內容簡介: |
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Disruptive changes and the post-libraryera: Toward supply-side structure reform of knowledge services(005)
The historical contributions of thePublic Library Law of the Peoples Republicof China
Integration and reconstruction: A newdevelopment pattern of the smart library (021)
Integration and reconstruction: A newdevelopment pattern of the smart library 037
XIA Lixin, BAI Yang & Zhang Xinyi
A preliminary exploration on citizen scienceprojects based on scientific crowdsourcing perspectives: Conceptualization,pattern design and research opportunities 058
Fuel in the snowy weather or icing on thecake? Exploration of social networks value in alleviation of digital poverty 080
The corporate governance pilots of publiclibraries in China 093
FENGJia & WANG Shanshan
Restrictions on incremental financialinvestment in the construction of modern public cultural service system: Basedon investigations of county public libraries113
FUCaiwu & YUE Nan
Inspection and reflection on the free openpolicy of public cultural venues in China: Centered on the public libraries 143
CHENGeng & BAI Haohui
Extended English abstracts of articlespublished in the Chinese edition ofJournalof Library Science in China2018 Vol.44162