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The "Flickering Switch" of Late Pleistocene Climate Change晚更新世气候变化的"闪电变换"
Recent Change of Arctic Tundra Ecosystems from a Net Carbon Dioxide Sink to a Source近期北极冻原生态系统由二氧化碳汇到源的转变
Effects of an Endothermic Phase Transition at 670 km Depth in a Spherical Model of Convection in theEarths Mantle地球内部670km深度处的矿物相变对地幔对流模式的影响
SNAP Receptors Implicated in Vesicle Targeting and Fusion囊泡靶向及融合过程中SNAP受体的功能
Discovery of the Candidate Kuiper Belt Object 1992 QB1柯伊伯带候选天体1992 QB1的发现
Superconductivity above 130 K in the Hg-Ba-Ca-Cu-O SystemHg-Ba-Ca-Cu-O体系在130 K以上时的超导性
Single-shell Carbon Nanotubes of 1-nm Diameter直径1nm的单层碳纳米管
Cobalt-catalysed Growth of Carbon Nanotubes with Single-atomic-layer Walls具有单原子层管壁的碳纳米管的钴催化生长
The Displacement Field of the Landers Earthquake Mapped by Radar Interferometry雷达干涉测量技术得到的兰德斯地震位移场
Climate Instability during the Last Interglacial Period Recorded in the GRIP Ice CoreGRIP冰芯记录的末次间冰期气候的不稳定性
Evidence for General Instability of Past Climate from a 250-kyr Ice-core Record 166长达25万年的冰芯记录中关于古气候总体失稳的证据
Extending the Vostok Ice-core Record of Palaeoclimate to the Penultimate Glacial Period把沃斯托克冰芯的古气候记录扩展至倒数第二次冰期
B-cell Apoptosis Induced by Antigen Receptor Crosslinking is Blocked by a T-cell Signal Through CD40T细胞通过CD40抑制抗原受体交联引起的B细胞凋亡
Correlations between Climate Records from North Atlantic Sediments and Greenland Ice北大西洋沉积物与格陵兰岛冰芯气候记录之间的相关性
Music and Spatial Task Performance音乐和空间任务表现
Possible Gravitational Microlensing of a Star in the Large Magellanic Cloud大麦哲伦星云的一颗恒星可能存在微引力透镜效应
Evidence for Gravitational Microlensing by Dark Objects in the Galactic Halo微引力透镜效应证明银晕中存在暗天体
A Search for Life on Earth from the Galileo Spacecraft用伽利略木星探测器探测地球生命
Total Synthesis of Taxol紫杉醇的全合成
A Cell Initiating Human Acute Myeloid Leukaemia after Transplantation into SCID Mice一种植入SCID小鼠中引发人急性髓性白血病的细胞
2.2 Mb of Contiguous Nucleotide Sequence from Chromosome III of C. elegans秀丽隐杆线虫3号染色体上的2.2 Mb连续核苷酸序列
The First Skull and Other New Discoveries of Australopithecus afarensis at Hadar, Ethiopia在埃塞俄比亚的哈达发现的第一例南方古猿阿法种的头骨和其它新发现
Deuterium Abundance and Background Radiation Temperature in High-redshift Primordial Clouds高红移原初气体云中的氘丰度和背景辐射温度
A Diverse New Primate Fauna from Middle Eocene Fissure-fillings in Southeastern China从中国东南部的中始新世时期的裂隙充填物中得到的由多种新型灵长类构成的动物群
Chemical Self-replication of Palindromic Duplex DNA回文双链DNA的化学自我复制
Self-replication of Complementary Nucleotide-based Oligomers互补配对的寡聚核苷酸的自我复制
Testing the Iron Hypothesis in Ecosystems of the Equatorial Pacific Ocean在赤道太平洋海域生态系统中对铁假说的验证
Iron Limitation of Phytoplankton Photosynthesis in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean赤道太平洋海域铁对浮游植物光合作用的限制
Australopithecus ramidus, a New Species of Early Hominid from Aramis, Ethiopia在埃塞俄比亚的阿拉米斯发现的一种新型的早期原始人类物种南方古猿始祖种
Evidence from Gravity and Topography Data for Folding of Tibet青藏高原的褶皱作用:来自重力和地形资料的证据
DNA Fingerprinting Dispute Laid to RestDNA指纹分析争议的平息