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書城自編碼: 3415585
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→工業技術能源与动力工程
作者: 王志峰 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787122344052
出版社: 化学工业出版社
出版日期: 2019-09-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 1877



** 我創建的書架 **

Preface xi
1. Introduction
1.1 General Principles of Solar Thermal Power Plant Design 3
1.2 Brief Introduction to Solar Thermal Power Generation 7
2. The Solar Resource and Meteorological Parameters
2.1 The Nature of the Solar Resource 47
2.2 The Solar Constant and Radiation Spectrum 48
2.3 Atmospheric Influences on Solar Irradiation 50
2.4 Calculating Methods for Solar Position 52
2.5 Distribution of the Solar Resource in Several Typical Areas of China 60
2.6 Solar Irradiance Prediction Methods 83
2.7 Distribution of Solar Direct Normal Radiation Resources in China 89
2.8 Various Special Climate Conditions in the Plant Area 100
2.9 Measuring Instrument 107
2.10 Global Direct Normal Irradiance Distributions 112
3. General Design of a Solar Thermal Power Plant
3.1 Power Plant Design Point 117
3.2 Heliostat Field Efficiency Analysis for Power Plants 119
3.3 Thermal Performance of Parabolic Trough Collector 150
3.4 Basic Data Required by Power Plant Design 192
3.5 Major Parameters and Principles of Design 193
3.6 Description of General Parameters of the Power Plant 194
3.7 Calculation of Annual Power Generation 194
3.8 Determination of Thermal Storage Reserve 214
3.9 Main Points for Power Plant Site Plan 216
3.10 Notices for Concentration Field Layout 223
4. Design of the Concentration System
4.1 General System Description 225
4.2 Principles for Concentration Field Layout 229
4.3 Design of the Solar Tower Power Plant Concentrating Field 243
4.4 Control Design of the Heliostat Field of a Solar Tower Power Plant 256
4.5 Solar Field Design of Parabolic Trough Power Plant 264
4.6 Description of solar Concentrator 273
4.7 Instantaneous Efficiency 276
4.8 Design of the Parabolic Trough Collector Field 279
4.9 Concentrator Field Control Design of the Parabolic Trough Power Plant 281
4.10 Wind Load Characteristics of the Concentrator 283
5. Design of the Receiver System
5.1 General Receiver System Description 319
5.2 Selection of Materials for the Receiver System 327
5.3 Selection of Pipes and Pumps for Receiver System 330
5.4 Receiver System Control 331
5.5 Design of the Operation Modes of the Receiver System 334
5.6 The Discharge System and Equipment of the Receiver 336
5.7 Vacuum Performance of the Parabolic Trough Receiver Tube 339
6. Thermal Storage Systems
6.1 General System Description 388
6.2 Technical Requirements of Thermal Storage Systems 392
6.3 Thermal Storage Materials and Modes 393
6.4 Categories and Constitutions of Thermal Storage Systems 401
6.5 Selection of Thermal Storage Materials and Tanks 412
6.6 Charging and Discharge Equipment of the Thermal Storage Tank and Respective Process Design 413
6.7 Thermal Storage System Control 414
6.8 Facilities for Thermal Storage System Inspection 415
7. Site Selection, Power Load, and Power Generation Procedures
7.1 Site Selection 417
7.2 Power Load and Power Generation Procedures 423
8. Plant Layout Planning
8.1 Basic Rules 425
8.2 Layout of the Main Buildings and Concentration Field 428
8.3 Communication and Transportation 429
8.4 Vertical Layout 430
8.5 Pipeline Layout 432
9. Main Powerhouse Layout
9.1 Direction of Main Powerhouse 435
9.2 Main Powerhouse and Thermal Storage 435
9.3 Solar Thermal Storage System Layout 435
10. Water Treatment Equipment and System
10.1 Receiver and Evaporator Makeup Water Treatment 437
10.2 Calculation of Water Treatment Equipment 437
10.3 Feed Water and Boiler Water Modification and Thermal System Steam Sampling 438
10.4 Anticorrosion 438
11. Power System
11.1 Power Grid Connection of Power Plant 439
11.2 System Protection 439
11.3 System Communication 439
12. Electrical Equipment and System
12.1 High-Voltage Electrical Installations 441
12.2 Main Electrical Control Room 441
12.3 DC System 441
12.4 Electrical Measuring Instrument 442
12.5 Relay Protection and Automatic Safety Device 442
12.6 Lighting System 442
12.7 Cable Selection and Layout 443
12.8 Overvoltage Protection and Grounding 443
12.9 Electrical Installations in a Dangerous Environment with Potential Explosions and Fire Hazards 443
13. Thermal Automation
13.1 Basic Rules 445
13.2 Control Mode 446
13.3 Thermal Inspection 446
13.4 Automatic Adjustment 446
13.5 Thermal Protection 447
13.6 Interlocking 447
13.7 Power Supply and Steam Supply 447
13.8 Control Room 448
13.9 Cables, Conduits, and Local Equipment Layout 448
13.10 Basic Rules for Building Space Heating 449
13.11 Solar Tower 449
13.12 Heating Network and Heating Station in the Plant Area 450
14. Architecture and Structure
14.1 Basic Rules 451
14.2 Fire Protection 452
14.3 Interior Environment 453
15. Auxiliary and Affiliated Facilities 455
16. Environmental Protection of the Concentrating Solar Power Plant
16.1 Basic Rules 457
16.2 Requirements for Environmental Protection Design 457
16.3 Pollution Prevention and Treatment 458
16.4 Environmental Protection Facilities 458
References 459
Index 463
Since the beginning of Chinas research on solar thermal power also known as concentrating solar power, CSP generation in 1996, CSP generation technologies have gone through the entire development process from inception to realization. Ever since the 11th Five-Year Plan, CSP generation technologies have enjoyed rapid development throughout the country, with the appearance of a large variety of experimental solar thermal collection and storage systems and experimental power plants. Breakthroughs have also been made in the manufacturing techniques of core components and materials; professional CSP generation equipment manufacturers have also appeared. The first China state standard for CSP technology was released in September 2011. Along with a further deepening of technologies during the 12th Five-Year Plan as well as commercial development, this reference book for CSP plant design has become a requisite work for understanding solar power plant commercialization. Currently, there is no other reference book in the world that systematically describes the design methods of CSP plants.
The book mainly focuses on CSP technologies, and those mainly consist of power tower and parabolic trough collector technologies and thermal storage. The book not only describes the design of CSP systems, but also explains the design methods and operation modes of key facilities in detail, such as the heliostat, heliostat field, parabolic trough concentrator, parabolic trough receiver tube, and whole-plant distributed control system, or DCS. It also discusses the fundamental basis of designing CSP plants and system as well as the key design points that should be considered.
