目 录 Table of Contents
001 序
001 Foreword
001 前 言
001 Introduction
003 我与周口店遗址 吴新智
003Me and Site of Zhoukoudian Wu Xinzhi
025 周口店打下了我事业的基础 黄万波
025Zhoukoudian has Started My Career Huang Wanbo
047 周口店是我的大学堂 赵资奎
047Zhoukoudian is My TutorZhao Zikui
059 我把青春献给周口店 袁振新
059Ive Dedicated My Youth to Zhoukoudian Yuan Zhenxin
073 周口店的鸟类化石决定了我的研究方向 侯连海
073Bird Fossils at Zhoukoudian Having Served as My Research Guide Hou Lianhai
083 新研究的基础是尊重前人的研究成果 周国兴
083Showing Respect for Research Findings of Your Predecessors - Basis of Your Research Zhou Guoxing
093 我对周口店的点滴印象 吴茂霖
093My Impression of ZhoukoudianWu Maolin
099 走近周口店 卫奇
099 Approaching ZhoukoudianWei Qi
135 对周口店和裴老的几点印象 祁国琴
135Reminiscences of Zhoukoudian and Honorable Pei Qi Guoqin
141 周口店遗址是我学习考古的第一课 齐心
141Site of Zhoukoudian, My Class of Archaeology 101 Qi Xin
149 我与周口店猿人遗址的不解之缘 吴梦麟
149My Love for Zhoukoudian, Site of Peking Man Wu Menglin
163 我是父亲的秘书 贾彧彰
163Me Serving as My Dads SecretaryJia Yuzhang
171 与周口店遗址结缘,是我们的幸运,也被赋予责任 高星
171Our Luck and Obligations to Be Hooked Up with Zhoukoudian Gao Xing
197 期待发现更多有价值的化石 同号文
197Expecting to Discover More Valuable FossilsTong Haowen
211 通过对脑演化的研究来了解我们的祖先 吴秀杰
211Trying to Understand Our Ancestors through Research of Brain Evolution Wu Xiujie
223 周口店猿人洞的新发掘、新发现 张双权
223New Excavations and New Findings at Peking Man CaveZhang Shuangquan
239 我人生一大半的时间都在周口店 蔡炳溪
239Most of My Lifetime Spent at Zhoukoudian Cai Bingxi
251 我的一生都在周口店工作 王志苗
251Working all My Life at ZhoukoudianWang Zhimiao
263 周口店是养育我成长的家园 高克勤
263Zhoukoudian is Where Ive Been Reared Gao Keqin
279 我在这里度过人生最美好的时光 张丽芬
279This is Where Ive Spent My Best TimeZhang Lifen
291 我与龙骨山 付华林
291Me and Dragon-bone hillFu Hualin
Locality 1 at Zhoukoudian is an important place of archaic hominid, where excavations and research have been conducted for nearly a century. There was a wide-spreading hypothesis on the origin of human beings in the 20s of the 20th century: Humans originated from Central Asia due to the gradual elevation of the Himalayas. The discovery of the site at Zhoukoudian has supported such a theory. The finding of the first intact skull of Sinanthropus pekinensis or Peking Man and the confirmation of their stone tools have brought a 30-year-old argumentation to an end whether or not Pithecanthropus erectus or Java Man is human, thus pushing back the substantiated human history for half a million years and putting both Peking Man and Java Man side by side on the list of earliest ancestors of human beings. Locality 1 at Zhoukoudian gets a better edge by presenting a more diversified and comprehensive array of human fossil remains with rich contents of cultural relics.
Stone artifacts dating back to 1.7 million years ago were unearthed in Tanzania, eastern Africa in 1959, which traces the substantiated human history further back to more than 1 million years ago. Backing down from its first place on the earliest human list, Peking Man at the Locality 1 of Zhoukoudian still maintains the most profound cultural relics title of all early human remains across the world. Although more human fossil remains were discovered at the Atapuerca SH Site of Spain in recent years, Locality 1 at Zhoukoudian still holds its irreplaceable position in the study of human evolution.
