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書城自編碼: 3222562
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材研究生/本科/专科教材
作者: [美]Gary J. Bronson[盖瑞 ? J. 布朗森
國際書號(ISBN): 9787121343261
出版社: 电子工业出版社
出版日期: 2018-06-01

書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 579



** 我創建的書架 **

Gary J. Bronson博士是狄金森州立大学的信息系统教授,在那里他曾两度当选为年度教师。Bronson博士曾在洛克希德电子公司担任高级项目工程师,曾担任贝尔实验室的特邀讲师和顾问,并担任了数家华尔街金融公司的软件顾问。Bronson博士撰写了几部相当成功的有关C、C和Java的编程教材。
Gary J. Bronson博士是狄金森州立大学的信息系统教授,在那里他曾两度当选为年度教师。Bronson博士曾在洛克希德电子公司担任高级项目工程师,曾担任贝尔实验室的特邀讲师和顾问,并担任了数家华尔街金融公司的软件顾问。Bronson博士撰写了几部相当成功的有关C、C和Java的编程教材。
Part 1 Fundamentals1
Chapter 1 Introduction to Computer Programming1
1.1 History and Hardware1
1.2 Programming Languages7
1.3 Algorithms12
1.4 The Software Development Process15
1.5 Case Study: Design and Development22
1.6 Common Programming Errors25
1.7 Chapter Summary25
1.8 Chapter Appendix: Numerical Storage Codes26
Chapter 2 Getting Started in C Programming28
2.1 Introduction to C Programming28
2.2 Programming Style36
2.3 Data Types40
2.4 Arithmetic Operations45
2.5 Variables and Declarations53
2.6 Case Study: Temperature Conversion61
2.7 Common Programming and Compiler Errors64
2.8 Chapter Summary66
2.9 Chapter Supplement: Memory Allocation67
Chapter 3 Processing and Interactive Input73
3.1 Assignment73
3.2 Mathematical Library Functions81
3.3 Interactive Input85
3.4 Formatted Output94
3.5 Symbolic Constants101
3.6 Case Study: Interactive Input103
3.7 Common Programming and Compiler Errors108
3.8 Chapter Summary109
3.9 Chapter Supplement: Introduction to Abstraction110
Part 2 Flow of Control112
Chapter 4 Selection112
4.1 Relational Expressions112
4.2 The if and if-else Statements117
4.3 The if-else Chain126
4.4 The switch Statement132
4.5 Case Study: Data Validation138
4.6 Common Programming and Compiler Errors141
4.7 Chapter Summary143
4.8 Chapter Supplement: Errors, Testing, and Debugging144
Chapter 5 Repetition149
5.1 Basic Loop Structures149
5.2 The while Statement152
5.3 Computing Sums and Averages Using a while Loop158
5.4 The for Statement167
5.5 Case Studies: Loop Programming Techniques174
5.6 Nested Loops180
5.7 The do-while Statement183
5.8 Common Programming and Compiler Errors187
5.9 Chapter Summary188
Chapter 6 Modularity Using Functions: Part I190
6.1 Function and Parameter Declarations190
6.2 Returning a Value201
6.3 Case Study: Calculating Age Norms209
6.4 Standard Library Functions217
6.5 Common Programming and Compiler Errors228
6.6 Chapter Summary229
Chapter 7 Modularity Using Functions: Part II230
7.1 Variable Scope231
7.2 Variable Storage Class236
7.3 Pass by Reference242
7.4 Case Study: Swapping Values251
7.5 Recursion257
7.6 Common Programming and Compiler Errors261
7.7 Chapter Summary262
Part 3 Completing the Basics264
Chapter 8 Arrays264
8.1 One-Dimensional Arrays265
8.2?Array Initialization272
8.3 Arrays as Function Arguments276
8.4 Case Study: Computing Averages and Standard Deviations279
8.5 Two-Dimensional Arrays284
8.6 Common Programming and Compiler Errors292
8.7 Chapter Summary293
8.8 Chapter Supplement: Searching and Sorting Methods293
Chapter 9 Character Strings312
9.1 String Fundamentals312
9.2 Library Functions321
9.3 Input Data Validation327
9.4 Formatting Strings Optional333
9.5 Case Study: Character and Word Counting335
9.6 Common Programming and Compiler Errors340
9.7 Chapter Summary341
Chapter 10 Data Files342
10.1?Declaring, Opening, and Closing File Streams342
10.2?Reading from and Writing to Text Files352
10.3?Random File Access359
10.4?Passing and Returning Filenames361
10.5?Case Study: Creating and Using a Table of Constants363
10.6?Writing and Reading Binary Files Optional371
10.7?Common Programming and Compiler Errors375
10.8?Chapter Summary376
10.9?Chapter Supplement: Control Codes377
Part 4 Additional Topics380
Chapter 11 Arrays, Addresses, and Pointers380
11.1?Array Names as Pointers380
11.2?Manipulating Pointers385
11.3?Passing and Using Array Addresses390
11.4?Processing Strings Using Pointers395
11.5?Creating Strings Using Pointers399
11.6?Common Programming and Compiler Errors404
11.7?Chapter Summary405
Chapter 12 Structures406
12.1?Single Structures406
12.2?Arrays of Structures411
12.3?Passing and Returning Structures415
12.5?Common Programming and Compiler Errors422
12.6?Chapter Summary423
Chapter 13 Dynamic Data Structures425
13.1?Introduction to Linked Lists425
13.2?Dynamic Memory Allocation432
13.5?Dynamically Linked Lists447
13.6?Common Programming and Compiler Errors453
13.7?Chapter Summary454
Chapter 14 Additional Capabilities456
14.1?Additional Features456
14.2?Bit Operations461
14.4?Command-Line Arguments469
