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凯茜梅泽伊(Kathy Mezei)是加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学的英文系荣休教授,有执教35年的经历。她为女性主义文学研究、加拿大英法文学翻译批评等做出了卓越贡献。
Acknowledgments xxixIntroduction. Contextualizing Feminist Narratology 1The Look, the Body, and the Heroine of Persuasion:A Feminist-Narratological View of Jane Austen 21Discourse, Gender, and Gossip:Some Reflections on Bakhtin and Emma 40Who Is Speaking Here?Free Indirect Discourse, Gender, and Authority in Emma, Howards End, and Mrs. Dalloway 66Parsing the Female Sentence:The Paradox of Containment in Virginia Woolf''s Narratives 93Spatialization, Narrative Theory, and Virginia Woolf''sThe Voyage Out 109The Rhetoric of Feminist Conversation:Virginia Woolf and the Trope of the Twist 137The Terror and the Ecstasy:The Textual Politics of Virginia Woolf''s Mrs. Dalloway 162Seismic Orgasm: Sexual Intercourse andNarrative Meaning in Mina Loy 187Ironies of Politeness in Anita Brookner''s Hotel du Lac 215Angela Carter''s New Evelyn:DeEn-Gendering Narrative 238Queering Narratology 250Coda. Incredulity toward Metanarrative:Negotiating Postmodernism and Feminisms 262Select Bibliography on Feminist Narratology 269Notes on the Contributors 273Index 275