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『簡體書』数字系统设计(Verilog & VHDL版)(第二版)(英文版)

書城自編碼: 3124892
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材研究生/本科/专科教材
作者: [美]Enoch O. Hwang [黄爱基]
國際書號(ISBN): 9787121334214
出版社: 电子工业出版社
出版日期: 2018-01-01
版次: 2
頁數/字數: 420/874000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 514



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Enoch O. Hwang 于美国加州大学Riverside分校获计算机科学博士学位,目前是南加州Sierra大学计算机科学系助理教授,加州大学Riverside分校电子工程系、计算机科学与工程系讲师,主要讲授数字逻辑设计课程。
Enoch O. Hwang 于美国加州大学Riverside分校获计算机科学博士学位,目前是南加州Sierra大学计算机科学系助理教授,加州大学Riverside分校电子工程系、计算机科学与工程系讲师,主要讲授数字逻辑设计课程。
Chapter 1 Introduction to Microprocessor Design
1.1 Overview of Microprocessor Design
1.2 Design Abstraction Levels
1.3 Examples of a 2-to-1 Multiplexer
1.3.1 Behavioral Level
1.3.2 Gate Level
1.3.3 Transistor Level
1.4 Introduction to Hardware Description Language
1.5 Synthesis
1.6 Going Forward
1.7 Problems
Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Digital Circuits
2.1 Binary Numbers
2.1.1 Counting in Binary
2.1.2 Converting between Binary and Decimal
2.1.3 Octal and Hexadecimal Notations
2.1.4 Binary Number Arithmetic
2.2 Negative Numbers
2.2.1 Twos Complement Representation
2.2.2 Sign Extension
2.2.3 Signed Number Arithmetic
2.3 Binary Switch
2.4 Basic Logic Operators and Logic Expressions
2.5 Logic Gates
2.6 Truth Tables
2.7 Boolean Algebra and Boolean Equations
2.7.1 Boolean Algebra
2.7.2 Duality Principle
2.7.3 Boolean Functions and Their Inverses
2.8 Minterms and Maxterms
2.8.1 Minterms
2.8.2 Maxterms
2.9 Canonical, Standard, and Non-Standard Forms
2.10 Digital Circuits
2.11 Designing a Car Security System
2.12 Verilog and VHDL Code for Digital Circuits
2.12.1 Verilog Code for a Boolean Function
2.12.2 VHDL Code for a Boolean Function
2.13 Problems
Chapter 3 Combinational Circuits 65
3.1 Analysis of Combinational Circuits
3.1.1 Using a Truth Table
3.1.2 Using a Boolean Function
3.2 Synthesis of Combinational Circuits
3.2.1 Using Only NAND Gates
3.3 Minimization of Combinational Circuits
3.3.1 Boolean Algebra
3.3.2 Karnaugh Maps
3.3.3 Dont-Cares
3.3.4 Tabulation Method
3.4 Timing Hazards and Glitches
3.4.1 Using Glitches
3.5 BCD to 7-Segment Decoder
3.6 Verilog and VHDL Code for Combinational Circuits
3.6.1 Structural Verilog Code
3.6.2 Structural VHDL Code
3.6.3 Dataflow Verilog Code
3.6.4 Dataflow VHDL Code
3.6.5 Behavioral Verilog Code
3.6.6 Behavioral VHDL Code
3.7 Problems
Chapter 4 Standard Combinational Components
4.1 Signal Naming Conventions
4.2 Multiplexer
4.3 Adder
4.3.1 Full Adder
4.3.2 Ripple-Carry Adder
4.3.3 Carry-Lookahead Adder
4.4 Subtractor
4.5 Adder-Subtractor Combination
4.6 Arithmetic Logic Unit
4.7 Decoder
4.8 Tri-State Buffer
4.9 Comparator
4.10 Shifter
4.11 Multiplier
4.12 Problems
Chapter 5 Sequential Circuits
5.1 Bistable Element
5.2 SR Latch
5.3 Car Security SystemVersion 2
5.4 SR Latch with Enable
5.5 D Latch
5.6 D Latch with Enable
5.7 Verilog and VHDL Code for Memory Elements
5.7.1 VHDL Code for a D Latch with Enable
5.7.2 Verilog Code for a D Latch with Enable
5.8 Clock
5.9 D Flip-Flop
5.9.1 Alternative Smaller Circuit
5.10 D Flip-Flop with Enable
5.10.1 Asynchronous Inputs
5.11 Description of a Flip-Flop
