As an ethologist, I went to conduct field observation and accidentally found that a pair of crested serpent eagles and a pair of myna birds built their nests on the same ficus tree. The two types of birds had a relationship of predator and prey, and why could they coexist? Thus, I observed them in a hole nearby for nearly a half year, and witnessed how the family of eagles bullied the poor family of myna birds, which were cautiously seeking for survival in a humiliated waythey tried hard to flatter the eagles but ended up with a heartbreaking tragedy. 动物行为学家我在进行野外科学考察时,意外发现一对蛇雕与一对鹩哥把窝筑在同一棵大青树上。在大自然的食物链上,二者是捕食关系,怎么可能共存于一棵树上呢?于是,我在树旁的石坑里观察了近半年,目睹了蛇雕一家对鹩哥一家的欺凌,也清楚地看到鹩哥一家为了生存而小心翼翼、忍气吞声地讨好蛇雕一家,但最终却家破人亡。
As an ethologist, I went to conduct field observation and accidentally found that a pair of crested serpent eagles and a pair of myna birds built their nests on the same ficus tree. The two types of birds had a relationship of predator and prey, and why could they coexist? Thus, I observed them in a hole nearby for nearly a half year, and witnessed how the family of eagles bullied the poor family of myna birds, which were cautiously seeking for survival in a humiliated waythey tried hard to flatter the eagles but ended up with a heartbreaking tragedy.
In Bird Slaves, Shen Shixi, the Master of Animal Fictions, has vividly demonstrated the relationship of master and slave between these two bird families. This rare relationship in the animal world has reflected the complicated interpersonal relationship in human society, which is worthy of deep consideration.
译者:[美]耶利米威尔霍伊特Jerimiah Willhite 作者简介:沈石溪
译者:[美]耶利米威尔霍伊特Jerimiah Willhite
审译者:[美]凯尔大卫安德森Kyle David Anderson