14.5?Common Programming and Compiler Errors473
14.6?Chapter Summary473
Chapter 15 A Brief Introduction to C475
15.1?Procedural Programming in C475
15.2?Object-Oriented C479
15.3?Common Programming and Compiler Errors481
15.4?Chapter Summary482
Appendix A Operator Precedence Table484
Appendix B ASCII Character Codes485
Appendix C The Standard C Library488
Appendix D Input, Output, and Standard Error Redirection493
Appendix E Floating-Point Number Storage495
Appendix F Creating a Personal Library497
Appendix G Solutions to Short Answer Questions499
As with its predecessors, the primary purpose of this edition of A First Book of ANSI C is to make C accessible as an applications programming language. The success of past editions, and the many comments I have received from both students and faculty stating that the book really did help them learn and teach C, have been extremely gratifying. Thus, the goal of this fourth edition remains the same as the first three editions: to present all topics clearly, unambiguously, and accessibly to beginning students. This text can be used as an introduction to programming in general, as an introduction to the C language in particular, and as a basis for further study of the C language.
This fourth edition includes a number of enhancements, including:
New case studies illustrating real-world program applications
A thorough explanation of input data validation techniques
Expanded exercises that now include both short-answer questions and programming exercises
A table of Common Compiler Errors at the end of most chapters, for both Unix-and Windows-based compilers, in addition to the list of Common Programming Errors also provided at the end of most chapters
Historical Notes relating to computer science topics
Introductory chapter on Computer Hardware and Software Engineering
Updates to all programs and descriptions that reflect the latest C99 ANSI standard
Distinctive Features of This Book
Emphasis: This text presents topics in a manner that helps students in the real-world of programming. I think this emphasis is best described by a reviewer, who wrote. The depth [of this text] focuses on the kinds of problems that beginning students stumble across. This is in contrast to [many texts] that somehow manage the feat of providing massive volume without including useful hints and short cuts.
Writing Style: I firmly believe that introductory texts do not teach studentsprofessors teach students. An introductory textbook, if it is to be useful, must be the supporting actor to the professors leading role. Once the professor sets the stage, however, the textbook must encourage the student in mastering the material presented in class. To do this, the text must makes sense to the student. My primary concern, and one of the distinctive features of this book, is that it has been written for the student. As one reviewer said of an earlier edition, This book addresses the student and not the professional.
Software Engineering: This text introduces students to the fundamentals of software engineering right from the start. In Section 1.3, students learn about algorithms and the various ways that an algorithm can be described.
The emphasis on software engineering continues in Section 1.4, which introduces the Software Development Process, and in all subsequent case studies, which demonstrate practical applications of the Software Development Process.
Introduction to Pointers: One of the unique features of the first edition was the introduction to pointers, in which the printf function was used to initially display the addresses of variables; only then were variables used to actually store these addresses. This approach always seemed a more logical and intuitive method of explaining pointer variables than the indirection description in vogue at the time the first edition was released. Since the first edition, I have been pleased to see that using the printf function to display addresses has become the standard way to introduce pointers. Although this approach, therefore, is no longer a unique feature of my book, I am very proud of its presentation and continue to use it in this new edition.
Program Testing: Every C program in this text has been successfully compiled and run using both Microsofts Visual C .NET and UNIX compilers. All programs have been written following the C99 ANSI standard. Source code files for all program examples used in the text are available online. This permits students to experiment with the programs and more easily modify them as required by a number of end-of-section exercises.
Pedagogical Features



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