內容簡介: |
中国航天事业创建于新中国成立不久,科学技术和工业基础都非常薄弱的时期,经历了艰苦创业、配套发展、改革振兴、走向世界等阶段,终于走出了一条适合中国国情的发展道路,建立起了完整配套的航天科技工业体系,取得了举世瞩目的辉煌成就。Chinas space industry has existed since the founding of the New China, a time when China still suffered from a very weak base of science and technology and industrial development. Chinas space industry has gone through a number of stages from being a difficult start-up to supporting development, reform and revitalization and global development to finally embark on a development path suited to Chinas national conditions. China has established a fully supporting aerospace technology and industrial system and has scored remarkable achievements that have amazed the world.
關於作者: |
张建启,曾任中国载人航天工程副总指挥、中国航天基金会理事长,先后参与组织、指挥了亚洲一号卫星、风云一号卫星、奥普图斯卫星、神舟飞船等发射任务,为中国航天事业的发展做出了突出贡献。Zhang Jianqi was the Deputy Commander of China Manned Space Program and the President of China Space Foundation. He organized and commanded the launches ofAsiaSat-1, FY-2, the Optus Satellites and the Shenzhou spacecraft, etc. He has made an outstanding contribution to the developmentof Chinas space industry.