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書城自編碼: 3292185
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→政治/軍事政治
作者: 迟福林
國際書號(ISBN): 9787508540573
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
出版日期: 2019-01-01

書度/開本: 8开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 9954



** 我創建的書架 **

Reform and opening up are the most distinctive features of contemporary China and the key choice that determines the destiny of contemporary China. With 40 years of united efforts and 40 years of hard work, the Chinese people have written a magnificent epic of national developm
In the 40 years of reform and opening up, China has achieved important historical leaps in the process of economic modernization. This book, in the form of chronicle, takes the grand and arduous process of reform and opening up in China as the main line, objectively records the major events in the economy and society of China during the period of reform and opening up, and intuitively presents the tremendous changes in all areas of the Chinese society over the past 40 years.
迟福林,现任中国(海南)改革发展研究院院长,研究员,博士生导师。上个世纪80年代初至今30余年间,一直从事改革研究,形成了许多重要的改革研究成果,是具有广泛影响力的改革智囊。迟福林多次主持或参与国家重大改革研究课题和国际合作研究项目。这些研究成果,有的被党和政府决策所采纳,有的作为国家制定相关规划的重要参阅件。他为中国改革事业谏言献策,被媒体称为迟改革。迟福林于1991年参与创建中国(海南)改革发展研究院,历任常务副院长、执行院长、院长。25年来,始终坚持以直谏改革为已任,坚持问题导向的战略与行动研究,坚持用改革的办法办院,带领团队努力建设中国改革智库。目前,中国(海南)改革发展研究院已成为国内外具有广泛影响力的社会智库。迟福林先后受聘为中国经济体制改革研究会副会长、中国行政体制改革研究会副会长;国家行政学院、中国井冈山干部学院、北京大学、东北大学等高校特聘教授;国家十三五规划专家委员会委员,国家工商行政管理总局市场监管专家委员会副主任委员,广东、海南等地方政府决策咨询顾问等。第十一届、十二届全国政协委员。享受国务院特殊津贴专家,曾获全国五个一工程奖、孙冶方经济科学论文奖、中国发展研究奖、全国杰出专业技术人才等多项荣誉,入选影响新中国60年经济建设的100位经济学家、《20世纪中国知名科学家学术成就概览(经济学卷)》。Chi Fulin, research fellow, supervisor of Ph.D. and member of the 11th and 12th National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference, is thepresident of China Institute for Reform and Development. He also works as vice president of China Society of Economic Reform, and vice president of China Society of Administrative Reform. He is a member of the Expert Committee for the 13th Five-Year Plan of China. In addition, he is a distinguished professor of a number of universities and colleges, including Chinese Academy of Governance, China Executive Leadership Academy Jinggangshan, Peking University, Zhejiang University and Northeastern University. Chi has been engaged in research of theories on economic transformation and related practices for many years. He has made in-depth research of governmenttransformation and equalization of basic public services centering on a number of major economic and social issues encountered in the process of the reform and opening-upof China. Based on these researches, he has published more than 40 monographs in Chinese and English as well as more than 800 academic papers. In addition, he hasparticipated in the preparation of more than 70 research reports as a compilation or research leader, with a great number of proposals on policies, which have great positiveinfluence on related decision making and practice. He is the winner of the Best Works Award, the Sun Yefang Award for Papers on Economic Science and the ChinaDevelopment Research Award. In 2009, he was selected as One of the 100 Economists Who Have Influenced Chinas Economic Development over the Last 60 Years 1. In 2015, his achievements were included in Overview of Academic Achievements of Renowned Chinese Scientists in the 20th Century Volume of Economics.迟福林,现任中国(海南)改革发展研究院院长,研究员,博士生导师。上个世纪80年代初至今30余年间,一直从事改革研究,形成了许多重要的改革研究成果,是具有广泛影响力的改革智囊。迟福林多次主持或参与国家重大改革研究课题和国际合作研究项目。这些研究成果,有的被党和政府决策所采纳,有的作为国家制定相关规划的重要参阅件。他为中国改革事业谏言献策,被媒体称为迟改革。迟福林于1991年参与创建中国(海南)改革发展研究院,历任常务副院长、执行院长、院长。25年来,始终坚持以直谏改革为已任,坚持问题导向的战略与行动研究,坚持用改革的办法办院,带领团队努力建设中国改革智库。目前,中国(海南)改革发展研究院已成为国内外具有广泛影响力的社会智库。迟福林先后受聘为中国经济体制改革研究会副会长、中国行政体制改革研究会副会长;国家行政学院、中国井冈山干部学院、北京大学、东北大学等高校特聘教授;国家十三五规划专家委员会委员,国家工商行政管理总局市场监管专家委员会副主任委员,广东、海南等地方政府决策咨询顾问等。第十一届、十二届全国政协委员。享受国务院特殊津贴专家,曾获全国五个一工程奖、孙冶方经济科学论文奖、中国发展研究奖、全国杰出专业技术人才等多项荣誉,入选影响新中国60年经济建设的100位经济学家、《20世纪中国知名科学家学术成就概览(经济学卷)》。
