編輯推薦: |
在西方,提起西藏言必称世界屋脊,虔诚的喇嘛和充满异域情调的宗教场景,带着狡黠而又神秘的微笑的神王达赖喇嘛以及政治口号自由西藏,等等。卢森堡学者阿尔伯特艾廷格(Albert Ettinger)这部*藏学研究成果,为读者展示了西藏神话背后另一番历史图景,还原了西藏的本来面目。Yet it is also possible that the phrase hell on earth comes to mind. Both the Dalai Lama and the Chinese government often used the term in relation to Tibet. Yet they both meant something completely different. For the Dalai Lama, the new Chinese Tibet that he left behind in 1959 is hell and a large prison, particularly because he believes that the Chinese oppres
內容簡介: |
本书为卢森堡学者阿尔伯特艾廷格(Albert Ettinger)*藏学研究成果,2014年*初由法兰克福Zambon出版社以德文出版,在欧洲多个国家产生反响。本书以学术独特视角,从政治、经济、社会、文化、宗教、教育、卫生等多个方面,客观描述了旧西藏政教合一统治下的世相,披露了许多代表性事例。通过大量实证,图文并茂地介绍了封建农奴制下旧西藏的黑暗以及这个喇嘛王国里森严的等级制度,以严谨的资料分析向读者展示一个真实的西藏,揭穿了西方关于西藏的种种虚幻谎言,还原了西藏的本来面目,揭示了所谓西藏问题由来及其实质。本书视角独特,资料丰富新颖,颇具学术水准,令人耳目一新。Is the Chinese description of old Tibet a blatant lie or could it be the truth? What did foreign visitors and explorers testify, as contemporary witnesses, and what do eminent western scholars state?In this book, the reader can find the detailed and meticulously documented answers
關於作者: |
阿尔贝特艾廷格于1952年出生在卢森堡一个工业小镇迪弗当日,是一名矿工的儿子。在德国特里尔大学学习历史、德语和罗曼语,获哲学博士,以优异的成绩从该校毕业。他辗转卢森堡和德国特里尔市之间在中学、大学教学三十多年。近年来,作者撰写了涉藏题材的两部专著和许多文章。Albert Ettingerwas born in 1952 in Differdange, a small industrial town of the Luxembourg steel area, as the first son of a miner. Initially, he studied History, then pursued German and Romance Languages Studies in Trier Germany, which he completed by a Ph.D. with the rating summa cum laude.For more than thirty years, he worked as a high school and college teacher in Luxembourg and Trier.He is married and father of two children.In recent years, Albert Ettinger wrote two books and many articles about Tibet and the Tibet conflict.