Brave New World is a dystopian novel written in 1931 by English author Aldous Huxley, and published in 1932. The title of this book derives from Mirandas speech in William Shakespeares The Tempest, Act V, Scene I. Set in London in the year AD 2540 632 A.F.After Fordin the book, the novel anticipates developments in reproductive technology, sleep-learning, psychological manipulation, and classical conditioning that combine profoundly to change society. 《美丽新世界》,刻画了一个距今600年的未来世界,物质生活十分丰富,科学技术高度发达,人们接受着各种安于现状的制约和教育,所有一切都被标准统一化,人的欲望可以随时随地得到完全满足,享受着衣食无忧的日子,不必担心生老病死带来的痛苦,然而在机械文明的社会中却无所谓家庭、个性、情绪、自由和道德,人与人之间根本不存在真实的情感,人性在机器的碾磨下灰飞烟灭。本书为英文原版,经典32开本便于随身携带阅读,精校版忠于原著,同时提供英文朗读免费下载。
Brave New World is a dystopian novel written in 1931 by Englishauthor Aldous Huxley, and published in 1932. The title of this bookderives from Mirandas speech in William Shakespeares The Tempest,Act V, Scene I. Set in London in the year AD 2540 632A.F.After Fordin the book, the novel anticipatesdevelopments in reproductive technology, sleep-learning,psychological manipulation, and classical conditioning that combineprofoundly to change society.
Huxley followed this book with a reassessment in an essay, BraveNew World Revisited 1958, and with Island 1962, his final novel. In1999, the Modern Library ranked Brave New World fifth on its list ofthe 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century. In 2003,Robert McCrum writing for The Observer included Brave New Worldchronologically at number 53 in the top 100 greatest novels of alltime, and the novel was listed at number 87 on the BBCs surveyThe Big Read.