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書城自編碼: 3327985
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語对外汉语
作者: 陈东东,[美]刘欣雅
國際書號(ISBN): 9787521306590
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
出版日期: 2019-01-01

書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 466



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外国人学中文需要攻破四大堡垒语音、汉字、词汇、语法。堡垒被各个击破后,还需化零为整,从音素上升到音节,从写字发展到写作,从词汇扩展到句子再到段落。本书围绕这几个方面的若干个难点,提供了50个教学活动,让学生在动中体验中文、操练技能、培养交际能力。1. 掌握拼音。本章从音节的组成、音节的识别和声调的辨识这三个方面提供了六个教学活动,帮助学生轻松掌握拼音。2. 攻克汉字。本章从汉字的内部逻辑、汉字的笔画记忆和汉字的结构分析这三个方面提供了六个教学活动,帮助学生学会辨认、读写汉字。3. 扩充词汇。本章从复合词、反义词、近义词、熟语等方面入手,提供了十个教学活动,帮助学生扩大词汇量。4. 理解语法(一)。本章选择了学生常常深感困惑的五个语言点:量词、副词、多重定语、补语和中文里时态的表达。每个语言点两个活动,共十个教学活动。5. 理解语法(二)。本章练习的语言点包括疑问句、存现句、连动句、复句、把字句、被字句、主题评述句和主语省略句等重难点句型,共十四个教学活动。6. 化零为整。本章的四个活动充分利用了现代信息技术,进一步培养学生的听、说、读、写能力。本章练习的重点从句子扩展到篇章,素材也从课堂语言发展到现实生活中的语言。
陈东东:加拿大麦吉尔大学语言学博士,现为美国西东大学语言文学文化系副教授、系主任。教授中文、语言学、应用语言学、中日文教学法等研究生课程。研究兴趣包括语言学、语言习得和海外中文教学。(美)Cynthia W. Fellows(刘欣雅):美国西东大学亚洲学研究硕士,现为美国西东大学语言文学文化系中文教师。教授中高级中文、中美关系等课程。Cynthia致力于帮助学生成为中文终生学习者和爱好者。
第一章:掌握拼音活动1:又被称为活动2:字正腔圆活动3:世界地名活动4:模仿比赛活动5:听读纠错活动6:追求完美第二章:攻克汉字活动7:部件结构活动8:想象汉字活动9:写字比赛活动10:空中写字活动11:刨根问底活动12:查词比赛第三章:扩充词汇活动13:构建词网活动14:复合词竞赛活动15:集中训练活动16:猜来猜去活动17:我敢打赌活动18:大同小异活动19:熟语配对活动20:成语小品活动21:因材施教活动22:猜多义词第四章:理解语法(一)活动23:初见量词活动24:我看到了活动25:锦上添花活动26:各就各位活动27:多重定语活动28:谁在前面?活动29:前因后果活动30:有上有下活动31:展望未来活动32:谁先谁后?第五章:理解语法(二)活动33:提问特权活动34:快速提问活动35:布置场景活动36:世界何处?活动37:胡言乱语活动38:逗号堆积活动39:"把"基础打牢活动40:言语乐高活动41:"把""被"互换活动42:糟糕的一天活动43:说唱中文活动44:我不同意活动45:言简意赅活动46:想入非非第六章:化零为整活动47:学而时习之活动48:持之以恒活动49:焦点访谈活动50:手机聊天参考文献Chapter 1: Making Tones AccurateActivity 1: Otherwise Known AsActivity 2: Sound & Tone Pair-upActivity 3: Sounds Around the WorldActivity 4: Copy That ContestActivity 5: Odd Tone OutActivity 6: Race to Pinyin Perfection Chapter 2: Mastering CharactersActivity 7: Chinese Building BlocksActivity 8: Picture ThisActivity 9: Writers with a DeadlineActivity 10: Air-Writing CharactersActivity 11: Root SearchActivity 12: Look It Up, Fast! Chapter 3: Beefing up VocabularyActivity 13: Character WebActivity 14: Compound Word RaceActivity 15: No Dilution HereActivity 16: Backs Against the WallActivity 17: I Bet Your WagerActivity 18: Loaded WordsActivity 19: Parallel ProverbsActivity 20: Proverbial Wisdom CharadesActivity 21: Individualized Vocabulary TestsActivity 22: Guess the Homonym Chapter 4: Internalizing Grammar IActivity 23: First Stop: Measure WordsActivity 24: What Did I Just See?Activity 25: Happening AdverbsActivity 26: Plug-in AdverbsActivity 27: Relative Clause ShuffleActivity 28: Guess the Relative ClauseActivity 29: Consequential ComplementsActivity 30: What Goes Up Must Come DownActivity 31: Back to the FutureActivity 32: What Goes Before What? Chapter 5: Internalizing Grammar IIActivity 33: Interrogative PrerogativeActivity 34: Query ChallengesActivity 35: Setting the SceneActivity 36: Where in the World?Activity 37: Verbal SillinessActivity 38: Comma Pile-upActivity 39: Ba BasicsActivity 40: Verbal LegoActivity 41: Bad ActsActivity 42: Our Worst Day EverActivity 43: Rap ChatterActivity 44: This, I Dont Agree!Activity 45: Voidable SubjectsActivity 46: When You Assume Chapter 6: Putting It All TogetherActivity 47: Review GamesActivity 48: Dear Diary...Activity 49: Open NotebookActivity 50: Lets Chat!References and Further Readings
