Contents Explanatory notes on the edition
Preface I Qian Keming, Vice Minister of Commerce
Preface II Gu Xueming, Director of Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, MOFCOM
Key words Data Statistics
Statistics on China''s Investment in Countries or Regions along the Routes of the Belt and Road in 2017
Statistics on China''s Trades in Countries or Regions along the Routes of the Belt and Road in 2017
Ranking of China''s Total Import and Export Volume in Relevant Countries and Regions along the Routes of Belt and Road in 2017
Statistics on China''s Export and Import with top 10 Exporting Countries or Regions along the Routes of the Belt and Road in 2017
Statistics on China''s Export and Import with top 10 Importing Countries or Regions along the Routes of the Belt and Road in 2017
Statistics on direct investment in China from the countries or regions along the routes of the Belt and Road 2015 - 2017
Statistics on Proportion of Imports and Exports by Mode of Trade between China and the Countries or Regions along the Routes of the Belt and Road 2013 - 2017
Statistics on the Proportion of Imports and Exports in Terms of the Nature of the Enterprises between China and the Countries or Regions along the Routes of the Belt and Road 2013 - 2017
Statistics on the Imports and Exports between Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Cities of China and the Countries or Regions along the Routes of the Belt and Road 2014- 2017
Statistics on the Main Exported Commodities from China to the Countries or Regions along the Routes of the Belt and Road 2014 - 2017
Statistics on the Main Imported Commodities from the Countries or Regions along the Routes of the Belt and Road to China 2014- 2017
Statistics on the Imported and Exported Commodities between China and the Countries or Regions along the Routes of the Belt and Road 2014 - 2017
Statistics on Chinas Non-financial Direct Investment in the Countries or Regions along the Routes of the Belt and Road 2014 - 2017
Statistics on Greenfield Investment to China from the Countries or Regions along the Routes of the Belt and Road 2015 - 2017
Statistics on Greenfield Investment to the Countries or Regions along the Routes of the Belt and Road from China 2015 - 2017
Statistics on FDI to China from the Countries or Regions along the Routes of the Belt and Road 2015 - 2017
Statistics on the Overseas Contracted Projects between China and the Countries or Regions along the Routes of the Belt and Road 2015 - 2017 Programs and Plans
Overall Plan of China Hainan Free Trade Pilot Area
Action Plan for Connectivity of Standards on Joint Efforts to Build the Belt and Road Initiative 2018-2020
Action Plan on Strategic Cooperation between the General Administration of Customs of the People''s Republic of China and Customs of the Countries along the Routes of Belt and Road Initiative 2018-2020
Arrangements for Supporting Hongkong''s Full Participation and Assistance in the Belt and Road Construction
Action Plan of Shanghai to Play the Role of Bridgehead in the Belt and Road Construction
Action Plan of Tianjin for the Cooperation in Technology Innovation for Belt and Road Construction 2017- 2020
Overall Plan of Liaoning Province for the Construction of Belt and Road Comprehensive Pilot Zone
Plan of Hebei Province for Active Participating in the Belt and Road Construction and Promoting International Capacity Cooperation
Special Plan for the Construction of the Silk Road in the Air between Zhengzhou and Luxembourg 2017-2025
Three-year Action Plan of Hunan Province for Promoting the Cooperation in International Capacity and Equipment Manufacturing 2018-2020
Plan of Fujian Province for the Implementation of Innovation-Driven Development in the Core Area of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road
Action Plan of Zhejiang Province for Connectivity of Standards on Joint Efforts to Build the Belt and Road Initiative 2018-2020
Action Plan of Shaanxi Province for the Belt and Road Construction 2018
Program of Guangxi Province for Accelerating the Construction of Southward Interconnection between China and Singapore 2018-2020
Program of Gansu Province for the Joint Construction of Southward Interconnection between China and Singapore 2018-2020 Local Actions
Beijing Municipality
Hebei Province
Shanxi Province
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
Liaoning Province
Heilongjiang Province
Shanghai Municipality
Jiangsu Province
Zhejiang Province
Fujian Province
Jiangxi Province
Henan Province
Hunan Province
Hubei Province
Guangdong Province
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
Chongqing Municipality
Sichuan Province
Guizhou Province
Yunnan Province
Tibet Autonomous Region
Shaanxi Province
Gansu Province
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
Qinghai Province
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Special Articles
Economic and trade cooperation between China and the Countries and Regions along the Routes of Belt and Road in 2017
.Comprehensive Department of Ministry of Commerce
Building a Legalized Business Environment for the Belt and Road Economic and Trade Cooperation
Department of Treaty and Law of Ministry of Commerce
Continue to Promote the Smooth Trade Cooperation along the Routes of Belt and Road
Department of Foreign Trade of Ministry of Commerce
Countries and Regions along the Routes of Belt and Road Feel Enthusiastic in Investing in China
Department of Foreign Investment Administration of Ministry of Commerce
The Healthy and Orderly Development of the Investment and Cooperation between China and the Countries and Regions along the Routes of Belt and Road
..Department of Outward Investment and Economic Cooperation of Ministry of Commerce
The Construction of Free Trade Zones Has Become an Important Part of the Belt and Road
..Department of International Trade and Economic affairs of Ministry of Commerce
Belt and Road Construction is the Common Cause of China and Its Neighboring Countries in Asia
.Department of Asian Affairs of Ministry of Commerce