CSP generation design mainly includes resource evaluation, site selection, design of the optical efficiency of the concentration field, thermal control of the receiver and electrical design, thermal storage capacity, thermal storage charging and discharging design, heat exchanger and evaporation design, whole-plant electrics, whole-plant thermal control instruments, power plant construction, and whole-plant security design. By focusing on the contents just mentioned, the book offers calculation and design methods separately in different chapters and provides examples by integrating with practices of the author, so as to facilitate the understanding of readers.
Solar irradiation serves as the basis for solar power utilization. The evaluation of solar resources used by CSP generation is the most fundamental process for solar power plant design and site selection. Although it has been stated in numerous articles, the author further discusses solar resource evaluation by integrating his own research, especially stressing its relationship with the site selection of thermal power plants.
Solar concentrators, solar receivers, and thermal storage are three major core components for CSP systems. The section of the book that discusses these topics mainly explains equipment application, evaluation methods for equipment performance, and the thinking and methods for equipment design.
In equipment performance evaluation, great difficulties have been encountered in the facula error analysis of the heliostat. The book offers mathematical approaches and test methods corresponding to facula error analyses of various types of heliostats, which basically have been derived from the research achievements of the author and his graduate students.
Heat loss of receivers is the subject at the core of receiver design, with a variety of analysis methods. The book offers a relatively simple calculation method and corresponding examples.
The book was preliminarily defined as a reference book similar to a design manual by specifically referring to Chinas state standard of Code for Design of Small-size Thermal Power Plant GB 50049, which may be recognized by readers from its general arrangement. However, as writing progressed, the author discovered that books about and references for CSP generation technologies had rarely been seen in China, while many methods were still under development and evolution. Thus, it was determined that the major concepts and methods should be explained more explicitly to benefit readers. By introducing these descriptions and analyses, the book is easier to be understand and greater reference value as well. These gains were made by sacrificing its original style as a design manual.
The book was mainly composed byWang Zhifeng with coauthors Guo Minghuan 2.4, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 4.2.2, 4.2.3, Li Xin 5.5, Yu Qiang 2.6, Gong Bo 4.7, and others.
The book was summarized and made by the author, his colleagues and students, and the coauthors based on multiple years of research and engineering practice in CSP technology. It is written by following the principles of sharing his own fruits planted by himself with readers and thus striving for fewer examples extracted from the achievements of others. The writing work started at the beginning of 2010 with a hope that the book could be finished within a year and be capable of catching up to Chinese National 11th Five-Year Plan 863 Program project acceptance at the end of 2011. However, additional progress in research work, especially steam production by the Beijing Badaling power tower solar power plant in July 2011, its power generation in August 2012, and its gradual commissioning, the authors knowledge of CSP generation technologies deepened. The author discovered that content that was as useful as possible would not be sufficient without the authors original theories and experiments. Particularly, CSP generation technologies still remain at the development stage, and many basic concepts and terms have been expressed in diversified ways in the articles and writings of different world-renowned scholars, such as the most important concept in power plant design, namely the design point. As for similar major content, the author expresses his own opinions in the book by conducting in-depth theoretical and experimental research. Therefore, after 5 years,this book can finally be dedicated to its readers. Henceforth, along with the deepening of research work, the book may be modified regularly so that upgraded achievementsdfor example, improvements in the design and operation mode of the thermal storage unitdcan be dedicated to readers and the industry as well.
Special thanks should be given by the author to Mr. Xu Jianzhong, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Mr. Huang Ming, Chairman of Himin Solar Energy Group Co., Ltd., who have made every endeavor possible, for more than a decade, to support the author in conducting research on solar thermal power generation and its practices; meanwhile, the author is also grateful for care and support from his family. During research on solar thermal power generation and its practices, the author has been deeply grateful for tremendous support from the national 863 Program 2006AA050100, 2006AA050100, 973 Program 2010CB227100, the National Natural Science Fund of China, Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Project, Knowledge Innovative Project of CAS, International Cooperation Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the 6th and 7th Framework Programmes for Research of the European Union.
This edition is Co-published with Elsevier Inc.In accord with Elsevier''s edition, this boos follows the typeset of Elsevier, including but not limited to upright italic letters,as a courtesty.
The book assimilates the development experiences and essence of CSP technologies both at home and abroad and provides them to readers. Yet due to the authors limited knowledge, as well as insufficient practices in CSP plant R&D and construction, many imperfections may exist. It would be greatly appreciated if readers could provide the author with critiques and corrections of these imperfections for use in future editions.
Zhifeng Wang
March, 2019



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