《国际汉语教学活动50例》收录了50个基于交际法理论、旨在培养和促进学生交际能力的中文教学活动。交际法教学的关键是创建一个轻松愉快、以学生为中心、具有丰富语义的教学环境,使学生的语言能力得以充分发展。这种理念早已普遍运用于主要外语的教学实践之中,但是在中文教学中还不是很普及。本书的首要目的是通过生动有趣的教学活动推广中文交际法教学。其次,众所周知,凡是外语教师都有激发学生的兴趣、调动学生的积极性、促进学生语言技能提高的任务。然而,中文教师还面临另一挑战,即语言本身的难度。教师该如何使中文学习成为一种享受而不是一种折磨?在学生提高中文交际能力的漫长旅程中,教师应该如何帮助学生维持浓厚的兴趣?如何帮助学生渡过种种学习难关?针对中文的语言特点,有的放矢,设计有意义、有趣味的教学活动,助教师一臂之力,这是本书的第二个目的。对以英文为母语的学生来说,学中文需要攻破四大堡垒:拼音的拼读和识别、汉字的辨认和读写、词汇的积累和扩充、疑难语法的理解和运用。每个堡垒被攻破后,还需化零为整,从音素上升到音节,从写字发展到写作,从词汇扩展到句子再到段落。围绕这几个方面的若干个难点,我们共编写了50个教学活动,让学生在动中体验中文、操练技能、培养交际能力。本书的理论基础是现代认知研究,可以从三个方面进行解读:一、间隔性的重复练习临时抱佛脚的学习方法和填鸭式的教学手段都不能带来持久的教学效果,希望通过集中训练就能掌握知识的做法是违反客观规律的。对于任何一种新知识,为了达到最佳学习效果,大脑首次接触后都需要休息一段时间,然后再对其进行回忆。换言之,学生需要不断地、分时期地练习和复习知识,直到真正掌握。大脑对所学知识的最佳回忆时间则根据具体情况因环境、因人而异。什么时候传授新知识、什么时候复习旧知识,教师在时间上必须做好合理的安排。学习不能一蹴而就,所以,除了常规的教学、练习及测试以外,在课堂中穿插一些教学活动很有必要。为了达到间隔性重复练习的目的,我们为大多数语言项目设计了两种不同的活动。二、多元化的反复练习正如间隔性的重复练习会对所学内容起到长期巩固的作用,多元化的反复练习同样很有必要。大脑在不同的语境中对同一内容进行反复回忆,能够帮助学生温故而知新。由于每个学生各有所长,也各有所短,多元化的反复练习更是必不可少。对于教师而言,多元化的练习也同样重要。有的教师推崇竞争性的教学活动,认为这种活动可以提高学生的积极性;有的教师则推崇合作性的教学活动,认为这种活动可以让更多的学生参与其中。每个教师都希望自己的教学方法行之有效,高效的教师必须立足于自己和学生的特点选取教学方法。因此,采用多元化的教学方法将大大提高教学的成功率。三、轻松愉快的学习环境课堂环境如何,对于教学成功与否的影响极大,对外语课堂来说更是如此。这就决定了教师的责任在于为学生创造轻松愉快的学习环境。教学活动可以营造轻松愉快的课堂气氛,从而能调动学生内在的学习积极性,促进其自主学习。如何使用该书,我们提出如下建议:第一,教师可以在自己的课堂里直接采用本书中的活动。书中的很多活动,我们已在自己的课堂中实践过。根据我们的经验,活动的准备过程和实施细节都会决定一个活动的成功与否。为此,我们对活动的重点以及每个步骤都做了详细的说明。第二,我们希望这些活动可以激发教师的热情,编写适合自己课堂的活动。教师必须对教学始终保持新的眼光,只有这样才能保证教学过程的新鲜,对教师自己、对学生而言都是如此。第三,教师可将书中活动当作教学过程中的应急补救措施。比如,学生已经学过把字句,可是对此尚未完全掌握。这时,一个与把字句有关的活动,可以加深学生对该句型的记忆。总而言之,我们希望,中文教师,不管是新手还是老将,都会将本书视作一个便利、有效的教学工具。著者2016年2月于美国西东大学Introduction50 Activities for the International Chinese Classroom presents an innovative approach to the learning of Chinese along the lines of Communicative Language Teaching CLT. The ideas of CLTcreating a friendly and supportive student-centered learning environment with meaningful contexts in order to develop communicative competencehave been widely implemented in the teaching of mainstream foreign languages, but less enthusiastically or even reluctantly used in Chinese teaching. Therefore, promoting communicative Chinese teaching through activities is the first goal of this book.All foreign language teachers must face the following challenges: arousing learners interest, motivating students to learn, and helping them retain what has been learned. Chinese language teachers, however, are faced with an additional challengethe difficulty of the language itself. What can we teachers do to make learning Chinese less of a struggle and more of a gratifying adventure for our students? And since far too many Chinese language learners give up on their studies, how can we maintain students interest throughout the long journey to communicative competence? This book is aimed at addressing these questions practically by providing meaningful and engaging classroom activities that specifically target the unique linguistic features of Chinese which pose such a challenge for English-speaking learners; for instance, tones, characters, unique grammatical structures, etc. Our rationale, based on current cognitive research, is