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書城自編碼: 3411109
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→工業技術化學工業
作者: 朱彦武,马宇飞,唐润理 主编
國際書號(ISBN): 9787122342416
出版社: 化学工业出版社
出版日期: 2019-09-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 491



** 我創建的書架 **

第1章 氧化石墨烯的制备及表征001 
1.1 合成 002
1.1.1 Brodies法 002
1.1.2 Staudenmaiers法 002
1.1.3 Hummers法 003
1.1.4 Tours法 004
1.1.5 高铁酸钾氧化法 005
1.1.6 电化学制备法 006
1.1.7 其他氧化石墨烯的制备方法 008
1.2 氧化石墨烯的结构研究 008
1.3 氧化石墨烯的光谱特征和结构表征方法 011
1.3.1 氧化石墨烯的光谱特征 011
1.3.2 氧化石墨烯的形态学特征及热稳定性 013
1.4 小结 017
参考文献 018
第2章 氧化石墨的还原021 
2.1 氧化石墨烯还原评价方法 021
2.1.1 光学特征 022
2.1.2 导电性 023
2.1.3 碳氧比 023
2.1.4 其他技术 024
2.2 还原方法与机理 024
2.2.1 热还原 024
2.2.2 光催化还原 028
2.2.3 溶剂热还原 028
2.2.4 电化学还原 029
2.2.5 化学试剂还原 029
2.2.6 植物提取物还原 039
2.2.7 微生物还原 039
2.2.8 蛋白质还原 040
2.2.9 激素还原 040
2.3 小结 041
参考文献 041
第3章 氧化石墨烯的修饰和改性047 
3.1 氧化石墨烯的还原改性 048
3.2 共价修饰改性 048
3.2.1 羧基修饰 049
3.2.2 环氧基团修饰 049
3.2.3 羟基修饰反应 050
3.3 聚合物共价修饰氧化石墨烯表面 051
3.3.1 Graft from接枝修饰方式 051
3.3.2 Graft to修饰改性氧化石墨烯表面 053
3.4 非共价键修饰 055
3.5 氧化石墨烯交联 057
3.6 小结 059
参考文献 059
第4章 氧化石墨烯组装063 
4.1 氧化石墨烯纤维(一维)组装及应用 063
4.1.1 氧化石墨烯纤维的制备及性能研究 064
4.1.2 氧化石墨烯纤维的主要应用 070
4.2 氧化石墨烯薄膜结构组装及应用 072
4.2.1 抽滤成膜法 072
4.2.2 Langmuir-BlodgettLB组装法 075
4.2.3 逐层组装法 076
4.2.4 界面诱导自组装 076
4.2.5 旋转涂膜法 077
4.2.6 其他方法 078
4.3 氧化石墨烯三维宏观体结构组装及应用 079
4.3.1 水热法 080
4.3.2 溶剂热法 081
Graphene oxide GO, an individual layer from graphite oxide GO has been recognized as a versatile and valuable material only recently, despite studies on graphite oxide that extend back to the 1850s.Expandable graphite, typically prepared by intercalating graphite with oxidants such as sulfuric acid, is a valuable material such as for its strong expansion upon heating.Graphene can be considered a relative of graphene oxide GO or vice versa.Thousands of publications on fundamental research and applications have appeared in about the past 12-13 years, and this is in part because GO can be fairly readily prepared at the individual layer level. For example, while progress is being made, there is no method currently to exfoliate graphite to predominantly individual layers of graphene.GO has been explored for its potential use in electronics, energy storage, biomedicine, environmental protection, membranes, fabrics, compounds, fibers, and others.After partial removal of oxygen from GO, the carbon backbone recovers some features of graphene.The ability to obtain a high yield of single layer GO has thus motivated its conversion to near-graphene like individual layers, and the cost factor has motivated industry to be intensely interested in this approach.
It seems to be the case that thousands of companies primarily in Europe, East Asia, and North America, have been started or adopted GO-based products.GObased products are achieving, it seems, commercial success, and annual billiondollar level markets for individual products are likely, soon.
It is thus timely to have a well-structured and systematic overview of research done on GO, for scientists and engineers including students as well as professionals with an interest.The authors have significant experience both in fundamental R&D and in industrialization of GO materials.
This book starts by describing the basic chemistry related to graphene oxide including its preparation, characterization, and chemical modification, and then goes on to describe how GO is or has been assembled into complex structures or systems. Applications of interest to industry, such as composites with polymeric compounds, energy, biomedicine, water treatment, and photoelectric sensing, are covered next.
This comprehensive book will be of great use for Chinese readers as the readers can readily appreciate and learn more deeply about the major achievements in R&D of GO materials and trends.The 9 chapters in this book provide a state-of-the-art overview of R&D, and even now mature or nearly mature, applications.The chapters are well organized and each builds on the prior chapter, but individual chapters can also be read independently depending on the reader''s interest.
Rodney S.Ruoff
Director, IBS Center for Multidimensional Carbon Materials
Distinguished Professor, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology
基于以上背景,本书从氧化石墨烯的化学基础开始,对氧化石墨烯相关材料的制备、表征和若干代表性应用进行了系统总结,重点在于突出能够实现特定应用的某些特性以及对这些应用效果的综述评价。本书的主要目的是为初次进入此领域的研究生和工程师们提供一个介绍,使之能对氧化石墨烯相关的基本概念、主要应用和相关技术进行全面了解。在此基础上进一步的研究和开发,还需要研究人员针对特定内容、参考相关文献进行更加仔细的阅读与分析。细心的读者大概已经看出,对这类材料的描述,在本文短短篇幅中已经出现了石墨氧化物 氧化石墨 氧化石墨烯等不同名称,可以看出这类材料体系中不同处理过程和特性带来的命名复杂性。由于氧化石墨烯一词通常用于表述氧化石墨解理后的单层薄片,并可进一步组装、复合或者还原得到多种石墨烯基材料,为方便起见,本书大部分地方以此统称从氧化石墨得到的相关石墨烯材料,仅在若干必要的地方明确加以区分。但是希望读者能够分辨上述名称的不同内涵。



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