編輯推薦: |
《托福直通车 进阶写作》采用四色印刷,配有符合各话题场景的生动图片,使考生摆脱枯燥的学习模式。精选十大写作常考话题,在学习之前对每个单元的内容和知识点进行大致介绍,帮助考生提前预热。提供丰富的学习材料,包括讲座、阅读文章,考生可以积累实用地道的写作表达。给出托福答题tips,使考生了解考试重点,规避答题陷阱。提供多样化的练习题目,帮助考生进一步巩固每个单元所学的知识。
內容簡介: |
《托福直通车 进阶写作》包括十个单元,涵盖社会、教育、科技等十类托福写作核心话题。提供讲座或阅读文章等多种材料,点拨实用的托福写作技巧及常用表达。通过学习任务和互动练习,帮助学生提升写作技能。每个单元*后提供与考题难度相仿的写作任务,帮助学生提高在单元中学习的技能,熟悉托福考试中常见的写作任务类型。
關於作者: |
新东方教育科技集团 国外考试推广管理中心:致力于根据中国大陆广大考生的实际需求,紧跟美国本科考试(TOEFL、SAT、ACT等)趋势,为学生提供优质的备考服务。以新东方教育科技集团全国范围内广大的学生为依托,通过对真实教学案例的信息数据收集,分析测试规律,解构语言技能,从考试辅导出发,以提高语言教学效率与教育质量为根本目标,设计更加科学、实用的教学产品。
To the Users of This Book ⅲ
Introduction ⅳ
Scope and Sequence ⅵ
Unit 1 Society 1
Family 2
Unit 2 Education 15
Majors 16
Unit 3 Biology 29
Animal Protection 30
Unit 4 Psychology 43
Teenager Behaviors 44
Unit 5 Culture 55
Living in Another Country 56
Unit 6 Technology 71
Digital Devices 72
Unit 7 History 85
Cultural Relics 86
Unit 8 Business 99
Career 100
Unit 9 Environment 113
Pollution Control 114
Unit 10 Government 129
Governments and Their Functions 130
To the users of this book,
Learning a new language is hard; living a new language, however, is much easier.
One of the most widely acknowledged facts in the field of language acquisition is that kids learn languages much faster than adults. Most attribute this discrepancy to the fact that when kids learn a language, they mainly imitate the world around them; when adults learn a language, they see the process as the memorizing of rules. Whereas kids learn through experiencing the world, adults learn by trying to detach themselves from it. As a result, the lack of authenticity in learning makes it almost impossible for adults to really master a language. Our team, like many experts of the field, believe in the power of learning through authentic English, and in the importance of assigning real-life meaning to language acquisition. Fortunately, this is a view shared by ETS, the creator of the TOEFL family of tests. It is because of this shared value, we were able to joint our forces in creating the PrepEdge series, an authentic TOEFL textbook with authentic English language and context.
However, despite our shared values, the creation of the series is in no way easy. Having different teaching experiences, the New Oriental team and ETS team had to engage in various debates arguing for the welfare of the users of this book, and make tough compromises in order to better suit this book for Chinese learners. Looking back at those experiences, I am glad they happened, as they are the reason why I am confident in the efficacy of the PrepEdge series.