three-fold.? Spaced-RepetitionJust as cramming does not work for students in the long-term, neither does it work if it is the teacher who is doing the cramming in the classroom. Covering material in a concentrated fashion hoping that mastery will ensue is counter-productive. To truly learn, our brains need both a rest period of non-exposure, and then need to be called upon later to recall. In other words, the brain needs practice retrieving partially learned material before it can be truly considered mastered. While the ideal amount of time in between recall sessions varies depending upon the circumstances and individual, teachers should plan on spacing out their coverage of certain topics over time. As learning is not accomplished in one fell swoop, activities are a needed addition to formal teaching, exercises, and testing. For the purpose of spaced-repetition, we have created two different activities for each particular linguistic item.? Variety Is the Spice of Lifeand LearningWith spaced-repetition being so important, variety becomes necessary. Asking for recall in different contexts makes learning more memorable and thus more effective. Variety is also necessary because as we all know what works for one student may not work as well for another. This is also true for teachers. While many teachers will have excellent results with competitive games, other teachers might struggle to get the students engaged if they themselves see games as silly time-wasters. In order to be an effective teacher, one must be true to ones personality. Using a medley of different types of activities thus substantially increases the odds of successful teaching and learning.? Supportive Learning EnvironmentAnd on that note, personalities matter in any classroom, but perhaps no more so than in the foreign-language classroom. Since language is the means by which we all express ourselves, egos tend to be fragile when faced with the inability to be our true selves. By their very nature, activities create a supportive, convivial classroom atmosphere which increases the intrinsic motivation of students so they are more apt to carry on in their studies. We see this book being used in several ways. First, teachers can simply use the activities in their own classrooms as is. Knowing how preparation and small details dictate an activitys success or failure, care has been taken to illustrate the procedures step-by-step. Second, we hope that these activities will inspire teachers to develop or improve upon their own activities. As teachers, we can all use some new tricks of the trade to keep things fresh for ourselves and our students. And, thirdly, the activities can be used as an emergency remedy. Lets say you or a previous teacher has taught your students the bɑ structure, but one day you notice that the students seem rusty. That would be an excellent time to look for an activity to bring that structure back to the forefront of their brains.All in all, it is the authors hope that Chinese language teachersfrom novice to experiencedfind this book a handy and effective tool in their teaching toolbox.The AuthorsSeton Hall UniversityFebruary, 2016



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