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『簡體書』This Is ChinaⅠ:这里是中国 (英文版)

書城自編碼: 3449135
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→文化文化随笔
作者: Chen,BoyaZhu,Xinmei,Zhang,Yanl
國際書號(ISBN): 9787504383563
出版社: 中国广播影视出版社
出版日期: 2019-12-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开

售價:NT$ 428



** 我創建的書架 **

《这里是中国1》英文版,内容上着重介绍一带一路建设给当今和未来的人类社会各领域尤其是文化领域带来的重要影响。既聚焦中国智造、中国创造,反映当代中国发展进步主流;又展示中国京剧、中国功夫、中国雕刻等传统文 化精髓,推动文化交流互鉴。全书共分三章。*章聚焦围绕国宝熊猫、雕工镌影、深圳智造、武当功夫、国粹京剧、活力重庆6个主题,散点式展现了具有代表性的中国文化;第二章深度从专家层面出发,深入挖掘这些中国文化符号背后的深层次文化意义。第三章视角从创作者角度出发,探讨如何在国际视野中更好地传播中国文化。全书服务于一带一路国际合作,图文并茂,在纪录片的基础上,对中国文化做更深更广的挖掘,更好地讲好中国故事,传播好中国声音,向世界展示一个真实、立体、全面的中国。《这里是中国1》英文版,内容上着重介绍一带一路建设给当今和未来的人类社会各领域尤其是文化领域带来的重要影响。既聚焦中国智造、中国创造,反映当代中国发展进步主流;又展示中国京剧、中国功夫、中国雕刻等传统文 化精髓,推动文化交流互鉴。全书共分三章。*章聚焦围绕国宝熊猫、雕工镌影、深圳智造、武当功夫、国粹京剧、活力重庆6个主题,散点式展现了具有代表性的中国文化;第二章深度从专家层面出发,深入挖掘这些中国文化符号背后的深层次文化意义。第三章视角从创作者角度出发,探讨如何在国际视野中更好地传播中国文化。全书服务于一带一路国际合作,图文并茂,在纪录片的基础上,对中国文化做更深更广的挖掘,更好地讲好中国故事,传播好中国声音,向世界展示一个真实、立体、全面的中国。
This Is China Iis a book that, in terms of content, highlights the important impact that "The Belt and Road Initiative " has on the current and future human society in all fields, especially the cultural field. It not only focuses on intelligent manufacturing in China and creation in China to reflect the mainstream of contemporary China''s development and progress, but also depicts the essence of traditional Chinese culture such as Beijing Opera, Kungfu and Chinese carving, in the hope of promoting cultural exchanges and mutual learning. There are three chapters in this book. Chapter 1 "Focus", composed of six topics "Pandaland", "The Poetry of Chinese Carving", "Shenzhen: City of the Future", "The Secret of Wudang Wushu", "The Peking Opera: Reality and Eternity" and "Rhythm of Chongqing", introduces, one by one, several representative symbols of Chinese culture. Chapter 2 "Depth" follows the perspective of experts to go deep into the profound cultural significance behind these Chinese cultural symbols. Chapter 3 "Angle", from the angle of creators, to explore how to better spread Chinese culture in an international perspective. As a book serving the international cooperation of "The Belt and Road Initiative ", with beautiful illustrations and excellent text, This Is China I, on the basis of the documentary, makes a deeper and broader exploration of Chinese culture, aiming to better tell the Chinese story, spread the Chinese voice, and show the world a more realistic, stereoscopic and comprehensive image of China.
Chen Boya, President of Beijing Zhongshi Yayun Cultural Communication Center, is a senior TV media practitioner. She is the chief planner of the China-Russia co-produced documentary This is China, and has been the chief director of the documentary From the West to East, and the chief planner of Housing in China, New Face of China and China''s Healthcare.陈波亚,北京中视雅韵文化传播中心总裁,资深电视人;中俄大型合拍纪录片《这里是中国》总策划。纪录片《从西方到东方》总导演、《中国住房》《中国之新》《中国医疗》总策划。
Chen Boya, President of Beijing Zhongshi Yayun Cultural Communication Center, is a senior TV media practitioner. She is the chief planner of the China-Russia co-produced documentary This is China, and has been the chief director of the documentary From the West to East, and the chief planner of Housing in China, New Face of Chinaand China''s Healthcare.
Zhu Xinmei, Deputy Director and researcher of the International Institute of the Development Research Center, National Radio and Television Administration of ChinaNRTA, has participated in drafting the Guidelines on Further Enhancing and Improving the Work of Chinese Culture Going Globaland other policy documents of the central government, participated in the project review and evaluation undertaken by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, and organized the review and evaluation of "Going Global" program series within the NRTA. She is responsible for the research of the important project "Going Global through Radio Film and Television" initiated by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee and the International Division of the NRTA, and produced a large number of academic papers on film and television policy and industry research.
Zhang Yanli, Director of DOCUCHINA.COM and Secretary General of Documentary China Council, has participated in documentary support programs initiated by the NRTA many times, and is also a panelist of the book Must-Read Experience in Excellent Documentary Creation and Marketing at Home and Abroad, a key project in social science launched by the NRTA, and the Study Report of the Development of Chinese Documentary in 2018released by Beijing Normal University.
The Poetry of Chinese Carving
Shenzhen: City of the Future
The Secrets of Wudang Wushu
The Beijing Opera: Reality and Eternity
Rhythm of Chongqing
iPanda: A Window of Communication and Presentation for the Civilian Diplomat
Dongyang Woodcarving: An Excellent Embodiment of the Chinese Style
Internet Culture Another Way of Prosperity and Innovation
Tai Chis Glory Overseas
The National Quintessence in Documentaries: Inheritance and Innovation of Beijing Opera
Chongqing: An Internet Celebrity
Look, This Is China
Speculative Process in Creation
A Tribute to Social Responsibility
Exploring Wudang Mountain
Gazing on China
This year marks t h e 70thanniversary of both the foundingof the Peoples Republic of Chinaand establishing of the China-Russia diplomatic relationship. Tocommemorate the 70-year-friendshipbetween the two countries, ChinesePresident Xi Jinping and his Russiancounterpart, Vladimir Putin, jointly attended a gathering on June5 and signed a joint statement announcing to develop China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership for a new era so as toupgrade bilateralrelationship and usher in a new era of broaderand higher-level bilateral relations. People-to-people exchangeis crucial in this regard. Both leaders attach great importance topeople-to-peopleexchange and cooperation in areas includingfilm and TV. In recent years, both countries have launcheddiversified activities of cultural exchange that have been highlyrecognized by the two heads of state. In 2019, China and Russiahave held more popular events in areas like education, culture,sports, tourism, media and young people exchanges. The mutual learning andcommunicating programs launched in various circlesand regions of the two countries not only promote conceptualcommunication, cultural integration, and people-to-peopleconnectivity, but also solidify public support for lasting China-Russia friendship.