Highlights in Changes and Innovations among the Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Arabian Countries
.Department of Western Asian and African Affairs of Ministry of Commerce
Promoting the Belt and Road Construction in Eurasian areas to a New Level
Department of Eurasian Affairs of Ministry of Commerce
The Enthusiastic Participation of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in the Belt and Road Construction
..Department of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs of Ministry of Commerce
Multimodal Transport to Improve Transport Capacity in Belt and Road Construction
Ministry of Transport of the Peoples Republic of China
Giving Full Play to Customs Functions under the Command of Belt and Road Construction
..Wen Ren, Policy Research Department of General Administration of Customs
Promoting a New Pattern of Comprehensive Opening up with the Focus on Belt and Road Construction
.Guo Zhouming, China Commercial and Trade Press
China''s Role in the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals under the Belt and Road Initiative
.Nicholas Rosellini, United Nations Coordinator in China, Representative of UNDP in China
China''s Foreign Aid Helps in Belt and Road Construction
..Wang Luo, Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation
The Overseas Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone Has Become a Powerful Starting Point to Promote the Belt and Road Construction
.Qi Xin, Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation
Actively Utilizing Foreign Capital for Promoting the Belt and Road Construction
.Nie Pingxiang, Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation
The Direction of Economic and Trade Cooperation in Belt and Road Cooperation between China and Germany
Yao Ling, Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation
Belt and Road Construction and the Opening and Development of China''s Border Areas
Yuan Bo, Zhu Siqiao, Bai Guangyu, Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation
Practical Cases
China-Belarus Industrial Park as the Pearl of the Silk Road Economic Belt
..China-Belarus Industrial Park Development Co., Ltd.
Ethiopia Eastern Industrial Zone as Best Overseas Cooperation Zone
..Yongyuan Investment Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Province
Creating Inland Open Highlands while Embracing the Belt and Road Initiative
.. Administrative Committee of China Hubei Pilot Free Trade Zone Yichang Area
Analysis of the Achievements and the Experiences in Innovation of China-Latin America Infrastructure Cooperation
..China Machinery Engineering Corporation
Strengthening Cooperation for Belt and Road Initiative to Enhance the people-to-people Bonds
China Communications Construction Co. Ltd
New dreams of Overseas Three Gorges on the Fresh journey of the Belt and Road Initiative
..China Three Gorges Corporation Major Projects
Inventory of Major Projects of Belt and Road International Cooperation
Index Ranking
Ranking of the Countries in Terms of the Scale of Cooperation in the Belt and Road Construction
Ranking of Countries along the Route of the Belt and Road in Terms of Trade Cooperation
Index Ranking in Terms of the Infrastructure Development of the Countries along the Route of the Belt and Road
Top 20 Countries in Terms of Trade Accessibility
Top 20 Countries in Terms of Facility Connectivity
Top 20 Countries in Terms of Policy Coordination
Top 20 Countries in Terms of Financial Integration
Scores and Distribution of Indicators of People-to-People Bonds in Different Regions
Provinces, Autonomous Regions or Municipalities with Scores Higher Than Average in the Index of Economic and Trade Cooperation
Provinces, Autonomous Regions or Municipalities with Scores Higher Than Average in the Index of Supporting Infrastructure Facilities
Provinces, Autonomous Regions or Municipalities with Scores Higher Than Average in the Index of Policy Environment
Provinces, Autonomous Regions or Municipalities with Scores Higher Than Average in the Index of People-to-People Communication and Cultural Exchanges
Provinces, Autonomous Regions or Municipalities with Scores Higher Than Average in the Index of Comprehensive Impact
Top 10 Provinces, Autonomous Regions or Municipalities in Terms of Participation Scale in the Belt and Road Construction
Top 15 Provinces, Autonomous Regions or Municipalities in Terms of Competitive Power in Foreign Trade
List of Top 50 Enterprises of Influence in the Belt and Road Construction
Ranking of National Think Tank in Term of its Influence in the Belt and Road Cooperation
Top 10 Think Tanks of Highest Concern at Home and Abroad
Major Events
Chronicle of Events in the Belt and Road construction JanuaryDecember, 2017
Preface I
QIAN Keming ,Vice Minister of Commerce,
The Belt and Road Initiative was proposed by President Xi Jinping 5 years ago, and during the past 5 years, the Belt and Road construction has been advancing by exploration, improving with development and growing through cooperation. Countries along the routes have focused on policy coordination, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration, and people-to-people bonds, and deepened cooperation and made welcoming achievements in many aspects continuously.
In 2017, the trade volume between China and the countries along the routes of the Belt and Road Initiative reached 7.4 trillion RMB yuan, an increase of 17.8% over the same period last year, and 3.6 percent higher than the national growth rate of foreign trade. Chinese enterprises have invested US $14.4 billion in the countries along the route, and newly signed contracts for construction projects in such countries amounted to US $144.3 billion, an increase of 14.5% over the same period last year. As the most extensive platform for international cooperation in accordance with the trend of economic globalization, the Belt and Road construction has entered a new stage of comprehensive and pragmatic cooperation and has brought significant and far-reaching impact to the benefits of all peoples.
May, 2018
Preface II