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『簡體書』工程制图 (英汉双语对照) 第3版

書城自編碼: 3404030
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材研究生/本科/专科教材
作者: 胡琳,程蓉
國際書號(ISBN): 9787111620464
出版社: 机械工业出版社
出版日期: 2019-08-01

頁數/字數: /
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 314



** 我創建的書架 **

Foreword to the Third Edition 第3版前言
Foreword to the Second Edition第2版前言
Foreword to the First Edition第1版前言
Chapter 1Basic Knowledge of Drawings第1章制图基本知识4
11Drawing Tools and Their Utilization绘图工具及其用法4
12Related Provisions in National Standards国家标准有关规定7
13Geometric Construction几何作图17
Chapter 2Basic Knowledge of Orthogonal Projection第2章正投影基础知识23
21Principles of Orthogonal Projection Method正投影法原理23
22Projections of Points on a Solid立体上点的投影27
23Projections of Lines on a Solid立体上直线的投影29
24Projections of Planes on a Solid立体上平面的投影31
Chapter 3Solids and Their Intersections第3章立体及其交线34
31Projections of Polyhedral Solids平面立体的投影34
32Projections of Curved Solids曲面立体的投影38
33Intersection of Planes and Solids平面与立体相交41
34Intersection of Two Solids两立体相交49
Chapter 4Composite Solids第4章组合体58
41Analysis for Composite Solids组合体的形体分析58
42Drawing Views of Composite Solids组合体三视图绘制60
43Reading Views of Composite Solids组合体三视图的读图63
44Dimensioning Composite Solids组合体的尺寸标注70
Chapter 5Axonometric Projections第5章轴测图76
51Basic Knowledge of Axonometric Projections轴测图基本知识76
52Isometric Projections正等轴测图77
53Cabinet Axonometry Projections斜二轴测图83
Chapter 6General Principles of Representation第6章图样画法85
62Sectional Views剖视图90
64Drawings of Partial Enlargement局部放大图107
65Simplified and Specified Representation简化画法与规定画法108
Chapter 7Expression for Commonly Used Machinery Components第7章常用机件的表达113
71Screw Threads螺纹 113
72Screw Fasteners螺纹紧固件 122
Chapter 8Detail Drawings第8章零件图151
81Contents of Detail Drawings零件图的内容151
82Choosing Views of Detail Drawings零件图的视图选择152
83Representation Methods of Typical Parts典型零件的表达方法152
84Manufacturing Processes of Parts零件的结构工艺性158
85Dimensioning of Detail Drawings零件图的尺寸标注162
86Technical Requirements in Detail Drawings 零件图的技术要求165
87Interpreting Detail Drawings读零件图186
88Mapping Parts零件的测绘197
Chapter 9Assembly Drawings第9章装配图204
91Summary of Assembly Drawings装配图概述204
92Representation Methods of Assembly Drawings装配图的表达方法209
93Choosing Views of Assembly Drawings装配图的视图选择212
94Dimensioning and Specifications for Assembly Drawings装配图的标注214
95Rationality of Fitting Structures装配结构的合理性217
96Mapping Units and Representation of Assembly Drawings部件测绘及其装配图的画法220
97Interpreting Assembly Drawings and Extracting Detail Drawings读装配图和拆画零件图229
Chapter 10Other Drawings第10章其他工程图238
102Welding Drawings焊接图245
103Chemical Drawings化工制图253
104Electric Diagrams电气制图273
Appendix 1Screw Threads附录1螺纹286
Appendix 2Commonly Used Standard Parts附录2常用标准件289
Appendix 3Commonly Used Elements of Parts附录3常用的零件结构要素305
Appendix 4Surface Texture Parameter附录4表面结构参数309
Appendix 5Limits and Fits附录5极限与配合309
Appendix 6Commonly Used Materials附录6常用材料318
Appendix 7Definitions for General Heat Treatment and Surface Treatment
Appendix 8Commonly Used Terminologies and Abbreviations in Engineering Drawing
Foreword to the Third Edition
Since the first edition of the book was published in 2005, it has become a piece of unique academic work in the field with its innovative contents, wide practical use, and featured bilingual education. It received great support and was widely accepted by readers. The book was awarded the First Prize of Excellent Textbook of Shenzhen University. In 2008, it was selected as one of China’s National “Eleventh FiveYearPlan” Textbooks for Regular Higher Education. As a supporting teaching material, the bilingual electronic teaching plan published together with the book has also been very popular among readers and awarded several national and provincial prizes of Excellent Multimedia CAI Software for Higher Education.
This book has been revised in its third edition according to the newly formulated and improved national standards, as well as feedbacks and suggestions from readers. The basic structure of this book remains unchanged except the removal of Chapter 11 on “Computer Graphics”. The contents of the book have been revised or extended following the new national standards. Two dimensional bar code resources, such as detailed answers of exercises and animations of 3D models have been added along with difficult contents in this book, which can help teachers explain exercises and answer questions from students.
Primary participants who have contributed to the editing and revision of the third edition are Rong Cheng and Xue Fan.
This book is appointed as the preferred reference book by UOOC alliance. Support from Shenzhen University through the Teaching Material Development Grant is gratefully acknowledged. Comments, criticisms and submissions from readers are always welcome.
为了全面贯彻国家颁布的最新标准,同时考虑到读者的反馈意见和建议,本书在第2版的基础上进行了修订。修订时删除了第2版中“第11章 计算机绘图”,其余维持原章节不变;按照现行国家标准更新修改或补充了相关的内容,并且在疑难章节部分配备了相应的二维码资源,包括详细题解和相应的立体模型动画演示等,可方便教师讲解习题或辅导学生。
Foreword to the Second Edition
Since the first edition of the book was published in 2005, it has become a piece of unique academic work in the field with its innovative contents, wide practical use, and featured bilingual education. It received great support and was widely accepted by readers. The book was awarded the First Prize of Excellent Textbook of Shenzhen University. In 2008, it was selected as one of China’s National “Eleventh FiveYearPlan” Textbooks for Regular Higher Education. As a supporting teaching material, the bilingual electronic teaching plan published together with the book has also been very popular among readers and awarded several national and provincial prizes of Excellent Multimedia CAI Software for Higher Education.
This book has been revised in its second edition according to the newly formulated and improved national standards, as well as feedbacks and suggestions from readers. The basic structure of the book remains unchanged except that a new chapter on “Other Drawings” was added as the Chapter 10. The contents of the book have been revised or extended following the new national standards. Further typical examples used by home and abroad universities on part drawings and assembly drawings and their representation methods have been illustrated in the book. The Chapter 11 on “Computer Graphics”, which was the 10th chapter in the first edition, has been rewritten, in which AutoCAD2008 is used as the demo software.
For the sake of comparative reading, the



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