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To keep pace with development of stone masonry dam construction and standardize the design of stone masonry dams, Design specification for stone masonry dams SL25-91 is revised to this Code so that the stone masonry dam design could be safe and applicable, economically viable, technology updated and quality ensured.This Code is applicable to the design of Class 2 and Class 3 masonry dams for large and medium water resources and hydropower projects or Class 4 and Class 5 masonry dams over 50m high. It may also be used as a reference for the design of other masonry dams.为适应砌石坝工程建设发展的需要,规范砌石坝设计,对《浆砌石坝设计规范》(SL25-91)进行修订,使砌石坝设计做到安全适用、经济合理、技术先进、质量保证,特制定本规范。本规范适用于大、中型水利水电工程中的2、3级砌石坝或坝高超过50m的45级砌石坝的设计。其他砌石坝设计可参照使用。