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『簡體書』Diversities in Aesthetics:Selected Papers of The 18th Congress of International Aesthetics

書城自編碼: 3408022
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→哲學/宗教哲學
作者: 高建平,彭锋,叶朗 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787516129401
出版社: 中国社会科学出版社
出版日期: 2019-09-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开

售價:NT$ 1058



** 我創建的書架 **

《Diversities in Aesthetics:Selected Papers of The 18th Congress of International Aesthetics(英文版)》共分为八部分,主要内容包括:New Approaches to Aesthetics、Aesthetics of Human Body、History of Western Aesthetics and Art、Chinese Aesthetics and Art、Comparative Aesthetics:East and West等。
Speech for Opening Ceremonies International Congress for Aesthetics Beijing,August, 2010
Opening ceremony ICA, Beijing, August, 2010
Ⅰ New Approaches to Aesthetics
Joseph Margolis, The Question of Objective Value in a Global World
Wolfgang Welsch, At Point Zero of Creation
Ale(s) Erjavec, Art : Modern, Postmodern , Relational or Contemporary?
William L. McBride, Philosophy and Literature as Program and as Ideal
Wong Muk, Fictional Emotion and Its Rationality
Ren;e van de Vail, Playing Surveillance: On Rules, Technology, Intimacy, and Art
Sibel Kihc, Socio -Political and Cultural Influences Over Transformation and Transition of Artists and Artworks in Postmodernist Milieu
Sixto J. Castro, Beauty as a Necessary Condition of Art, and Its Role in the Building of a Society
Nadezda Cacinovic-Puhovski, Art as an Object and the Social Life of Things
Alexandra Beleza Moreira, Image Strangeness and Possibility
Annu Wilenius, Bare House. Pori -Rotterdam - Ulaanbaatar: On Nomadic and Modernist Spatial Ideals
Darko Strajn, Counter- Identification and Politics of Art
Polona Tratnik, Transaesthethetics : Aesthetics, Art and Science after the Postmodern Turn
Jingeun Cho, From Aesthetics to Visual Culture Criticism: Focusing on the Critique of the Power of Image
Kengo Miyazono, Imaginative Resistance and Truth in Fiction
Noel Carroll, Comic Amusement, Emotion and Cognition
Taina Rajanti, Capitalism and AisthesisLife, Appearance and Art in Walter Benjamin'' s Work
Ulla Karttunen, Art as Crime : The Possibility of Critical Art in a Market - based Society
Masashi Oishi, The Logic of Imagination: Dialectics of Objectification and Signification
Through the Correlative and the Self-Reflective Relationship Between Subject (the inner) and Object (the outer) (202)
Ⅱ Aesthetics of Human Body
Akihisa Iwaki, The Body as an Image Processor
Yosaku Matsutani, Touch Me If You Can ! : A Historical Analysis of the Control of the Human Body Through Image
Kikuko Toyama, Ars Vivendi Reclaimed: On the Virtue of the Body in " Neo -Pre - Modernist" Art Practices
Ⅲ History of Western Aesthetics and Art
Aengus Daly, Art and TechnologyTwo Origins of Truth: Aristotle and Heidegger on Being, Time and the Problem of Movement
Sheryl Tutti Ross, Aesthetic Akrasia, Guilty Pleasures, and the Politics of Feminist Responses to Art
Albert van der Schoot, When Did the Golden Section Become Part of the Theory of the Maker?
Junko Ninagawa, Touching an ImageBorder Illumination of the Flanders Manuscripts during the Age of Johannes Gutenberg
Yu Hyunju, The Study of the Correlation of Adorno''s "Aesthetic Nominalism" with Postmodern Art Theory
Futoshi Hoshino, Avant - garde Art and Capitalism : An Aspect of the "Sublime" in J. - F. Lyotard
Ayca Mazman, A Criticism of Weinberg and Meskin'' s Alternative Account of the Cognitive Imagination
Norihide Mori, The Development of Sartrean Ethics After World War Ⅱ: Moral Attitudes in Artistic Relation
Mehrnaz Molavi, Aesthetic Experience and its Interaction with Knowledge
