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国际儒学联合会(英文名:International Confucian Association,简称:ICA)是由中国、韩国、日本、美国、德国、新加坡、越南等国家和中国香港、中国台湾地区与儒学研究有关的学术团体共同发起,于1994年10月5日在中国北京正式宣告成立;1995年7月在中国民政部注册登记,是具有法人地位的国际性学术团体。联合会永久会址设在中国北京。国际儒联的建设宗旨为研究儒学思想,继承儒学菁华,发扬儒学精神,以促进人类之自由平等,和平发展与繁荣。
儒学与全球治理我们应该从儒家文化中学习什么?【秘鲁】阿兰加夫列尔路德维格加西亚佩雷斯儒学与今日非洲【坦桑尼亚】本杰明威廉姆卡帕中华传统文明的思想智慧有利于改善全球治理滕文生学习儒家协调智慧 树立当代新型国际观牟钟鉴改变我们的世界 儒家思想的挑战【澳大利亚】李瑞智
儒学与文明对话文明对话、文化理解与儒家对人类可持续发展的省思 【美国】成中英儒家在世界文化秩序变革中的价值【美国】安乐哲人的信仰与第二次人类启蒙【美国】田辰山为中华文明确认世界坐标杨朝明亚洲价值观:亚洲地区发展的共同资源【新加坡】李焯然
儒学经济教育传统儒学与现代成长孙 震中国古典经济学及其三原则翟玉忠传统中和教育理念与21世纪人类和谐于建福
Confucianism and Global GovernanceWhat Should We Learn from the Confucian Culture? [Peru] Alan Gabriel Ludwig Garca Prez 3Confucianism and Todays Africa [Tanzania] Benjamin William Mkapa 7The Conducive Role of the Ideological Wisdom of Chinas Traditional Civilizationin Global Governance [China] Teng Wensheng 9Lessons of Confucian Wisdom for a New International Order [China] Mou Zhongjian 18The Confucian Challenge in Transforming Our World [Australia] Reg Little 41
Confucianism and the Community of a Shared Future for MankindChinese Confucianism and Building a Community of a Shared Future forMankind [China] Zhang Qizhi 63Modern Values of Chinese Philosophy [China] Zhang Liwen 76
Confucianism and Ecological CivilizationThe Confucian Union of Heaven and Man in Light of Contemporary Ecological Problems[China] Tang Yijie 89The Confucian Concept of Harmony between Man and Nature [China] Lou Yulie 101From Life State to Ecological Consciousness: on Wang Yangmings Natural Principles of Order Within the Realm of Liang Zhi [China] Zhang Xuezhi 112The Value of Confucian Eco-perspective for Environmental Protection [U.K.] Yao Xinzhong 136
Confucianism and Dialogue among CivilizationsCivilized Dialogue, Cultural Understanding and the Sustainable Development Confucianism May Offer to Humankind [U.S.] Cheng Zhongying 153Confucian Values in a Changing World Cultural Order [U.S.] Roger T. Ames 172Chinese Philosophy and the New Development of World Culture [U.S.] Tian Chenshan 186Confirming World Coordinates for the Chinese Civilization [China] Yang Chaoming 216Asian Values: Common Resources for Asian Development [Singapore] Lee Cheukyin 229
Confucianism and Global EthicsChinese Cultural Community and Global Ethics [Canada] Leung In-sing 249Confucianism and Ethics: the Way Forward for Global Peace [India] Poonam Surie 284Personal Autonomy and Pluralism in Confucian Tradition: Its Contribution to Global Ethics and to a Dialogue between Civilizations [Italy] Paolo Santangelo 300
Confucianism and Economy&EducationTraditional Confucianism and Modern Growth [Taiwan Region] Sun Zhen 333Classical Chinese Economics: Three Cardinal Principles [China] Zhai Yuzhong 354The Traditional Educational Theory of Neutralization and the Harmony ofHumankind in the 21st Century [China] Yu Jianfu 376Annex 394