As a senior diplomat, I often engage in communicationwith government officials from other countries, elites from allwalks of life, and ordinary people alike. I feel deeply that filmand TV programs are important carriers in shaping the countryand in promoting the commonwealth of the people, and that filmand television culture has played a unique role in the exchangeof civilizations. A good Chinese film, TV series, animation ordocumentary will leave a more intuitive and profound impressionin the heart of foreign audiences. This Is China is a six-episodelarge-scale documentary jointly produced by China RadioInternational, Russian Today TV and China Broad View CulturalCommunication Centre, exploring the fine traditions of Chineseculture, Chinas landscapes, and focusing on Chinas economicand social development achievements from the perspective ofRussia. This documentary is a masterpiece in introducing Chinas great traditional culture and the contemporary development ofthe Chinese society. The documentary is grand in theme, broad invision, and rich in content. It not only focuses on Chinas moderncities and reflects the achievements of contemporary Chinasreform andopening up, but also includes the fine traditions ofChinese art such as Beijing Opera, martial arts and Chinesecarving. It also involves contemporary science and technologyachievements, like the protection of panda and environment,modern light rail train technology, and intelligentmanufacturing,which well refines the hallmark of Chinese traditional culture andthe essence of Chinas reform and opening up. The story is vividand easy-to-understand, thus its entertaining.

In order to promote the understanding of China for foreignaudiences, China Radio Film & TV Press and the documentaryproduction group launched a serial book, This Is China, whichconverts dynamic images and sounds into static texts, allowingdocumentary viewers and book readers to slowly taste the culturalconnotation, social thoughts and reforms behind This Is Chinaat their own pace. On the basis of the documentary, the bookhas enriched and expanded related topics. Some of the content has been deeply explored to further the richness of knowledge,interest andreadability. The beautiful images and texts in thebook present the long history and brilliant culture of China toboth domestic and overseas readers, telling the miraculous andordinary stories behind the development of contemporary China.Hereon, I sincerely hope that every reader can learn more aboutChinas splendid culture that is rich in ideological, emotional andartistic value from the series of books, This Is China, I hope youenjoy this pleasant reading experience, experience a cross-culturalcollision, and finally learn, understand and fall in love with Chinaon this journey.

Former Chinese Ambassador to Russia
Li Hui



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