弗洛伊徳?比姆斯(Floyd A. Beams) 弗吉尼亚理工大学教授。在《会计评论》《管理会计》等期刊上发表多篇文章。是美国会计协会和管理会计师协会的成员,并在这两个组织的委员会任职。获全美会计协会莱布兰德铜质奖、弗吉尼亚注册会计师协会颁发的杰出会计人物奖、管理会计协会卡门?G.布罗学生分会颁发的弗吉尼亚杰出会计教育奖。
弗洛伊徳?比姆斯(Floyd A. Beams) 弗吉尼亚理工大学教授。在《会计评论》《管理会计》等期刊上发表多篇文章。是美国会计协会和管理会计师协会的成员,并在这两个组织的委员会任职。获全美会计协会莱布兰德铜质奖、弗吉尼亚注册会计师协会颁发的杰出会计人物奖、管理会计协会卡门?G.布罗学生分会颁发的弗吉尼亚杰出会计教育奖。
c h a p t e r 1Business Combinations
c h a p t e r 2Stock InvestmentsInvestor Accounting and Reporting
c h a p t e r 3An Introduction to Consolidated Financial Statements
c h a p t e r 4Consolidation Techniques and Procedures
c h a p t e r 5Intercompany Profit TransactionsInventories
c h a p t e r 6Intercompany Profit TransactionsPlant Assets
c h a p t e r 7Intercompany Profit TransactionsBonds
c h a p t e r 8ConsolidationsChanges in Ownership Interests
c h a p t e r 9Indirect and Mutual Holdings
c h a p t e r10Subsidiary Preferred Stock, Consolidated Earnings per Share, and Consolidated Income Taxation
c h a p t e r 1 1 Consolidation Theories, Push-Down Accounting, and Corporate Joint Ventures
c h a p t e r 1 2 Derivatives and Foreign Currency: Concepts and Common Transactions
c h a p t e r 1 3Accounting for Derivatives and Hedging Activities
c h a p t e r 1 4Foreign Currency Financial Statements
c h a p t e r 1 5Segment and Interim Financial Reporting