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ClassicTalesandStories ofChina
Classic Tales and Stories of China iscomposedof sixbooks, Stories of Chinese Fables,Stories of Chinese Folk Tradition and Customs,Stories of Chinese Folk Tales, Stories of Chinese Myths and Legends, Stories of Chinese Traditional Virtues and Stories of Chinese Historical Events. All the six books are matched with vivid illustrations and plain English translations. Classic Tales and Stories of China will have a wide readership, including Chinese readers from kindergarten to college, foreign readers of different levels who are interested in Chinese culture and Chinese parentswhoeducatetheirchildren tolearntraditionalculture.Theseillustratedbooks belong to the popular literature of traditional culture which tries to keep up with the fastpaceofsocietyintheinformationage.Theywillhelpreadersofdifferentcultural backgroundstosharethe essential beauty of thetraditional Chinese culturalheritage. The lovely and interesting stories will quench both the thirst of foreigners who are interested in traditional Chinese culture, and the Chinese youngsters who enjoy the topicoftraditionalChinesecultureinabilingualmanner.
Stories of Chinese Fables often uses exaggerated and imaginary means, as well
as distinct and lively language, to convey moral truth and embody the philosophy of life.Theoutstandingrepresentatives areZhuangzi?sfables. Stories of Chinese Fables setsforththemysteriousanddeepphilosophyofNon-action andtheHarmony ofHumansandNature inaromanticandexaggeratedartisticstyle.Italsoexplains the secret essence of philosophical thinking on life with simple and vivid stories, which enables people to savor the unique taste of the stories while they gain enlightenment and moral truth. Fables likeA Walking Learner in Handan, A Mantis Blocked a Chariot, A Sigh of the River and Plugging the Ears While Stealing have beenwidelyknownbymostChinesefamilies.
Stories of Chinese Folk Tradition and Customs includes Chinese traditional seasonal themes, such as Nian, Laba Porridge, and anecdotal stories of folk customs suchas The God of Wealth, Matchmaker Yuelao, Red Double Happiness and so on. It also introduces some related widespread folk stories. China is composed of many nationalities and ethnic groups with diversities of customs and habits. This book selects representative folklore stories which embody patterns of behavior and customs of various nationalities in China. Stories of Chinese Folk Tradition and Customs isarealelementarycourseinChinesetraditionalculture.
Stories of Chinese Folk Tales belongs to the category of oral literature. Chinese folk tales and legends are regarded as an invaluable treasure in international folk literature. They have been passed down from generation to generation with their extremely rich oral style. Chinese folk tales, with extensive contents and impressive plots,areoftenbasedonrealChinesehistory.Theydemonstrateadistinctcharacterof
epoch, locality and nationality. Some famous Chinese folk tales have been
widespread in China through the ages, like Lady Meng Jiang Wailed at the Great Wall, Mulan Joined the Army, Jiang Taigong ? s Fishing, and Lady White Snake. Among the most favorite tales of love, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai is the most treasuredbyreadersdomesticandabroad.
Stories of Chinese Myths and Legends selects the most famous ancient Chinese myth stories, which often deal with supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes of remote antiquity. These stories center around the relationship between humans and nature,such as Nv Wa Saved the Sky, Kua Fu Chased the Sun,and Jingwei Filled the EastSea.Theprotagonistsinmythsareoftendescribedasimmortalsorhalf-immortals. Even though there are supernatural facts in myths, the characters, times, and locales of the stories are often true in existence, like A Bamboo with Spots of Tears, Chenxiang Saved His Mother andHoly Farmer King Yan andothers.
Stories of Chinese Traditional Virtues collects the classic stories, in which the characters represent the Chinese nation?s traditional virtues and values:being brave and hard-working, respecting the elderly and caring for children, being studious and diligent, being upright and trustworthy, etc. The typical stories include Reading by the Light of Bagged Fireflies, Three Moves by Mencius? Mother, Yue Fei?s Tattoo by His Mother, Zhang Liang Apprenticed to the Master, and The Friendship Between Guan and Bao. Sinceancienttimes,China has beenknown asthe country of ancient civilization, and the land of etiquette. The 5,000-year civilization has allowed China to form a noble moral code with complete etiquette norms and excellent traditional
virtues. The characters in these stories have set good examples for the later
generations. They inspire readers to shape their personality well and inherit the uniquetraditionalvirtuesoftheChinesenation.
Stories of Chinese Historical Events selects classical historical stories with the penetrating power of time and space. These events really happened in the history of China, such as Jing Ke Assassinated the King of Qin, Burning Books and Burying Confucian Scholars, Lin Zexu Burned Opium at Humen andothers.Italsointroduces themostpopularsagesofancientChinawiththeirexcellentcharacters,suchasloyalty, patriotism, honesty, uprightness and military expertise as in Da Yu Tamed the Flood, Su Wu Herded Sheep and The Reform of Wang Anshi.These stories reflect the desire of the Chinese people for righteous and incorruptible officials and a peaceful and prosperous life.The classic historical stories, enduring from generation to generation throughtheages,displaythe numerousandcomplicatedhistoricchanges,andpresent thebrilliantcivilizationoftheChinese overfivethousandyears.Chinesepeopleview history as a mirror, and lessons of the past as the teacher of the future. Readers can walk through the classic Chinese historical stories and reclaim the pride and dignity oftheirChineseancestors.
The Chinese traditional culture brings together the rich spiritual wealth of the Chinese, carries the great wisdom of the Chinese nation, presents the brilliant civilization of the Chinese over five thousand years, and pervades the blood of Chinese all over the world with a sense of kindred spirits, conventions and values. Classic Tales and Stories of China exudes the flavor of the Chinese nation, sparkleswith their wisdom and reflects the essential beauty and brilliance of Chinese culture. Readers not only can read the vivid tales with its implied greatness and profound traditionalChineseculture,butalsogaintheabilityofcross-culturalperception.