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書城自編碼: 3342012
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語FOR老外
作者: 王灵桂,王金波,谢来辉
國際書號(ISBN): 9787508534220
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
出版日期: 2019-04-01

書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 743



** 我創建的書架 **

It has been five years since the Belt and Road Initiative BRI was first proposed. Although it was proposed only a short time ago, it has caused great repercussions in the world. Today, new nouns that had never been used before keep springing up, from large ones such as the community of shared future for mankind, and the major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, to the operation-level terms such as five major goals of connectivity, and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank AIIB. At the same time, through the joint efforts of China and countries along the Belt and Road, the BRI is also changing the direction of development and governance of the future world.In order to facilitate the audience to quickly understand the context of the BRI, the National Institute of International Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, compiled this book of brief introduction.
ContentsChaper One The Contribution of Chinas Reform and Opening up to the World and the Birth of the BRI1. Chinas Historic Contribution to the World through Reform and Opening up 102. Construction of an open economy and the BRI 123. Chinas economic transformation and the BRI 144. Innovation-driven development and the BRI 165. Responsibilities of a Major Country and the BRI 186. Major-country Confidence and the BRI 207. Development Deficit and the BRI 228. Peace Deficit and the BRI 249. Governance Deficit and the BRI 26Chaper Two History of the Silk Road10. Where Did the Name Come from 3011. A Brief History of the Silk Road 3212. The Overland Silk Road 3413. The Maritime Silk Road 3614. The Silk Road and the Exchanges of Countries 3815. Spirit of the Silk Road 40Chaper Three Birth and Framework of the Concepts16. Proposal of the BRI concept 4417. The Historical Background of the BRI 4618. Framework of the BRI 4819. Basic Connotations of the BRI 5020. Basic Principles of the BRI 5221. Partners of the BRI 5422. Overall Plan for the BRI 5623. Directions of BRI Cooperation 5824. Cooperation Mechanisms under the BRI 6025. Organizational Architecture of the BRI 62Chaper Four The Five Roads26. The BRI and the Road for Peace 6627. The BRI and the Road of Prosperity 6828. The BRI and the Road of Opening up 7029. The BRI and the Road of Innovation 7230. The BRI and the Road Connecting Different Civilizations 74Chaper Five Five Factors of Connectivity31. Policy coordination 7832. Facilities Connectivity 8033. Unimpeded Trade 8234. Financial Integration 8435. People-to-people Bond 86Chaper Six Six Major Economic Corridors36. China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor 9037. New Eurasian Land Bridge 9238. China-Central Asia-West Asia Economic Corridor 9439. China-Indochina Peninsula Economic Corridor 9640. ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor 9841. BangladeshChinaIndiaMyanmar Economic Corridor 100Chaper Seven Some of the Theories and Concepts of Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics42. Major-country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics 10443. A New Type of International Relations 10644. A New Type of Major-country Relationship 10845. A Community of Shared Future for Humankind 11046. Two Centenary Goals 11247. Win-win Cooperation 11448. Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership 11649. Pursuit of Shared Interests and the Greater Good 11850. Amity, Sincerity, Mutual Benefit and Inclusiveness 12051. Sincerity, Real Results, Affinity and Good Faith 122Chaper Eight Core Concepts52. Alignment of Development Strategies 12653. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank AIIB 12854. Silk Road Fund 13055. New Development Bank 13256. China-ASEAN Investment Cooperation Fund 13457. Production Capacity Cooperation 13658. Cross-border Industrial Parks 13859. Chinas Free Trade Areas 14060. Free Trade Ports 14261. Dialogue Mechanism for Multilateral and Bilateral Cooperation inMacroeconomic Policy 14462. Innovation Cooperation in New Industries 14663. Construction of an International Infrastructure Network 14864. Development of International Standards and Systems for Infrastructure 15065. Development of Global Value Chain and Supply Chain 15266. Promoting Cooperation on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency 15467. Tackling Climate Change 15668. Sustainable Development 15869. Trade and Investment Facilitation 16070. People-to-people and Cultural Exchanges and Cooperation 16271. Inter-civilization Exchanges and Mutual Learning 164Chaper Nine Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation72. Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation 16873. Thematic Session on Connectivity of Development Policies and Strategies 17074. Thematic Session on Infrastructure Connectivity 17275. Thematic Session on Trade Connectivity 17476. Thematic Session on Financial Connectivity 17677. Thematic Session on People-to-people Connectivity 17878. Thematic Session on Think Tank Exchanges 180Chaper Ten Relevant international plans and the Belt and Road Initiative79. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Belt and RoadInitiative 18480. The Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the Belt and Road Initiative 18681. Africa 2063 Agenda and the Belt and Road Initiative 18882. The Ancient Civilizations Forum ACF Forum and the Belt and RoadInitiative 19083. APEC Connectivity Blueprint and the Belt and Road Initiative 19284. The ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the Belt and Road Initiative 19485. ASEM, ASEM Pathfinder Group on Connectivity APGC, and the Beltand Road Initiative 19686. Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countriesCEECs and the Belt and Road Initiative 19887. China-Europe Land-Sea Express Route and Belt and Road Initiative 20088. The Middle Corridor Initiative and the Belt and Road Initiative 20289. The EU-China Connectivity Platform Juncker Plan and the Belt andRoad Initiative 20490. The EUs Eastern Partnership EaP and the Belt and Road Initiative 20691. The Eurasian partnership based on the principles of equality, opennessand transparency and the Belt and Road Initiative 20892. The Initiative for the Integration of the Regional Infrastructure of SouthAmerica IIRSA and the Belt and Road Initiative 21093. The Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025 and the Belt and RoadInitiative 21294. The Paris Agreement and the Belt and Road Initiative 21495. Trans-European Transport Network TEN-T and the Belt and RoadInitiative 21696. The Western Balkans Six Connectivity Agenda and the Belt and RoadInitiative 21897. WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement TFA and the Belt and RoadInitiative 220Chaper Eleven Alignment of similar plans in the world with the Belt and Road Initiative98. The United Nations Silk Road Project and the Belt and Road Initiative 22499. The United States New Silk Road Initiative and the Belt and Road Initiative 226100. The Eurasian Economic Union EEC and the Belt and Road Initiative 228101. Japans Asian infrastructure investment plan and the Belt and Road Initiative 230102. Indias Project Mausam and the Belt and Road Initiative 232103. Indonesias Global Maritime Fulcrum Policy and the Belt and Road Initiative 234104. Australias Developing Northern Australia Program and the Belt and RoadInitiative 236105. Polands Amber Rail Freight Corridor and the Belt and Road Initiative 238106. Egypts New Suez Canal Project and the Belt and Road Initiative 240107. Lamu Port South- Sudan, Ethiopia Transport LAPSSET Corridor Programand the Belt and Road Initiative 242108. Vietnams North-South Economic Corridor NSECTwo Corridors and OneCircle and the Belt and Road Initiative 244109. Mongolia''s Prairie Road Development Initiative and the Belt and RoadInitiative 246110. Kazakhstans Bright Road New Economic Plan and the Belt and Road Initiative 248111. South Koreas New North Policy and the Belt and Road Initiative 250
It has been five years since the Belt and Road Initiative BRI was first proposed. Although it was proposed only a short time ago, it has caused great repercussions in the world. Today, new nouns that had never been used before keep springing up, from large ones such as the community of shared future for mankind, and the major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, to the operation-level terms such as five major goals of connectivity, and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank AIIB. At the same time, through the joint efforts of China and countries along the Belt and Road, the BRI is also changing the direction of development and governance of the future world.In order to facilitate the audience to quickly understand the context of the BRI, the National Institute of International Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, compiled this book of brief introduction.Here, we would like to thank the authors of this book, as well as the editors of China Intercontinental Press.



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