Chi Fulin, research fellow, supervisor of Ph.D. and member of the 11th and 12th National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference, is thepresident of China Institute for Reform and Development. He also works as vice president of China Society of Economic Reform, and vice president of China Society of Administrative Reform. He is a member of the Expert Committee for the 13th Five-Year Plan of China. In addition, he is a distinguished professor of a number of universities and colleges, including Chinese Academy of Governance, China Executive Leadership Academy Jinggangshan, Peking University, Zhejiang University and Northeastern University. Chi has been engaged in research of theories on economic transformation and related practices for many years. He has made in-depth research of governmenttransformation and equalization of basic public services centering on a number of major economic and social issues encountered in the process of the reform and opening-upof China. Based on these researches, he has published more than 40 monographs in Chinese and English as well as more than 800 academic papers. In addition, he hasparticipated in the preparation of more than 70 research reports as a compilation or research leader, with a great number of proposals on policies, which have great positiveinfluence on related decision making and practice. He is the winner of the Best Works Award, the Sun Yefang Award for Papers on Economic Science and the ChinaDevelopment Research Award. In 2009, he was selected as One of the 100 Economists Who Have Influenced Chinas Economic Development over the Last 60 Years 1. In 2015, his achievements were included in Overview of Academic Achievements of Renowned Chinese Scientists in the 20th Century Volume of Economics.
1978National Science Conference heldDiscussion on distribution according to workGreat discussion on the issue of the criteria of truthResumption of the college entrance examinationFarmers in Xiaogang Village fixed responsibilities for each householdThird Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China heldWorking Conference of the CentralCommittee of CPCChina and the United States announced the establishment of diplomatic relations1979Deng Xiaopings Visit to the United StatesResumption of domestic insurance businessPutting forward the policy of adjustment, reform, reorganization and improvementEstablishing special economic zonesMaking great efforts to support township and village enterprisesPilot on expanding the autonomy of enterprises1980Redressing cases involving unjustXiangyang peoples commune in Guanghan County, Sichuan Province revokedOn the Reform of the System of Party and State Leadership by Deng XiaopingThe beginning of fiscal system reform2016Sixth Plenum of the 18th CPC Central Committee: ensuring full and strict governanceover the PartyDeepening the reform of investment and financing systemsComprehensively advancing the reform of replacing business tax withvalue-added tax and resource tax reformIssuance of the National Innovation-driven Development Strategy ProgramPilot on reform of national supervision systemYangtze River Economic Belt development and a new round of revitalization of the northeastEstablishing a unified basic medical insurance system for urban and rural residentsEstablishing a global-oriented high standard network of free trade zones201719th National Congress of the Communist Party of China heldXiongan New Area establishedGeneral Provisions of the Civil Law adopted upon deliberation14th No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee issuedPlan for Advancing the Equalization of Basic Public Services in 13th Five-Year PlanPeriod promulgatedPilot free trade zones formed the new pattern of 1 3 7Belt and Road Forum for International CooperationNew situation of the reform of introducing mixed ownership gradually shapedThe first midand long-term plan for market regulation in China was issued2018Third Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Partyof China opened deepening reform of Party and state institutionsCentral Committee for Deepening Overall Reform establishedBoao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2018 held13th NPC adopted the new constitutional amendment and supervision lawGrant more powers to pilot free trade zones to conduct reform, explorethe opening of free trade portsUnwaveringly support the development of the private sector of economyThe First China International Import Expo Held
