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書城自編碼: 3385773
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語口語/生活英語
作者: 郑慧谋 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787220114571
出版社: 四川人民出版社
出版日期: 2019-08-01

書度/開本: 32开

售價:NT$ 239



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郑慧谋(Tay Whee Mong),新加坡籍,常居中国苏州。《英语沙龙》杂志特约撰稿人、高级国际汉语教师,熟悉英文与中文的语言背景,行文风趣幽默,为读者提供语言学习的另一个视角。作者自我简介如下:新加坡籍,男性,微产阶级,身世飘零,喜着男装。其为人也:正气横溢,狷介不阿;道貌岸然,风度翩翩;慈悲为怀,逆来顺受;眼高手低,耳长气短;作品有限,诲人无数;生吃鱼虾,滴酒不沾;拘谨腼腆,不苟言笑。


002出入自由 A Dream Prison for All Criminals
004三观尽毁 Ass Luck
006刀枪不入 Australian Gongfu
008到处之冏 A Typical Manifestation of Dear Chinglish
010鸡肋 A Charitable Way to treat Your Husband
012既生姐 何生弟 A Story of Mr. P And His Sister
014泥做的 All Men Are Dirty Brothers
016女也不爽 A Story of Indecent Demonstration
018扑朔迷离 A Mystery of WC
020人妖歪传 A Shemale Saga
022撒娇 Anger Takes All
024此地有银三百两 A Tribute to My Favorite Cop
026生死有别 A Matter of Life And Death
028体罚性管制A Car Park Run by Boxers
030天花乱坠 An Unexplainable Cultural Difference
032童言无忌 A Fun-Filled Election Campaign Slogan
034唯有杜康 A Tribute to Alcohol
036无字牌 A Story of Fishy Transformation
038象图文字 A Pictorial Message of The Fun Kind
040哮天犬 A Tale of Fairy Dogs
042杂技学院 Acrobatic College of The Thai Kind
044自虐软件 A Computer Program of The Torture Kind

048防盗 style Being Offensive Is The Best of Defence
050鸟话 Bird Language
052踢人最乐 Baby Footballer
054危险动物 Beware of Men
056以退为进 Being Offensive Is The Best of All Defence

060持之以恒 Consistency Is The Best Policy
062顾客全是笨蛋 Customers Are Just Dogs Not Gods
064国粹Cultural Heritage at Its Worst
066监守自盗 Cops are Just Human Beings After All
068唯大英雄能本色 Chicken Rights
070学而优则贪 Being Offensive Is The Best of All Defence
072游街示众 Cheater Show in Bangkok

076毒酒满杯 Drinks Produce Dreams
078浑身是胆 Dreadful Bread
080货不对板 Delicious Crap
082梦游 Do Not Sleep When Your Hair Is Wet
084双头奇案 Double-Headed
086死有对证 Dead Man Speaks
088位移 Displacement

092目标明显 Easy Targets
094危言耸听 Embarrassing Advertisement

098屁票 Farting Permit
100赏罚不明 Fine Is Not All That Fine
102望梅止渴 Fake Hope
104雪上加霜 From Bad to Worse
106与魔共舞 Fiends And Friends Are Just One Letter Away
108指桑骂槐 Fossil Teacher

112高脚 Golden Shoe of The FA Cup
114天知道 God Knows Everything
116亡羊补牢 Game Over
118小李飞刀 Great Cop Who Is Master of Flying Knife

122病郎中 Hot Tempered Doctor
124非诚勿扰 Honestly Speaking
126非礼勿动 May You Readers Please Behave Yourselves
128顾此失彼 Half Naked
130饥不择食 Hungry Ghost
132弄巧成拙 Holy Water at Its Best
134破戒 Have Wine Will Travel
136死有余辜 Heavy Punishment
138逍遥法内 Head Count
140野性难驯 Human Dog Food
142引狼入舍 Hot Pants
144知妻莫若夫 Hubby Knows Best

148不知者不罪 Ignorance That Deserves Forgiving
150钓鱼执法 Illegal Parking Is Legal
152绕口令 I Didn t Say Anything in This Book
154冤家路窄 I Am Very Sorry for My Ex-boss Mr. Sun

156尊腿大名 In The Name of Leg

160废话一句 Just Lip Service
162绵里藏针 Just A Humble Advertisement
164时差 Jetlag

168爱恨交加 Love Is Nothing
170千山独行 Lone Ranger
172是真名士自风流 Lewd Activities in Bar
174先礼后宾 Ladies First