在第1地点以后,龙骨山和附近又先后发现了山顶洞、第4地点、田园洞这些含有人化石的和另外几处含有石器的遗址,构成了周口店遗址群。其发掘、研究和诸多有关方面的历史自然是人们关注的对象。从有关周口店遗址群发掘和研究的学术论文以及当时的记录可以反映许多历史细节。从前人的回忆录之类的资料中也往往能窥见这个遗址群历史的片段。周口店北京人遗址博物馆组织一些老同志将他们记忆中关于这个遗址群经历过而又缺乏文字记录的历史片段以口述方式贡献出来,形成现在这本文集为读者提供许多前所未闻生动具体的细节,供后人参考。周口店遗址博物馆隗建华副馆长执意请我作序,我感觉为难,因为一件关于周口店的悬案久久不能释怀:周口店遗址群第一件人类化石出土这样重大事件发生的年份在文献上曾有着不同的说法。根据Davidson Black(步达生)等所著1933年出版的Fossil Man in China(《中国原人史要》第7页所载,这个遗址的第一颗人牙化石是1923年出土的(原文中译:在1923年的发掘中,师丹斯基博士从周口店的洞穴堆积物中发现了在当时被他认为属于类人猿的一颗磨耗了的,石化了的人科臼齿),而根据贾兰坡等1984年所著《周口店发掘记》则记载为在1921年发掘时就发现了一颗很可疑的牙齿(第15页,从上下文可以肯定其所指是周口店出土的第一颗人牙化石)。孰是孰非,令人困惑。上述二书的作者虽然都不是事件的亲历者,但是步达生1926或1927年到周口店,贾兰坡1931年到周口店,都不能肯定没有与亲历者交流的机会。
After Locality 1, successive sites were discovered around it like Upper Cave, Locality 4, Tianyuan Cave which have yielded human fossils and some other sites associated with stone artefacts, forming a site group at Zhoukoudian. The excavations, researches and other history of these sites naturally draw peoples eyeballs. A whole lot of historic details can be mirrored through academic papers and logbooks on the excavation and research of the site group at Zhoukoudian. People are also able to catch a glimpse of the history of the site group from the literature of the predecessors such as their memoirs. Zhoukoudian Site Museum has asked some of its veterans to orally contribute vivid and unprecedented details from their memory what the Site Group went through in this great collection for its future readers. Wei Jianhua, Deputy Director of Zhoukoudian Site Museum, insisted inviting me to write the foreword, which makes me hesitant because I have been bothered about a cold case of Zhoukoudian literature differs in the year when the first ancient human fossil was unearthed -- an event of great historical importance. According to the statement While excavating in 1923 Dr. Otto Zdansky recovered from the Choukoutien cave deposit a worn and fossilized hominid molar tooth which he recognized at the time of its discovery as being anthropomorphic on page 7 in the 1933 edition of Fossil Man in China written by Davison Black, the first fossilized human molar which was unearthed from this site happened in 1923. However, based on Excavations Zhoukoudian written by Jia Lanpo and his colleague in 1984, a highly suspicious tooth was found in the excavation that took place in 1921 p. 15, from the context the tooth means the first human tooth fossil unearthed at Zhoukoudian. It is pretty confusing as to who is right and who is wrong. Neither of the authors was able to witness the event. Nevertheless, Davison Black visited Zhoukoudian either in 1926 or 1927 and Jia Lanpo came to the same site in 1931. So, we cannot be positive that neither had the chance to talk to the persons involved.
I may conclude from the above cases that contradictory descriptions may occur in the aftermath of an event which is not logged in time. I am not in a position to comment on the details in this book due to my limited time, energy and possibility of verifying the facts, what I can do is to offer the following advice: As an editor, you need to caution the narrator that great care must be taken to proofread the literature so as to avoid possible deviations from the original text or even mistakes in the process of switching recordings to writings. In views of the uncertainty of the year in which the above-mentioned human tooth fossil was discovered, I would strongly suggest to the readers that never neglect the fact that discrepancies or even distortion can happen to the memory of narrators in very old age including me myself. What they have stated can be of great value for reference but should never be 100% passed on to others as truth. Otherwise, it might cause confusion among people of our future generations. If the reader finds the literature in this book is self-contradictory or what is stated in this book is incompatible with actual events or facts, please bear in mind the famous motto of Mencius To believe everything said in the book is worse than to have no books at all. Try rational thinking. If the reader is able to raise hisher doubts discovered in the book before the narrators pass, it will certainly be beneficial for all hisher doubts to be cleared without their running into some new ones down the road. May this collection bring more positive rather than negative impact on all our readers!