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《大卫约你练英语》由英国人大卫布罗迪(David Brodie)编写,分零基础篇和提高篇两个分册,针对初级、中级成人英语学习者。书中没有音标、不讲语法,以对话模式引领学习者开启纯正英语学习之旅,全面提升学员的口语表达能力和自信。
內容簡介: |
關於作者: |
大卫布罗迪在教育领域有着40多年丰富的从业经验,学生范围涵盖5岁少儿至成人,其中包括众多博士学位的学生,并在英国国家级的项目中担任重要角色。在语言、艺术与科学的交叉学科、学习与评估过程的关系等领域有特殊的贡献。他曾为剑桥大学出版社和美国斯普林格出版社在内的众多出版社撰写以及合作编撰了多部著作。他还是英国一家提供培训、出版、教育定制服务公司的创始人,目前在中国提供咨询服务工作。David Brodie has 40 years of experience in education, working with students from age 5 to adults, including PhD level. His work has including leading nationwide projects in the UK, with a special interest in language, in art-science cross-over work, and in the relationship between learning and the assessment process. He has written and co-written many books for publishers including Cambridge University Press and Springer USA. He is founder of a company in the UK that provides training, publishing and academic design services, and he currently provides consultancy service in China.
Step 1
Step 1-a 1
Step 1-b 13
Step 1-c 27
Step 1 Review 43
Step 2
Step 2-a 55
Step 2-b 72
Step 2-c 89
Step 2 Review 107
Step 3
Step 3-a 118
Step 3-b 137
Step 3-c 153
Step 3 Review 171