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中国社会科学院金融研究所博士后研究员(2014年-),美国金融学会(AFA)会员,IEEE资深会员,2015-2016年受聘于美国麻省理工学院MIT Postdoctoral Research职位;曾先后学习于国防大学、复旦大学、中国社会科学院研究生院、中国地质大学(北京)等高校,拥有管理学学士学位,商务智能方向信息软件工程硕士和应用金融学硕士的双硕士学位,资源管理学博士和工商管理学博士的双博士学位。
摘要 i
第1章绪论 1
1.1选题背景及意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 8
1.3研究方法 19
1.4主要创新方面及研究局限性 22
第2章融资租赁实质辨析及其与经济增长的关系 24
2.1融资租赁起源分析 25
2.2融资租赁相关概念辨析 33
第3章我国税收改革历程与融资租赁业税制问题现状 41
3.1中国税制结构变迁历程 41
3.2我国租赁业的发展现状 51
3.3我国融资租赁税制问题现状 57
3.4我国会计准则与税法对融资租赁处理的差异及影响 75
3.5融资租赁与上海自由贸易实验区 77
第4章我国融资租赁业税制问题及其原因 82
4.1融资租赁业税制细则欠缺 82
4.2我国融资租赁业税制缺陷的原因探讨 101
第5章发达国家融资租赁业税制比较研究 114
5.1各国融资租赁税制问题 115
5.2各国融资租赁业税制问题的启示 137
第6章完善我国融资租赁业税制问题的建议 145
6.1完善融资租赁税制问题的总体建议 145
6.2完善融资租赁业税制问题的具体建议 148
6.3完善融资租赁其他政策的建议 164
参考文献 167
国家税务总局对融资租赁业监管规章、规范性文件汇总 177
In recent years, financial leasing has entered a period of rapid development, the state has introduced a related policy to encourage the healthy development of finance and leasing industry, many traditional industries have also put financial leasing as a transformation target. Tracing the source, the financial leasing took the lead in the United States, after the end of World War II, the first in the US business sector appeared operating leasing phenomenon, and on the basis of the development of the formation of the financial leasing industry. Approximately in 1981, the financial leasing model began to enter China, has gone through a number of stages of development, and formed a financial leasing and operating leasing coexistence of the development pattern. For the financial leasing industry as a whole, the top design of the tax policy is directly related to the long-term development of the industry.
Based on the definition of finance leasing and the analysis of its relationship with macroeconomic development, this paper will focus on the financing leasing industry, explore the existing problems in the process of tax policy formulation and implementation, and point out the policies of the current financial leasing industry Resistance and obstacles, especially the increase in the camp brought about by the outstanding issues. The first is to increase the taxpayers tax burden, after the implementation of the increase, the financial leasing enterprise tax burden than the previous growth of nearly doubled. Followed by the sale of rent back to face the issue of the invoice difficult issue. The third is the cost of leasing company financing is difficult to obtain compliance deductions. The fourth is the levy of the policy design, the threshold set too high, limiting the enterprise to enjoy preferential policies. The fifth is the process of re-taxation and interest deductions in the process of asset flows. After the acquisition of the encumbered asset, the ownership of the asset is transferred to the lessee and the lessor ceases to issue a value-added tax invoice to the lessee, which means that the lessor is required to bear the additional VAT costs of the transferred asset.
This paper analyzes the development process of finance leasing industry in Europe and America and Japan, and the trend of tax policy, combined with the current domestic finance leasing tax system, put forward the following reform proposals: from the macro level need to further improve and improve the leasing industry tax policy system to ensure that industry tax policy Covering all areas and nodes, and to be based on industrial policy, the development and implementation of the financial leasing industry to encourage the development of tax policy; from the perspective of tax design needs according to the characteristics of the financial leasing industry, the implementation of ladder tax rate system, the financial leasing and operating leasing The implementation of a unified tax policy, a clear asset transfer interest expense deduction of value-added tax sales, in order to ease the financial leasing company tax burden pressure; also from the perspective of accelerated depreciation proposed leasing company reasonable tax avoidance. Sincerely hope that the decision-making level can take advantage of the rapid development of Chinas free trade area opportunity to further promote the financial leasing tax system pilot reform.
This paper mainly adopts the methods of literature review, comparative analysis, empirical analysis and logical analysis, and analyzes and references from different dimensions, and tries to draw more valuable research conclusions.