編輯推薦: |
Rapid advances of intelligent machines for amsrt manufacturing equipment,driverless vehicles,robotics,and medical industries continue to motivate new designs and app;ocations of multi-degree-of-freedomDOF actuators capable of complex motion and precise forcetorque manipulations to complete tasks that have never been automated before.Extensive efforts to develop novel actuators with compact designs and designs and dexterous manipulations can be found in both academic research and indusrial develo
內容簡介: |
This book introduces and illustrates modeling, sensing, and control methods for analyzing, designing, and developing spherical motors. It systematically presents modelsfor establishing the relationships among the magnetic fields positionorientation and forcetorque, while also providing time-efficient solutions to assist researchers and engineers in studying and developing these motors. In order to take full advantage of spherical motors compact structure in practical applications, sensing and control methods that utilize their magnetic fields and eliminate the need to install external sensors for feedback are proposed. Further, the book investigates for the first time spherical motorsforcetorque manipulation capability, and proposes algorithms enabling the ball-joint-like end-effector for haptic use based on these motorshybrid positionforce actuation modes. While systematically presenting approaches to their design, sensing and control, the book also provides many examples illustrating the implementation issues readers may encounter.
關於作者: |
白坤,男,博士,华中科技大学副教授。本科毕业于浙江大学控制科学与工程系;2012年于美国佐治亚理工学院Georgia Institute ofTechnology机械系取得博士学位;目前在数字制造装备与技术国家重点实验室进行科研工作。?? ? 主要从事机电系统、控制系统、驱动器和传感的研究,相关成果发表SCI、EI收录文章20余次,目前主持国家自然科学基金项目2项,作为主要成员参加国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目1项。担任IEEE和ASME多个期刊和会议的审稿人,也多次在国际会议做报告并受邀担任分会主席。?? 李国民,美国麻省理工学院博士,美国总统奖获得者,IEEE Fellow、ASME Fellow、IEEEASME Transactions on Mechatronics(TMech)主编 2008-2013。美国佐治亚理工学院任终身教授、华中科技大学教授,973项目首席科学家。主要研究领域为智能制造装备与技术、智能传感及驱动、复杂机电系统。主持与智能制造密切相关的美国自然科学基金、国际合作项目十余项。在智能传感器、灵巧驱动器、机器视觉、多变量热-流耦合过程建模与控制等领域取得系列成果,并广泛应用于制造工业中的检测、定位与控制、场重构、分布参数建模与控制等方面。发表相关论文250余篇,参与出版英文专著3部,授权美国与国际专利10项。于2008创立TMech Best Paper Award,同年作为IEEEASME AIM国际会议的共同成立者,受ASMEDSCD-Mechatronics TC(机电一体化委员会)支持,创立 Best Paper and Best Student Paper Awards in Mechatronics 两个奖项。
1.2The State of the Art3
1.21 Marnetic Modeling and Analysis6
1.22 Orientation Sensing8
1.23 Control Methods10
1.3 Book Outline12
CHAPTER 2 General Formulation OF PMSMs21
2.1 PMSM Electromagnetic System Modeling21
2.1.1 Governing Equations of Electromagnetic Field21
2.1.2 Boundary Condition24
2.1.3 Magnetic Flux Linkage and Energy25
2.1.4 Magnetic ForceTorque26
2.2 PMSM Rotor Dynamic 27
CHAPTER 3 Distributed Multi-Pole Models31
3.1 Distributed Multi-Pole Model for PMs31
3.1.1 PM Field with DMP Model32
3.1.2 Numerical Illustrative Examples35
3.2 Distributed Multi-Pole Model for EMs43
3.2.1 Equivalent Magnetization of the ePM45
3.2.2 Illustrations of Magnetic Field Computation47
3.3 Dipole ForceTorque Model47
3.3.1 Force and Torque on a Magnetic Dipole47
3.3.2 Illustration of Magnetic Force Computation49
3.4 Image Method with DMP Models52
3.4.1 Image Method with Spherical Grounded Boundary53
3.4.2 Illustrative Examples56
3.4.3 Effects of Iron Boundary on the Torque58
3.5 Illustrative Numerical Simulations for PMSM Design62
3.5.1 Pole Pair Design65
3.5.2 Static Loading Investigation70
3.5.3 Weight-Compensating Regulator71
CHAPTER 4 PMSM ForceTorque Model for Real-Time Control81
4.1 ForceTorque Formulation81
4.1.1 Magnetic ForceTorque Based on The Kernel Functions82
4.1.2 Simplified Model: Axis-Symmetric EMsPMs85
4.1.3 Inverse Torque Model86
4.2 Numerical Illustrations86
4.2.1 Axis-Asymmetric EMPMs86
4.2.2 Axis-Symmetric EMPM90
4.3 Illustrative PMSM Torque Modelling 93
CHAPTER 5 Field-Based Orientation Sensing99
5.1 Coordinate Systems and Sensor Placement99
5.2 Field Mapping and Segmentation100
5.3 Artificial Neural Network Inverse Map102
5.4 Experimental Investigation103
5.4.1 2-DOF Concurrent Characterization104
