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布鲁斯金(Bruce King)出生于美国,是一位研究英国前殖民地英语文学的知名学者,曾在英国布里斯托尔大学等多所大学任教,在这一领域出版过多部知名著作,如《德里克沃尔考特的加勒比海人生》《V.S.奈保尔》和《现代印度英语诗歌》。
General Editor''s Preface xviiAbbreviations xxiiiA Note on References xxivIntroduction 11. The End of Imperial England and the Seeds of the New: 1948-1969 13I. New Immigrants 13II. Prose: Culture Conflict and Lonely Londoners 32III. Poetry: Swansongs, Birds of Passage 61IV. Drama: West Indian School Realists 712. Transformations: 1970-1979 73I. Ethnicity and the Myth of Revolution 73II. Prose: Some Firsts 79III. Poetry: Black Modernists 103IV. Drama: West Indian Playwrights and Black Lives 1193. Fragmentation and Internalization: 1980-1989 125I. Demanding Rights 125II. Prose: From Exotic to British, Almost 140III. Poetry: Performance and Dialect 192IV. Drama: Black, Black Feminist, and Asian Brecht 2114. Englands New English Literature: 1990-2000 224I. Celebrating Multiracial England 224II. Prose: Remapping England 236III. Poetry: Returning to the Page and the Self 292IV. Drama: Histories 311Conclusion 322Author Bibliographies 326Suggestions for Further Reading 362Index 369