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『簡體書』管道完整性评估技术与应用(Pipeline Integrity Assessment Technology and Application)

書城自編碼: 3391737
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→工業技術石油/天然气工业
作者: 董绍华饶静 编
國際書號(ISBN): 9787518326303
出版社: 石油工业出版社
出版日期: 2019-07-01

書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 1638



** 我創建的書架 **

董绍华、饶静著的《管道完整性评估技术与应用 英文版》简介:In view of problems existed inthe application of pipeline integritymanagement and through deep analysis oftypical accidents at home and abroad, thisbook elaborated on technical standards ofpipeline integrity, failure mechanism, andintegrity assessment technologies of in lineinspection, pressure test assessment and DAtechnologies ECDA, ICDA, SCCDA, which solvethe problems of matching between inspectiondetection signal and size accuracy. Corrosionassessment technology was focused on pipelineblack powder and inhibitor prevention,internal coating assessment, and fitness- for-purposeFFP assessment technology wasgiven, for weld seam of pipeline, imageprocessing and recognition technology forweld film includes image-processing, defectfeature extraction, defect classification andidentification was proposed, and ultimatelythe welds defects was identified and foundautomatically.This book also aims at the edgetechnology of pipeline integrity, andpipeline station facilities integrity wasstudied and full-size pipeline explosionassessment were done, guided wave tomographyfor quantification of corrosion damage inFluid-Filled Pipes was produced. Some caseswas quoted from pipeline operation andmaintenance practice completely, whichcontribute to apply into the practice, so asto minimum the risk. This book mainly readfor oil and gas pipeline operation andmaintenance management personnel, and may forbeing engaged in the technical personnel andadministrative personnel of the oil and gasstorage and transportation and plumbingengineering refers.董绍华、饶静著的《管道完整性评估技术与应用 英文版》简介:In view of problems existed inthe application of pipeline integritymanagement and through deep analysis oftypical accidents at home and abroad, thisbook elaborated on technical standards ofpipeline integrity, failure mechanism, andintegrity assessment technologies of in lineinspection, pressure test assessment and DAtechnologies ECDA, ICDA, SCCDA, which solvethe problems of matching between inspection &detection signal and size accuracy. Corrosionassessment technology was focused on pipelineblack powder and inhibitor prevention,internal coating assessment, and fitness- for-purposeFFP assessment technology wasgiven, for weld seam of pipeline, imageprocessing and recognition technology forweld film includes image-processing, defectfeature extraction, defect classification andidentification was proposed, and ultimatelythe welds defects was identified and foundautomatically.This book also aims at the edgetechnology of pipeline integrity, andpipeline station facilities integrity wasstudied and full-size pipeline explosionassessment were done, guided wave tomographyfor quantification of corrosion damage inFluid-Filled Pipes was produced. Some caseswas quoted from pipeline operation andmaintenance practice completely, whichcontribute to apply into the practice, so asto minimum the risk. This book mainly readfor oil and gas pipeline operation andmaintenance management personnel, and may forbeing engaged in the technical personnel andadministrative personnel of the oil and gasstorage and transportation and plumbingengineering refers.



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