編輯推薦: |
在西方语境中,1959年前的旧西藏往往被塑造为后现代的乌托邦。关于旧西藏虚构的种种美好传说,将史实掩藏在传说背后,把真相蒙蔽在谬误之间,却让不少人匪夷所思地陶醉想让西藏成为永远停留在中世纪状态的活化石的一厢情愿,不能阻挡时代潮流与历史车轮。60年前,西藏历史上一场*伟大、*深刻、*有进步意义的社会变革,具有非凡的意义和崇高的地位。Some in the West take pre-1959 Tibet as some sort of Shangri-la, a beautiful "utopia". There are various kinds of beautiful legends like that which have tended to intoxicate those who dont understand the reality.However, any wishful thinking to take old Tibet as a living fossil frozen in a medieval state cannot stop the tide of the
內容簡介: |
本书是为纪念西藏民主改革60周年,在同名五集电视纪录片的基础上编写而成。全书除了前言与尾声外,包括黑暗落后的旧西藏历史和人民的选择人民当家作主旧貌变新颜走进新时代五个部分。本书全方位、立体式呈现了西藏民主改革60年来的光辉历程,以关键人物、事件还原关键史实,以代表性人物个体命运的变迁,深刻揭露了旧西藏政教合一封建农奴制的黑暗,真实再现了1959年西藏反动上层发动武装叛乱的历史真相,生动反映出60年来西藏发生的翻天覆地的变化,特别是党的十八大以来以*同志为核心的党中央对西藏的关心和西藏经济社会发展取得的显著成就。Some in the West take pre-1959 Tibet as some sort of Shangri-la, a beautiful "utopia". There are various kinds of beautiful legends like that which have tended to intoxicate those who dont understand the reality.However, any wishful thinking to take old Tibet as a living fossil frozen in a medieval state cannot stop the tide of the times and the turn of the wheel of history. Sixty years ago, the greatest, most profound and most progressive social changes began to take place in Tibet! And that is the truth.
關於作者: |
张云 编张云系历史学博士,现任中国藏学研究中心历史研究所所长。著有《西藏通史》(执行总主编)、《丝路文化吐蕃卷》、《元朝中央政府治藏制度研究》等。The book is compiled by Dr Zhang Yun, who is Dean of History Institute of the China Tibetology Research Center. His works include Brief History of the Tibet Region and the Tubo Culture on the Silk Road:
Preface Chapter 1 Old Tibet: Dark and BackwardChapter 2 History and Peoples ChoiceChapter 3 The People Have Become Masters ofTheir Own AffairsChapter 4 Taking on a New LookChapter 5 Entering the New EraEpilogue
In order to gain better understanding of Tibet, we need to keep a watchful eye on the people there and explore the regions true history.In olden days, Tibet was not the legendary Shangri-La as has sometimes been claimed, but a feudal serfdom under theocracy. The feudal serf society features a strict hierarchy and cruel punishments for even the slightest infraction, with millions of serfs and slaves denied any vestige of personal freedom and burdened with deep spiritual shackles, struggling to survive amid great hunger and poverty.