President Xi Jinping pointed out in his keynote speech at Boao Forum for Asia 2018 annual conference: in 1978, advocated by Mr. Deng Xiaoping, China started its historical journey of reform and opening up, with the Third Plenum of the 11th CPC Central Committee as the symbol. From countryside to cities, from pilots to wide application, and from economic system reform to deepening reform in an all-round way, with 40 years of united efforts and 40 years of hard work, the Chinese people have written a magnificent epic of national development with their hands. In the 40 years of reform and opening up, China has achieved important historical leaps in the process of economic modernization: thehistoric leap from the initial period of industrialization to the late period of industrialization, the historic transition from a closed and semi-closed status to all-round opening; and the historic rising from a society of shortage economy to the new era of consumption. In the past 40 years, an important reason for the historic achievements in China''s economic and social development is the continuous development and improvement of the socialist market economic system, with themain line as properly handling the relationship between the government and the market. In keeping with the trend of development of the times, we explored a successful path to building socialism with Chinese characteristics and established a socialist market economic system full of vitality. The reform and opening up, as the second revolution in China, has not only profoundly changed China, but also deeply influenced the world.From the 18th to the 19th National Congress of the CPC, under the leadership of the Party Central Committee with Xi Jinping as its core, we pushed forward reform and opening up in an all-round way. Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech at the conference in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Hainan Province as a special economic zone that, at present, reform has come to a new pass in history, and the complexity, sensitivity and arduousness to push forward reform is no less than that 40 years ago. There is no way out to follow the beaten track, and hanging back will only let slip golden opportunities. Reform and opening up is a process of emancipating the mind. No big breakthrough can be made in reform without emancipation of the mind. In this great background, our purpose of celebrating the 40thanniversary of reform and opening up is to carry on the reform through to the end.In 2012, China Institute for Reform and Development and China Intercontinental Press cooperated to publish Panorama Of Reform And Opening-up In China:19782012, and issued it worldwide in English version, receiving extensive good appraisal from readers both at home and overseas. At the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up,we present to you the new achievements in the reform and opening up and the new look of the economic and social development of China since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, to put together again the vivid records of the 40 years of reform and opening up in China, as a gift to the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up.This book, in the form of chronicle, takes the grand and arduous process of reform and opening up in China as the main line, objectively records the major events in the economy and society of China during the period of reform and opening up, and intuitively presents the tremendous changes in all areas of the Chinese society over the past 40 years, to enable readers to get a fairly objective and complete picture of reform and opening up process in China by reading this book.The compilation of this book was organized by the team of China Institute for Reform and Development, with Chi Fulin as the editor-in-chief, Zhang Juan and Chen Wei as deputy editors-in-chief, and Chen Suohua, Wang Fei, Jin Liren and Fan Min participating in the relevant work of preparation, editing and proof-reading. As the editor-in-chief of this book, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the colleagues who have made hard efforts for this book, and to China Intercontinental Press for its great support and hard work for the publication of this book!The panoramic record of 40 years of reform and opening up involves all aspects, and in the compilation of this book, large amount of relevant documentation was referenced, which cannot be listed one by one in the book, and we would like to express our thanks here to all.
Chi FulinOctober 8, 2018



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