編輯推薦: |
1. 牙周治疗作为口腔治疗的基础,市场容量非常大。 2. 目前国内没有相关同类图书,市场前景非常好,发展空间非常大。
內容簡介: |
關於作者: |
章锦才(主译) 男 主任医师 教授。是中华口腔医学会牙周病学专委会常务委员。主要从事牙周病病因与防治的研究。
经典文献 Classic Literatures
果评价 1
Long-term retrospective evaluation of short implants in the
posterior areas: clinical results after 10-12 years
Anitua E., Pias L, Begoa L, Orive G
王勤涛 审 费栋栋 译
短种植体(6 mm)和长种植体(11~15 mm)联合
验结果 7
Short dental implants 6 mm versus long dental implants
11-15 mm in combination with sinus floor elevation
procedures: 3-year results from a multicentre, randomized,
controlled clinical trial
Pohl V, Thoma DS, Sporniak-Tutak K, Garcia-Garcia A, Taylor
TD, Haas R,Hmmerle CHF
李成章 审 王忠禹 译
比较使用短种植体(6 mm)和长种植体(11~15
第二部分:负重1年后的临床和影像学结果 13
Randomized controlled multicenter study comparing short
dental implants 6 mm versus longer dental implants
11-15 mm in combination with sinus floor elevation
procedures. Part 2: clinical and radiographic outcomes at 1
year of loading
Schincaglia GP, Thoma DS, Haas R, Tutak M, Garcia A, Taylor
TD, Hmmerle CHF
栾庆先 审 曾佳骏 译
研究的Meta分析 21
Impact of dental implant length on early failure rates: a
meta-analysis of observational studies
Pommer B, Frantal S, Willer J, Posch M, Watzek G, Tepper G
王勤涛 审 许乐檬 译
部分无牙颌患者植入短种植体(系统性综述 27
A systematic review of the prognosis of short dental implants placed in the partially edentulous patient
Telleman G, Raghoebar GM, Vissink A, den Hartog L, Huddleston
Slater JJR, Meijer HJA
李成章 审 吴慧萍 译
年随机对照临床试验 35
Impact of platform switching on inter-proximal bone levels
around short implants in the posterior region: 1-year results
from a randomized clinical trial
Telleman G, Raghoebar GM, Vissink A, Meijer HJA
栾庆先 审 张井然 译
摘要 Abstracts
种植体周探诊出血相关因素的回顾性研究 43
Bleeding on probing around dental implants: a retrospective
study of associated factors
Farina R, Filippi M, Brazzioli J, Tomasi C, Trombelli L
王勤涛 审 王穆洋 译
后牙区短种植体(﹤10 mm)支持的单冠修复Meta
分析 43
Meta-analysis of single crowns supported by short mm implants in the posterior region
Mezzomo LA, Miller R, Triches D, Alonso F, Shinkai RSA
王勤涛 审 王穆洋 译
The incidence of peri-implantitis for two different implant
systems over a period of thirteen years
Renvert S, Lindahl C, Rutger Persson G
李成章 审 徐名媛 译
病例对照研究 44
Long-term stability of surgical bone regenerative
procedures of peri-implantitis lesions in a prospective casecontrol
study over 3 years
Roos-Jansker A-M, Lindahl C, Persson GR, Renvert S
李成章 审 徐名媛 译
膜治疗种植体周围炎病损的2年临床结果 45
Two-year clinical results following treatment of periimplantitis
lesions using a nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite
or a natural bone mineral in combination with a collagen
Schwarz F, Sculean A, Bieling K, Ferrari D, Rothamel D, Becker J
栾庆先 审 王延峰 译