Ⅳ City, Countryside and Environment
Arnold Berleant, The Aesthetic Politics of Environment
Allen Carlson, Ten Steps in the Development of Western Environmental Aesthetics
Joosik Min, Playing Nature: Aesthetic Implication of "Record on Playing Mountain"
Yuriko Saito, Future Directions for Environmental Aesthetics
Raffaele Milani, The Aesthetics of the Antique City
Tugba Erdil, Reading the Postmodern On Built Environment: Urban Aesthetics of Istanbul and Cultural Aspects Behind
Ⅴ Chinese Aesthetics and Art
Curtis L. Carter, Chinese Contemporary Art: The Challenges of Urbanization and
Mary Wiseman, Water and Stone: Contemporary Chinese Art and the Spirit Resonance of the World
David Adam Brubaker, Natural Beauty and Literati Stroke : Shitao, Merleau - Ponty and the Practice of Painting
Peng Feng, Presence and Absence: An Aesthetic Analysis of Traditional Chinese Arts
Ding Guoqi, Marxist Aesthetics in China
Ⅵ Other Non -Western Aesthetics and Art
Tanehisa Otabe, Japanese Aesthetics from an Inter - Cultural Perspective
Fumikazu Kishi, The View of the Mountains Was "Amusing": Surveying the Application of the Japanese Aesthetic Term Omoshiroshi to Nature
Haruhiko Fujita, Nature and Modern Architecture: The Reawakening of Nature in Asian Architecture in the 1920s
Keiko Ishida, Japanese War Films and Recent Political Discourse in Japan
Kyoko Ozawa, Housui Yamamoto'' s The Return of Urashima and the Greco - Roman Phantasm in the Third Decade of the Meiji Era
Jung A Huh, The Aesthetics of Between in Korean Culture
Majid Heidary, Persian Painting as a "Narrative Construction of Reality"
Imaculada Kangussu, Alogia and Love in Macunaima
Ronel Alberti da Rosa, Mekango (People -drawing) : Graphics and Spatiality among Brazilian Indians as a Nonverbal Language
Rosa Fernandez - G6mez, Savouring the Rasa of Life : The Artful Yogi in Kashmir Saivism
Shuchita Mehta, Aesthetic Pleasure: A Unique Synthesis of Indian Poetics and the Upanishadic Thought
Ⅶ Comparative Aesthetics: East and West
Gao Jianping, The Wheel of Fortune vs. the Mustard Seed: A Comparative Study of European and Chinese Painting
Robert Wilkinson, The Aesthetic and the Religiousin Plotinus and Nishida
Weststerijin Thijs, The First Western Defense of Chinese Aesthetics : Isaac Vossius'' s On the Arts and Sciences of the Chinese (1685)
Niu Hongbao, Consciousness of Time and Chinese Traditional Aesthetic Styles : A Comparative Perspective
Peter Leech, Aesthetic Elegance Cultural Complicities: Japan and the West
Aynur Can & Recep Bozlagan, A Comparative Study of lstiklal Street and Kartner Strasse
Ⅷ Aesthetics of Various Arts
Dalila Honorato, The Symbolic Aesthetics of Shadow Play or the Perseverance of Puppet Theatre in the Digital Age
Elahi Towfique, Representing The Art of Mono no Aware and the Question of Japaneseness in Ozu''s Noriko Trilogy
Eray Chou, Art Narratives: The End, or the Emergence of a New norm?
Kinya Nishi, A Multicultural Approach to the Idea of Tragedy
Michael Ranta, Stories in Pictures (and Non -Pictorial Objects)A Narratological and Cognitive Psychological Approach
Mi -Jung Kang, Digital Photography and the Problem of lndexicality : Revising "Photo - Index Theory" from a Peircean Point of View
Mojca Puncer, Articulations of Space, Community, Neighborhoods- Poetics, Micropolitics in Contemporary Art: A Few Examples
Jong Chul Choi, Theatricality between Aesthetics and Politics: The Ethics of Photography
Sakurama Yuko, Installation Art and Architectural Idea
Masashi Sasaki, Why Can'' t We Discern Anything But "Constant" or "Dissonant" in Ornette Coleman '' s Improvisation? Concerning "Modulation Through Keys" and " Chromatic"



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