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『簡體書』人体寄生虫学(Human Parasitology)(英文原版改编版) (留学生与双语教学用)

書城自編碼: 3270359
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材研究生/本科/专科教材
作者: 戴维 · T. 约翰[David T.John] 威廉 ·
國際書號(ISBN): 9787302496977
出版社: 清华大学出版社
出版日期: 2018-10-01

書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 649



** 我創建的書架 **

《人体寄生虫学(Human Parasitology)》可作为医学院校留学生临床医学专业本科学生的人体寄生虫学基础课教材,同时也是医学院校各专业研究生、教师及临床医师、药师获得这方面系统知识的一本有益读物。
《人体寄生虫学(Human Parasitology)》主要内容包括人体寄生虫学总论,肠道寄生原虫,组织内寄生原虫,吸虫,绦虫,肠道线虫,组织内线虫,节肢动物与疾病,寄生虫学常用诊断方法等。重点讲述每种常见寄生虫的形态、生活史、致病、诊断与防治。
目.录PARTⅠ FUNDAMENTALS OF PARASITOLOGY Chapter 1 Introduction 3 Chapter 2 Parasites, Parasitism, and Host Relations 8PARTⅡ PROTOZOOLOGY Chapter 3 Introduction to Protozoa 19 Chapter 4 Lumen-Dwelling Protozoa 21 Chapter 5 Plasmodium 63 Chapter 6 Other Blood- and Tissue-Dwelling Protozoa 85Part Ⅲ HELMINTHOLOGY Chapter 7 Introduction to the Trematodes 127 Chapter 8 The Intestinal Flukes 130 Chapter 9 The Liver Flukes 134 Chapter 10 The Blood Flukes 141 Chapter 11 The Lung Flukes 161 Chapter 12 Introduction to the Cestodes 168 Chapter 13 Common Cestode Parasites of Humans 173 Chapter 14 Introduction to the Nematodes 202 Chapter 15 The Intestinal Nematodes 204 Chapter 16 The Blood- and Tissue-Dwelling Nematodes 233PART Ⅳ ARTHROPOLOGYChapter 17 Arthropods and Human Diseases 271PART Ⅴ PARASITIC INFECTION Chapter 18 Parasitic Infections in Immunocompromised Hosts 297 Chapter 19 Signs and Symptoms of Parasitic Disease 306PART Ⅵ THE DIAGNOSIS OF PARASITIC DISEASESChapter 20 Pseudoparasites and Pitfalls 323
Chapter 21 Examination of Stool Specimens 327 Chapter 22 Examination of Blood, Other Body Fluids and Tissues, Sputum, and Urine 343 Chapter 23 Immunodiagnostic Techniques 352 The Appendix Food-borne Parasitic Diseases 358 REFERENCES 366
前.言We enthusiastically present the first edition of Medical Parasitology with modifications from its original book Markell and Voges Medical Parasitology. In the last decade, flourishing undergraduate education program for foreigner students has been achieved by the joint effort of many universities in China. Every year thousands of foreigner students, mostly from India or the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, come to China to finalize their basic medical training in tens of universities every year. An elaborate parasitology textbook for these students is a necessity.The first edition of Markell and Voges Medical Parasitology was published in 59 years ago, in 1958. The book has been a trusted and comprehensive material for a large number of students for over half a century. The content explores the etiologic agents of human parasite disease belonging to the protozoa, helminths, and arthropods. In addition to providing descriptions of these agents, the book also deals with the clinical diseases they cause, their modes of acquisition, transmission and epidemiology, and their pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. The elegant life cycle drawings and the detailed symptom descriptions in the book are impressive to every reader. Furthermore, numerous updates on the topics of contemporary research have been included in the ninth edition. Thus, we believe this book can greatly benefit students in helping them understand and recognize all the impacts that various parasites may have.The primary purpose of this book is to serve as a guide for both the clinical diagnosis and treatment, the laboratory diagnosis of the protozoan and helminthic diseases of medical importance, and the arthropods related to the illnesses. While it is intended primarily for international medical students, we hope it is also useful to Chinese medical students and physicians, as well as to the medical technologists and others whoare concerned with the laboratory identification of the parasites of humans. We revised the sections of the morphology and life cycle of parasites to fit students learning purpose. Inparticular, illustrations that are more detailed have been added to the life cycle part, since we believe that the life cycle of a parasite is a crucial point for readers to comprehend the disease caused by the corresponding organism. Meanwhile, considering the areas where most students come from, we emphasized on the parasites that are mostly distributed in Asia andor China, and to a lesser extent made others concise.LIU Peimei 2017, Tianjin



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