中国是世界著名的四大文明发祥地之一。今天的中国大地上,仍然保存着数量巨大、种类繁多的古代文明遗迹遗物。这些存留至今的珍贵文物,时代跨越了上下约7000年,集中体现了中国文明的源远流长和博大精深。本书选择中国文物中具有代表性的12大类进行介绍,包括陶器、青铜器、玉器、雕塑、金银器、瓷器等。它们以各自独特的方式,铭刻了历史长河中一个个不可复制的瞬间。让我们一起穿越时空的遂道,以这些古代文物为标识,去探寻中国文明的发展轨迹。 China is the birthplace of one of the four greatest civilizations in the world, hence those cultural relics which, in huge quantities and immensely rich varieties, have always been fascinating. These cultural relics were produced during different periods of the Chinese history, over well over 7,000 years. They are gems of the Chinese civilization.This book gives a brief account of 8 types of cultural relics unearthed in China so far, including pottery, porcelain, jade and bronze. These are seen as the most representative of the Chinese culture, each in its own way providing a glimpse into ancient China.
李力,毕业于北京大学历史系,中国考古学会会员,现任国家文物局文物出版社《文物》月刊副编审。著有《华夏之美中国艺术史图鉴》(合著)、《中华文明史第三卷秦汉美术》、《中国文化通志魏晋南北朝文化志》(合著)、《文物与美术》(合著)等。 Li Li, born in Jilin Province in 1952. Graduated from the Department of History, Peking University.Member of the China Archaeology Society, associate editor of the monthly Cultural Relics published by the National Bureau of Cultural Relics of China. Co-author of Beauty of Chinaan Illustrated History of the Chinese Arts, co-author of Art of Rule by Using the Pen and the Sword, author of Fine art of the Qin and Han Dynasties, Vol. 3, History of the Chinese Civilization, coauthor of Cultural Events of the Wei-Jin-Southern-Northern Dynasties, in General History of the Chinese Culture, co-author of Cultural Relics and Fine Art.
ForewordPainted PotteryOrigin of Pottery ArtDevelopment of Painted PotteryPainted Pottery of the Yangshao CulturePrehistory Pottery Later than Those of the Yangshao CultureJade ArtifactsBeautiful Stones and JadeJade Artifacts of the Xinglongwa Culture and Hongshan CultureJade Artifacts of the Liangzhu CultureJade Carvings of the Shang-Zhou PeriodFunerary Objects of JadeThe Bloom of Jade ArtifactsBronze WareBronze TechnologyBronze Sacrificial UtensilsDecorative Designs and Inscriptions on Bronze WareAnimal-shaped Bronze Vessels and Bronze Human FiguresBronze Weapons, Helmets and ShieldsPorcelainPorcelain of the Six DynastiesPorcelain of the Sui-Tang PeriodPorcelain Kilns of the Song DynastyBlue and White Porcelain of the Yuan DynastyPainted Porcelain of the Ming-Qing PeriodSculptureTomb FigurinesMausoleum Sculptures of StoneGrotto Temples and Formative Art of BuddhismPaintingThe Origin of the Art of PaintingPaintings of the Han and Jin DynastiesPainting Style of the Sui-Tang PeriodPainting Academy of the Song DynastyThe Literati Paintings in the Yuan, Ming and Qing DynastiesFurnitureFurniture before the Han DynastyDevelopment of Furniture with High LegsMing-style FurnitureIndoor FurnishingArts and CraftsGold and Silver ArtifactsLacquer WorksBamboo, Wooden, Ivory and Animal Horn ArticlesArtificially Shaped GourdsEmbroideryCloisonnePurple Clay TeapotsThe Collection and Preservation of Cultural RelicsCollecting in the Flourishing AgeTreasures Lost in the Troubled TimesArduous Task ahead for the Protection of Cultural Relics
The Chinese civilization is one of the four most ancient in the world. Relative to the Egyptian, Indian and Tigris-Euphrates civilizations, it is characterized by a consistency and continuity throughout the millenniums. Rooted deep in this unique civilization originating from the Yangtze and Yellow River valleys, a yellow race known as the Chinese has, generation after generation, stuck to a unique cultural tradition. This tradition has remained basically unchanged even though political power has changed hands numerous times. Alien ethnic groups invaded the countrys heartland numerous times, but in the end all of them became members of a united family called China.Cultural relics, immeasurably large in quantity and diverse in variety and artistic style, bespeak the richness and profoundness of the Chinese civilization. These, as a matter of fact, cover all areas of the human races tangible culture. This book classifies Chinas cultural relics into two major categories, immovable relics and removable relics. Immovable relics refer to those found on the ground and beneath, including ancient ruins, buildings, tombs and grotto temples. Removable relics include stone, pottery, jade and bronze artifacts, stone carvings, pottery figurines, Buddhist statues, gold and silver articles, porcelain ware, lacquer works, bamboo and wooden articles, furniture, paintings and calligraphic works, as well as works of classic literature. This book is devoted to removable cultural relics, though from time to time it touches on those of the first category.