內容簡介: |
《药物化学实验双语教程Experiments of Medicinal Chemistry》按照从基础操作到综合实验的顺序安排了10个经典化学药物合成实验,强调了药物化学理论教学与实验的关联,关注学生实验能力和科研素质的培养。附录包含实验报告模板、常规仪器和思考题参考答案三部分内容。
《药物化学实验双语教程Experiments of Medicinal Chemistry》可作为高等医药院校药学类专业学生包括留学生的实验教材,也可供其他药学相关专业从业人员参考使用。
關於作者: |
李雯,郑州大学药学院,硕导 正高,2010年获批为河南省中青年骨干教师,2012年通过教授职称评审,现为中国药学会河南省分会药物化学专业委员会委员,河南省药审中心审评专家,河南省科技厅项目评审专家,Applied Catalysis A:General, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 郑州大学学报等杂志审稿人,先后主持或参与国家自然科学基金、河南省重点科技攻关项目、河南省自然科学基金项目等多项;发表科研论文40余篇,其中,SCI、EI收录20篇;获授权国家发明专利9项;省级科技成果鉴定6项;多次获各项科技成果奖励。
Experiment 1 Recrystallization of Acetanilide1
Experiment 2 Synthesis of Aspirin12
Experiment 3 Synthesis of Paracetamol22
Experiment 4 Synthesis of Benorilate31
Experiment 5 Synthesis of Sulfacetamide Sodium42
Experiment 6 Synthesis of Benzocaine55
Experiment 7 Synthesis of Ciprofloxacin Monohydrochloride Monohydrate71
Experiment 8 Synthesis of Phenytoin Sodium89
Experiment 9 Synthesis of Neostigmine Bromide100
Experiment 10 Synthesis of Dyclonine Hydrochloride113
Appendix 1 Experimental Report Template124
Appendix 2 Reference Answer for the Discussion Questions130
Appendix 3 Common Instruments(常用仪器)140
为适应我国本科教学国际化的发展趋势,根据药物化学实验课程的基本要求,结合我们多年的教学经验和科研工作,编写了这本《药物化学实验双语教程Experiments of Medicinal Chemistry》。
本教材的实验一、实验二、实验七、实验九由李雯、刘宏民编写,实验三、实验四由陈亚静编写,实验五由丁丽娜编写,实验六由张恩编写,实验八由郑一超编写,实验十由张秋荣编写,全书由尤启冬教授审订。书中药物分子和靶标的作用机制部分由丁丽娜及其研究生阎影、马超亚、王志正、高琦冰、孙旭东和杨晶等借助MOE软件进行模拟研究编写而成。留学中国的博士研究生Moges Dessale Asmamaw、研究生常英杰、李瑞鹏及本科生朱林元参与了本书的语言润色工作。药物化学实验双语教材的建设,任重而道远。
《药物化学实验双语教程Experiments of Medicinal Chemistry》采用中英双语体系编写,可作为普通高等医药院校药学类各专业学生(包括留学生)的实验教材,也可供其他药学相关专业师生参考使用。
In order to adapt to the development trend of internationalization of undergraduate teaching in our country, according to the basic requirements of pharmaceutical chemistry experiment course combined with our years of teaching experience and scientific research work, this bilingual course of pharmaceutical chemistry experiment has been compiled.
In this textbook, 10 synthetic experiments of chemical drugs are included.Experiments 1 through 8 are the summaries of many years teaching practices, Experiments 9 and 10 are the results of the editors scientific research work.They are arranged by the order from basic to comprehensive gradually.In each experiment, more than the experiment principle, operation process, notes and discussion questions are given, the action mechanism diagrams of drug molecule and target, physical constants of key raw materials and intermediates, experimental equipments, safety tips and reference answers of discussion questions are described.This textbook emphasizes the relationship between theoretical teaching and experiment of pharmaceutical chemistry, and pays attention to the cultivation of students experimental ability and scientific research quality.There is a clear distinction between the difficulty and time of 10 experiments to meet the teaching needs of students from different majors and levels.
Experiments 1, 2, 7 and 9 of this textbook were written by Wen Li and Hongmin Liu, Experiments 3 and 4 by Yajing Chen, Experiment 5 by Lina Ding, Experiment 6 by En Zhang, Experiment 8 by Yichao Zheng and Experiment 10 by Qiurong Zhang.This textbook was revised by Professor Qidong You.The mechanistic studies between the drug molecule and the corresponding target were investigated and written by Lina Ding and her graduate students Ying Yan, Chaoya Ma, Zhizheng Wang, Qibing Gao, Xudong Sun and Jing Yang with the help of MOE software.We appreciate the foreign PhD student Moges Dessale Asmamaw, graduate students Yingjie Chang, Ruipeng Li and undergraduate student Linyuan Zhu who involved in the language correction of this textbook.The construction of bilingual textbooks is on the developing way.
This textbook is compiled in a Chinese-English bilingual system and can be used in the experimental teaching of pharmaceutical students including foreign students in medical colleges and universities.
March 2019