編輯推薦: |
1、本书从潘维廉先生在1988年-2016年间写给家人的数百封家信中精选近五十封,首次集结出版。 2、国外读者展示了一个真实的、具体可感的中国,以及这个国家日新月异的变化,还有作者本人和他的妻子、孩子浓浓的中国情。
內容簡介: |
All generalizations about China are false--including this one. This book is about how I started out for Australia but ended up on a 3-decade adventure in China. We''ve witnessed unprecedented changes in China. In some small ways, we''ve even participated in these changes.
關於作者: |
William N. Brown, the first American to receive Permanent Residence in Fujian Province after Reform and Opening-up. In 1988, he moved with his family to Xiamen where he taught MBA courses for the past 30 years. In 1993, he was awarded Friendship Award.
Chapter 1
Getting Oriented
1 Detour From Australia 2
2 Jade Islands 6
3 China Our Matchmaker 11
4 Slow Boat to Amoy 17
Chapter 2
Xiamen University Holiday Village
091988 to 011989
5 Student Life at Holiday Inn 26
6 Iceboxer Rebellion 31
7 Cafeteria Wars 35
8 TVs and Toast 39
9 Half the Sky 45
10 Room Service 49
11 Wheels in Amoy 52
12 Vanilla in the Paint Store 55
13 Going Postal 61
14 Beauty and the Beach 64
15 Well Seasoned Greetings 66
Chapter 3
MBA & XMU Foreign Experts Guesthouse
011989 to 031990
16 Chinas First MBA! 70
17 Good Morning, China! 76
18 Payday 79
19 Chinese New Year Live Long and Prosper 85
20 My Chinese New Year Prisoner 91
21 No Books, No Class! 94
22 Body Spaces 99
23 Amoys Most Festive Holiday 102
24 Talking Turkey Chinese Thanksgiving 106
25 Merry Amoy Christmas 109
Chapter 4
Lingfeng Little House on the Hilltop
031990 to 121993
26 Lingfeng Little House on the Hilltop 116
27 Turning the Tea Table 120
28 These Are the Magi Gift-giving in China 123
29 Flowers on Horseback 128
30 Happy Holidays 132
31 The Tao of Tea 136
32 Gulangyu Richest Square Mile on Earth 139
33 Amoy Taboos 143
34 When Silence Is Not Golden 146
35 Fujians 1st Foreign Green Card 152
36 I Voted ! Mountains High, Emperor Far Away 156
37 Friendship Award 160
38 Foreign Devils and Friends 164
Chapter 5
Exploring China and Amoy People
101994 to Present
39 Around China in 80 Days Ⅰ 170
40 Around China in 80 Days Ⅱ 176
41 Millionaire Maid 182
42 Amoy Captures the Dutch! 190
43 Y2K End of the Road? 195
44 Our Made in China Marriage : 20 years! 201
45 Xiamen Wins the Green Oscar 204
46 Robin Fei Fei The Best Student I Never Had 207
47 Flowers on Horseback, Dismounting the Tiger 210
Epilogue 214