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『簡體書』新东方 托福写作话题满分范文

書城自編碼: 3245680
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英语考试
作者: [美]苏马克[Mark Sullivan]
國際書號(ISBN): 9787511026262
出版社: 海豚出版社
出版日期: 2018-08-01

書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 442



** 我創建的書架 **

[美]苏马克(Mark Sullivan):主要教授TOEFL口语和写作课程,TOEFL考试120分获得者。具有5年的中国授课经验,授课逻辑清晰、直入重点,深谙中国学生的英语薄弱点,教学中融入美式教学理念,曾培训出大量高分学员。
1 Children
required to study music and art 2
2 Early age
financial management 5
3 Leaving time for
discussion 7
4 Professors or
equipment 9
5 Senior high
required classes 12
6 Teachers express
views in class 15
7 University club
project 18
8 Better to relax
by 20
9 Family meals
together 22
10 Finish one project
or not 24
11 Friendship
should continue 26
12 Judge friends
by friends 28
13 Never be
impolite 31
14 Open to new
ideas 33

15 Agriculture or
environment 35
16 Day care 37
17 In times of
economic crisis 39
18 Large area of
land 42
19 Neighbors and
dependence 45
20 Villages
happier than cities 47

21 Close or
distant supervision 49
22 Improving
work-related skills 53
23 Job near or
far 56
24 Looks more
important than idea 58
25 Money for
advertising 61
26 Working three
or five days 64
27 Challenge or
ease makes people happier 67
28 Correcting
mistakes 70
29 Leaders are
born 73
30 Make
friends 75
31 Neat room
equals success 78
32 Parents more
involved in education 81
33 Work and hobby
differ 83
34 After school
activities 86
35 High school
economics required 88
36 Professor
salary 91
37 Surfing the Net
while studying 94
38 University
courses broad or narrow 98
39 University
history required 100
40 Ask elders or
peers 102
41 Call or
text 105
42 Creative or
plan 108
43 Gap year 110
44 Grandparents
advice is useless 113
45 Make or keep
friends 116
46 Move to another
country 120
47 Celebrity
opinions 123
48 Children chores
or study 125
49 Internet access
paid for by government 128
50 Leadership
cannot be learned 131
51 Money on pets 134
52 Raise children
today 136
53 Raise fuel to
solve air pollution 139
54 Scientific
discoveries 141
55 Stricter rules
for children 143
56 Young less dependent

57 Friendly and
outgoing 149
58 Happier doing
same or different tasks 152
59 Independent or
group work 156
60 Secure or
suitable job 158
61 Take time or do
it quickly 161
62 Cannot accept
criticism cannot work in teams 164
63 College
education or primary education 166
64 Companies
damaging the environment 169
65 Job or social
life 172
66 Rely on private
or public 175
67 Teachers more
appreciated in the past 177
68 Classroom or
field trip 182
69 Education
easier now 185
70 Student
interest in politics 188
71 Studying or
learning 191
72 Trimester
system 194
73 University
interest or job 198
74 Clothing
reveals personality 200
75 Dreams or
realistic goals 202
76 Make others happy 204
77 Money or
fame 206
78 Reading second
time 208
79 Remain
happy 210
80 Small shops are
better 213
81 Friendlier in
the past 217
82 Government for
modern housing 220
83 Government
money for beauty 222
84 Important
improvements 225
85 Know the news 228
86 Leader decide
quickly 231
87 Leader ensure
prosperity 234
88 Politician good
communicator 237
89 Societys rules
too many for young 239

90 High pay and
long hours 241
91 Listening or
talking CEO 244
92 Multiple skills 247
93 Planning for
the future 250
94 Trying
different jobs 252
95 Communicate in
person or by email 255
96 Educating
children is more difficult 258
97 Education for
knowledge or employment 261
98 Parents
encourage children taking part-time jobs
99 Teacher
salaries equal to other professions 266
100 To succeed
means to be like everyone else 269
1. Essay
Organization 文章结构 272
Introduction 引言段 276
Punctuation 标点符号 279
4. Repetition 重复 283
5. Rhetorical
Devices 修辞手法 286
6. Rubric 评分标准 290
7. Sentence
Variety 句式多样性 292
8. Support 论据 296
9. Tone 语调 298
10. Truth
Value 真理的价值 299
前 言

The intended audience for this collection of TOEFL
Writing Task 2 sample essays comprises two types of readers: those with
presumed scores on the above section of twenty-two and over but short of their
goal, and those coming back around to the TOEFL from higher-level examsthe
SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, for instancebearing a grudge.
All are orthodox five-paragraph essays on the order of
five hundred words. This fact alone removes them from being deployed as
templates for most humans, the author included. Add to this that the topics
have been chosen for their particular difficulty and rendered in a variety of
organizational patterns, points of view, styles, voices and it becomes apparent
they are offered here, not as models, but storehouses for the reader to do with
as seems best.
The two editors at Dogwood set my mind at ease with
their professional yet warm-hearted direction and advice every step of the way
to publication. A deep bow of gratitude goes out to the two professional voice
artists generously arranged for by the editors to bring these essayswarts and
allto life and to their in-house proofreader whose keen eye for error turned
my face into a stoplight more than once. Thank you all.
I am indebted to all the staff and teachers in the Sichuan Province,
Chengdu branch of New Oriental for making me welcome. Without their patience
handling the aggravations of my visa [Mss. Gao 高 and Huang 黄] and kind instruction anddirection [Ms. Ma 马, Ms. Wei 委, Cecily, and Depthbomb], I dare not think where I
would be. Thanks in particular go to my superiorsMr. Liu Qingwen 刘清文 Chengdu Branch Chief, Mr. Zhang Kui 张魁 Overseas Testing
Department Director, and Ms. Li Zhen 李祯 Head Teacherfor having the faith to pull me out of the classroom
long enough to complete and proof this. I stand ever indebted to the three of
you. Most of all, I extend my gratitude to Paul Tang 唐盛 whose idea this book wasmy teacher, supervisor, and
friend for hiring me, pushing me, and letting me go.
Mistakes herein of whatever kind are mine.




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