178啃老族 Mothers Are Home- Cooked Food
180民以食为天 May God Bless All My Readers And Me
182农转非 My Mobile Phone Is Growing Bigger Everyday in China Farmland
184时装传奇 My Gay Lady
186天性爱美 Make up Is Hold up
188天一神水 Magical Water Made in India
190同志您好 My Comrade Is A Gay Gay
192文字狱 Manifestation of Justice
194竹篮打水 The Knight of One Night

200敢问路在何方 Navigating without A Compass
202尽信书不如无书 No Sex Please We Are Chinese
204酒后吐真言 Nothing But The Truth
206酒林外史 News for All Drinkers to Cerebrate
208理所当然 Needless to Say
210美哉斯国 We Are Americans
212其痛可知 No Pain No Gains
214无为有处有还无 Nothing Comes from Nothing

218宾至如归 Please Take Advantage of Me
220老当益壮 Pregnancy Has No Age Barrier
222少见多怪 Please Dress Yourself up Before Getting to This Address
224泰冏 Punctuation Mark Matters
226未免过谦 A Notice Too Humble

230百年老鸡 Roasted Chicken Better Than KFC
232请别读本文 Reading at Your Own Risk
234套路 Reverse Discount
236芝麻关门 Remote Controlled Gate Indian Style

242分身无术 Split up Please
244弃车保碎 Swift Transformation of Cars
246权威股评 Stock Market Commentary
248退学者斩 Schooling Lengthens Your Life Span
250西方老庄 Self Praise Is No Praise
252性歧视之最 Sex Discrimination at Its Best

256E字之差 The Significance of E
258病从口入 The Most Enjoyable Surgical Treat on Earth
260不打自招 The Confession of A Businessman
262城门失火 The Butterfly Effect
264错有错着 The Legend of Ms. Reno
266董狐之笔 The Quotation of A True Historian
268多产教师 The Most Intriguing Productivity of Its Kind
270盖世神功 The Story of A Gymnastic Accountant
272高不可攀 The Tower of Fun
274高人不出手 The Good Hands of An Armless Man
276广告志异 The Power of Cigarette Ads
278行尸走肉 The Exorcist
280红颜薄命 The Ordeal of A Russian Beauty
282婚礼惊艳 The Romance of A Wedding Ceremony
284家谱 The Genealogy of A French Beauty
286警察偷汽车 The Thief in Uniform
288酒后外传 The Mystery of An Alcoholic Queen
290乐在其中 The Great Fun of Bathing
292路边野花不要采 The Myth of Digging Ones Own Grave
294曼城魔水 The Harry Potter Hotel
296美食难求 The Meaning of M
298米线论 The Length of A Noodle
300男女有别 The Art of Translation
302弄拙成巧 Think Twice Before You Decide to Take Away
304请君入瓮 The Freezing Experience
306人畜有别 The Difference Between Human Beings And Wild Animals
308孺子不可教 The Best of Naughty Students
310善哉 The Most Cruel Charity Fair on This Planet
312水浒后传 The Modern Water Margin Saga
314天山童姥 The Oldest Baby of All Time
316玩法 The Best Way to Kill Your Boredom
318妄自菲薄 The Story of A Rich Pig
320温度不同 Temperature Discretion
322温馨提示 The Kindest Reminder Since Beginning of Time
324掀起你的盖头来 The Beauty Queen Buster
326现身说法 The Naked Truth
328相敬如兵 The Real Elements of Marriage
330蟹程万里 The Story of A Flying Crab
332言之有礼 True Motivation of Wedding
334洋为中用 The Best Translation of My Kind
336药到鼻除 The Missing Nose
338一刻千金 Time Is Really Precious
340一指禅 The Martial Art Master Who Walks Single-fingeredly
342尤有甚者 The Worse Is Yet to Come
344语惊四座 The Romance of Mr. P
346越俎代庖 To Panda with Love
348郑人买履 The Cheater The Better
350专业杀手 The Bloody Job of A Laundry Shop

354华陀再世 Weird Medical Records
356疑难杂症 Weird Doctor
358鱼和船通吃 We Apologize for Not Making Fish And Chips

362Yao Ming
364君子不欺暗室 You Readers Please Behave Yourselves Again Please
366姥姥下西洋 You Don t Have to Be A Star to Be in My Show



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