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复旦大学新闻学院教授、博士生导师,复旦大学国际出版研究中心主任,教育部人文社科重点研究基地复旦大学信息与传播研究中心研究员,2018年受聘为联合国教科文组织媒介与妇女教席兼职研究员。曹晋教授的学术研究聚焦于传播政治经济学、社会性别理论以及媒介社会学(新媒体与社会变迁研究),连续八年与国际著名传播政治经济学家Graham Murdock教授和Vincent Mosco教授联合担任新媒体与全球信息社会的公正传播学术研究营主席并进行暑期国际课程的联合教学。《媒介与社会性别研究:理论与实例》(2008 2015)上海市哲学社会科学优秀论著类成果一等奖,与 Vincent Mosco教授联袂出版了《传播政治经济学与中国案例研究》(2018),还与Vincent Mosco Leslie Regan Shade等联合主编出版了《传播与社会的批判研究》(英文读本),学术影响广泛。
文森特莫斯可(Vincent Mosco)曹晋
复旦大学新闻学院教授、博士生导师,复旦大学国际出版研究中心主任,教育部人文社科重点研究基地复旦大学信息与传播研究中心研究员,2018年受聘为联合国教科文组织媒介与妇女教席兼职研究员。曹晋教授的学术研究聚焦于传播政治经济学、社会性别理论以及媒介社会学(新媒体与社会变迁研究),连续八年与国际著名传播政治经济学家Graham Murdock教授和Vincent Mosco教授联合担任新媒体与全球信息社会的公正传播学术研究营主席并进行暑期国际课程的联合教学。《媒介与社会性别研究:理论与实例》(2008 & 2015)上海市哲学社会科学优秀论著类成果一等奖,与 Vincent Mosco教授联袂出版了《传播政治经济学与中国案例研究》(2018),还与Vincent Mosco & Leslie Regan Shade等联合主编出版了《传播与社会的批判研究》(英文读本),学术影响广泛。
文森特莫斯可(Vincent Mosco)
1. Media, Power, and Democracy in Latin AmericaLee Artz
2. The New International Division of Cultural LaborToby Miller
3. Unsustainable JournalismToby Miller
4. Political Economy within Cultural Studies Richard Maxwell
5. Template Revolutions: Marketing U.S. Regime Change in Eastern EuropeGerald Sussman & Sascha Krader
6. Beyond the Model Worker: Surveying a Creative PrecariatGreig de Peuter
7. Language Put to Work: Cognitive Capitalism, Call Center Labor, and Worker InquiryEnda Brophy
8. Sharp Left Turn for the Media Reform MovementRobert W. McChesney
9. In Whose Interest? Government Communication and Public AccountabilityKirsten Kozolanka
10. Twisting and Turning: Indias Telecommunications and Media
Industries under the Neoliberal RegimeManjunath Pendakur
11. Capital Limits on Creativity: Neoliberalism and its Uses of ArtJyotsna Kapur
12. Manifest Spatialization: Militarizing Communication in CanadaPatricia Mazepa
13. To Veil the Threat of Terror: Afghan Women and the in the Imagery of the U.S. War on TerrorismDana L. Cloud
14. From Pink Slips to Pink Slime: Transforming Media Labor in a Digital AgeNicole S. Cohen
15. Cultural Work as a Site of Struggle: Freelancers and ExploitationNicole S. Cohen
16. Communication is Freedom: Karl Marx on Press Freedom and CensorshipHanno Hardt
17. Karl Marx@Internet StudiesChristian Fuchs & Nick Dyer-Witheford
18. After the Internet: Cloud Computing, Big Data and the Internet of ThingsVincent Mosco
19. Marx is Back, But Which One? On Knowledge Labour and Media PracticeVincent Mosco
20. Marx as Journalist: An Interview with Jim LedbetterSteven Sherman
21. Missing Marx: The Place of Marx in Current Communication Research and the Place of Communication in Marxs Work?rfan Erdogan
22. Digital Marx: Toward a Political Economy of Distributed MediaAndreas Wittel
23. Media Activism From Above and Below: Lessons from the 1940s American Reform MovementVictor Pickard
24. The Network Media Economy: Triumph of the Media Infrastructure Industries, or Crisis of Media?Dwayne Winseck
25. You Kind of Have to Bite the Bullet and do Bitch Work: How Internships Teach Students to Unthink Exploitation in Public RelationsMichelle Rodino-Colocino & Stephanie N. Beberick
26. Occuy the Media: Toward a Communication System for the 99 PercentSteve Macek
27. The Reporters Rebellion: The Chicago Journalism Review 1968-1975Steve Macek
28. Play it Again, Uncle Sam: A Brief History of US Imperialism, Propaganda, and the NewsDeepa Kumar
29. At Last: Labor Convergence and the Creation of SAG-AFTRACatherine McKercher Contributors