Chapter Two. Activity zone
设计要点Design specifications
LICEO EUROPA幼儿园如何设计出高品质且充满创意的幼儿园活动区域?LICEO EUROPAHow to create a high quality and forward-looking activity zone in kindergarten?
朋海登詹科幼儿园如何在旧建筑有限的空间中设计出更多新意的活动空间?Gekko in BonheidenHow to make more creative space in restricted old buildings?
East China Normal University Affiliate Bilingual KindergartenHow to design a kindergarten with courtyard in a restricted zone?如何在用地紧张的地区设计一个带庭院的幼儿园?华东师范大学附属双语幼儿园
圣彼得堡Ya v domike儿童乐园怎样在幼儿园内打造一个适合任何年龄段幼儿的活动空间?Ya v domike- Kids Club St.PetersburgHow to create activity space that suits children of any age in a kindergarten?
Riko体育幼儿园如何为一家提倡培养幼儿活动能力的幼儿园设计室内外的活动空间?Riko Sport KindergartenHow to design indoor and outdoor activity space for a kindergarten that encourages movement and sport?
LHM幼儿园如何设计幼儿园中的活动空间能够帮助幼儿园的独立思考和学习的能力?LHM kindergartenHow to design the activity area in a kindergarten that helps children think and learn independently?
Amanenomori幼儿园如何设计户外活动空间让孩子既能亲近自然,促进感知能力,又能增强园区的安全性?Amanenomori Nursery SchoolHow to design outdoor activity space that allows children to play around in nature, develop sensibility, and enhance security?
第三章 家具与材料的设计与选择Chapter Three. Furniture and materials
设计要点Design specifications
雨伞下的幼儿园如何设计幼儿园中的基础家具与设施Kindergarten Under the UmbrellaHow to design basic furniture and facilities in kindergarten?
柏林HISA幼儿园如何通过家具设计传达幼儿园的娱乐性和安全性?Kindergarten HISA in BerlinHow to guarantee fun and security in a kindergarten through furniture design?
Tandu幼儿园如何以孩子的眼光去设计他们喜爱的家具和环境?Tandu KindergartenHow to create childrens favourite furniture and environment?
深圳ibobi幼儿园如何在城市中设计出能让孩子更亲近大自然的幼儿园?Shenzhen IBOBI kindergartenHow to design a kindergarten in the city that will bring children closer to nature?
第四章 色彩的搭配与选择Chapter Four. Colours
设计要点Design specifications
Nipiaki Agogi幼儿园如何为幼儿园选择设计色彩Nipiaki AgogiHow to choose the right colours for a kindergarten?
汉堡海港城CompanyKids幼儿园如何用色彩烘托幼儿园的主题?CompanyKids Hafencity Kindergarten in HamburgHow to apply thematic colours in a kindergarten?
基塔辛纳斯瓦德尔幼儿园如何让色彩和空间规划相结合促进孩子的探索欲?Kita SinneswandelHow to encourage exploration with proper colour and layout scheme?