CHAPTER 6 A Back-EMF Method for Multi-DOF Motion Detection109
6.1 Back-EMF for Multi-DOF Motion Sensing109
6.1.1 EMF Model in a Single EM-PM pair111
6.1.2 Back-EMF with Multiple EM-PM pairs112
6.2 Implementation of Back-EMF Method on a PMSM114
6.2.1 Mechanical and Magnetic Structure of the PMSM115
6.2.2 Numerical Solutions for the MFL Model116
6.2.3 Experiment and Discussion118
6.2.4 Parameter Estimation of the PMSM with back-EMF Method120
CHAPTER 7 Direct Field-Feedback Ccontrol125
7.1 Traditional Orientation Control Method for Spherical Motors125
7.1.1 PD Control Law and Stability Analysis126
7.1.2 Comments on Implementation of Traditional Control Methods127
7.2 Direct Field-Feedback Control128
7.2.1 Determination of Bijective Domain129
7.2.2 DFC Control Law and Control Parameter Determination129
7.2.3 DFC with Multi-sensors130
7.3 Numerical 1-DOF Illustrative Example131
7.3.1 Sensor Design and Bijective Domain Identification131
7.3.2 Field-based Control Law133
7.3.3 Numerical Illustrations of Multiple Bijective Domains135
7.4 Experimental Investigation of DFC for 3-DOF PMSM135
7.4.1 System Description135
7.4.2 Sensor Design and Bijective Domains138
7.4.3 Bijective domain139
7.4.4 TCV Computation Using Artificial Neural Network ANN142
7.4.5 Experimental Investigation142
CHAPTER 8 A Two-mode PMSM for Haptic Applications151
8.1 Description of the PMSM Haptic Device151
8.1.1 Two-mode configuration Design for 6-DOF Manipulation153
8.1.2 Numerical Model for Magnetic FieldTorque Computation154
8.1.3 Field-based TCV Estimation155
8.2 Snap-Fit Simulation156
8.2.1 Snap-Fit Performance Analyses158
8.2.2 Snap-Fit Haptic Application159
Rapid advances of intelligent machines for amsrt manufacturing equipment,driverless vehicles,robotics,and medical industries continue to motivate new designs and app;ocations of multi-degree-of-freedomDOF actuators capable of complex motion and precise forcetorque manipulations to complete tasks that have never been automated before.Extensive efforts to develop novel actuators with compact designs and designs and dexterous manipulations can be found in both academic research and indusrial development.Unlike multi-DOF systems with designs based on bulky serialparallel combinations cf single-axis spin motors and transmission mechanisms,spherical motorsactuators are direct-drive and can achieve multi-DOF rotational motions in a single ball joint,because of these attractive features,along with the structural simplicity and the capability to achieve quick singularity-free motion,spherical motors are expected to play a significant role in the developmet of intelligent machines.
In this book,we procide fundamentals for practical designs of spherical motors with the intent to push forward the development of high-performance spherical motos.This book is orgajized into three parts: The first part begins with the methods for modeling the three-dimensonal3Delectromagnetic fields involved in a spherical motor,and the multi-dimensional foces and torques generated electromechanically between its rotor and stator.The second part presents the sensing techniques for measuring the multi-DOF joint motion in real time.The third part offers methods for controlling the coupled rotational motions of spherical motots.While this book is primmarily intended for students,researchers,and endineers studyingdeveloping spherical motors,those who work in the area of electric machines should find teh modeling.sensing and control methods presented here relevant to the development of various electromagntic motion systems.
This book is an outcome of the research work accomplished by the authors on spherical motors over the years in Georgia Institute of Technology USA and Huazhong University of Science and Technology China. The authors sincerely appreciate the institutional support received from the two organizations. Part of the work on DMP model and orientation sensing has also built on research works by many former students,particularly Dr.Hungsun son and Dr.Shaohui Foong,durng their studies at Georgia Institute of Technology.