human Body(人体生物学)10
Lesson 3 Human Health and Diseases(人体健康与疾病)20
Lesson 4 How does the Body Fight Back Disease?(人体如何对抗疾病)?27
Unit 2 Basic Theory of Production Technique for Pharmacy
Lesson 5 Pharmacology(药理学)35
Lesson 6 Pharmacochemistry(药物化学)43
Lesson 7 Pharmaceutical Analysis(药物分析)50
Lesson 8 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms(药物剂型)56
Unit 3 Medicine Sale and Management
Lesson 9 Medicines and Pharmacists(药品和药剂师)64
Lesson 10 Classification of the Medicines(药品的分类)71
Lesson 11 Drug Regulation(药物管制)79
Lesson 12 Insert(药品说明书)85
Unit 4 Biopharmaceutics
Part 1 The Foundations of Biochemistry
Lesson 13 Amino Acids and Proteins(氨基酸和蛋白质)91
Lesson 14 Nucleic Acids(核酸)99
Lesson 15 Polysaccharides(多糖)107
Lesson 16 Lipids(脂类)112
Lesson 17 Vitamins(维生素)118
Part 2 Basic Technology of Separation and Purification
Lesson 18 Precipitation and Dialysis(沉淀和透析)126
Lesson 19 Chromatography(色谱分离法)133
Vocabulary on Pharmaceutical English常用药学专业相关词汇147
This textbook is based on the learning characteristics of higher vocational college students. The content is closely related to the key knowledge of the major courses of pharmacy.The content is in line with the development of the industry with the new knowledge. It features appropriate ratio of each unit, moderate difficulty and the pure English expressions.
The book is divided into four units, with a total of 19 lessons. The first unit is the essential area of the pharmaceutical majors that includes microorganism and human body structure as well as disease. This unit is composed of 4 lessons (The 1st lesson is written by Yu Lijing from Changchun Vocational Institute of Technology.The 2nd lesson is written by Guo Liquan from Jilin Agricultural University.The 3rd lesson is written by Shi Meilong from the Jilin Provincial Peoples Hospital.The 4th lesson is written by Zhou Min from Jiangsu Food & Pharmaceutical Science College).
The second unit introduces basic theory of production technique for pharmacy. This unit consists of 4 lessons (The 5th, the 6th and the 7th lessons are written by Kong Qingxin from Jiangsu Food & Pharmaceutical Science College.The 8th lesson is written by Mao Chunling from Changchun Vocational Institute of Technology).
The third unit describes related management and administration for pharmacy. There are 4 lessons in this unit (The 9th lesson is written by Wang Ran from Changchun Vocational Institute of Technology.The 10th and the 11th lessons are written by Huang Guohui from life science, Northeast Normal University.The 12th lesson is written by Liu Ying from Changchun Vocational Institute of Technology).
The fourth unit introduces biopharmaceutics. This unit consists of 7 lessons (The 13th lesson is written by Liu Yang from Changchun Vocational Institute of Technology. The 14th lesson is written by Liang Kun from Shijiazhuang Vocational Technology Institute. The 15th lesson is written by Sun Baihu from Shijiazhuang Vocational Technology Institute.The 16th is written by Song Di from Changchun Vocational Institute of Technology. The 17th, 18th and 19th lessons are written by Zhang Chunyu from Changchun Vocational Institute of Technology).
Some of contents are written by Li Donghan and Zhang Guoying.
These four units cover the basic knowledge of pharmaceutical major. Therefore, pharmacy professionals can combine units freely and teach according to the actual needs of personal training purposes.
Zhang Chunyu and Huang Guohui are chief editors.Kong Qingxin,Guo Liquan and Liu Yang are associate editors.
There is a learning goal in each unit before the subject, so students can make clear the key content of the subject. The introduction of situation and the knowledge and application examples enable the students to understand their specific application. Further, the vocabulary, the conclusion of key knowledge, quiz, question discussion and the related expanded reading materials make students independently review and improve their reading ability after class. The appendix can facilitate students independent inquiry of relevant professional vocabulary. The above content and structure design fully reflect the teaching requirements of vocational ability training in higher vocational colleges. Therefore, this book can be used as a textbook as well as reference for professional English learning in higher vocational colleges.
The book has condensed the efforts of all the participants and we express our sincere respect and gratitude to all of them. The workload of textbooks is heavy and the tasks are arduous. Even though we have tried our best, we still cant avoid shortcomings. We sincerely hope readers will criticize and correct them.
July 2019