5.11.1 Characteristic Table
5.11.2 Characteristic Equation
5.11.3 State Diagram
5.12 Register
5.13 Register File
5.14 Memories
5.14.1 ROM
5.14.2 RAM
5.15 Shift Registers
5.15.1 Serial-to-Parallel Shift Register
5.15.2 Serial-to-Parallel and Parallel-to-Serial Shift Register
5.15.3 Linear Feedback Shift Register
5.16 Counters
5.16.1 Binary Up Counter
5.16.2 Binary Up Counter with Parallel Load
5.17 Timing Issues
5.18 Problems
Chapter 6 Finite-State Machines
6.1 Finite-State Machine Models
6.2 State Diagrams
6.3 Analysis of Finite-State Machines
6.3.1 Next-State Equations
6.3.2 Next-State Table
6.3.3 Output Equations
6.3.4 Output Table
6.3.5 State Diagram
6.3.6 Example
6.4 Synthesis of Finite-State Machines
6.4.1 State Diagram
6.4.2 Next-State Table
6.4.3 Next-State Equations
6.4.4 Output Table and Output Equations
6.4.5 FSM Circuit
6.5 Optimizations for FSMs
6.5.1 State Reduction
6.5.2 State Encoding
6.5.3 Unused States
6.6 FSM Construction Examples
6.6.1 Car Security SystemVersion 3
6.6.2 Modulo-6 Up-Counter
6.6.3 One-Shot Circuit
6.6.4 Simple Microprocessor Control Unit
6.6.5 Elevator Controller Using a Moore FSM
6.6.6 Elevator Controller Using a Mealy FSM
6.7 Verilog and VHDL Code for FSM Circuits
6.7.1 Behavioral Verilog Code for a Moore FSM
6.7.2 Behavioral Verilog Code for a Mealy FSM
6.7.3 Behavioral VHDL Code for a Moore FSM
6.7.4 Behavioral VHDL Code for a Mealy FSM
6.8 Problems
Chapter 7 Dedicated Microprocessors
7.1 Need for a Datapath
7.2 Constructing the Datapath
7.2.1 Selecting Registers
7.2.2 Selecting Functional Units
7.2.3 Data Transfer Methods
7.2.4 Generating Status Signals
7.3 Constructing the Control Unit
7.3.1 Deriving the Control Signals
7.3.2 Deriving the State Diagram
7.3.3 Timing Issues
7.3.4 Deriving the FSM Circuit
7.4 Constructing the Complete Microprocessor
7.5 Dedicated Microprocessor Construction Examples
7.5.1 Greatest Common Divisor
7.5.2 High-Low Number Guessing Game
7.5.3 Traffic Light Controller
7.6 Verilog and VHDL Code for Dedicated Microprocessors
7.6.1 FSM1D Model
7.6.2 FSMD Model
7.6.3 Algorithmic Model
7.7 Problems
Chapter 8 General-Purpose Microprocessors
8.1 Overview of the CPU Design
8.2 The EC-1 General-Purpose Microprocessor
8.2.1 Instruction Set
8.2.2 Datapath
8.2.3 Control Unit
8.2.4 Complete Circuit
8.2.5 Sample Program
8.2.6 Simulation
8.2.7 Hardware Implementation
8.3 The EC-2 General-Purpose Microprocessor
8.3.1 Instruction Set
8.3.2 Datapath
8.3.3 Control Unit
8.3.4 Complete Circuit
8.3.5 Sample Program
8.3.6 Hardware Implementation
8.4 Extending the EC-2 Instruction Set
Chapter 9 Interfacing Microprocessors
9.1 Multiplexing 7-Segment LED Display
9.1.1 Theory of Operation
9.1.2 Controller Design
9.2 Issues with Interfacing Switches
9.3 34 Keypad Controller
9.3.1 Theory of Operation
9.3.2 Controller Design
阎波 辽宁鞍山人,1973年生,民盟成员。现为电子科技大学教授,电子科技大学核心课程(微处理器系统结构与嵌入式系统设计)首席教授,四川省电子学会嵌入式与SoC专委会秘书长。目前主要研究方向为通信ASIC设计、嵌入式微系统设计、人工智能与物联网定位、信号分析与信息处理等。发表SCI、EI收录论文20余篇,主编十二五普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材1本,出版教材和专著10余部。朱晓章 河北保定人,1984年生。现为电子科技大学副教授,成都人才计划特聘专家,电子科技大学2016年度人物。目前主要研究方向为高精度空间定位、复杂电磁环境中的信号与信息处理等。发表SCI、EI收录论文20余篇(其中JCR-2区两篇),申请国家发明专利20余项,孵化学科性公司四川中电昆辰科技有限公司。姚毅 四川成都人,1983年生。现为电子科技大学讲师,欧洲鲁汶大学(KUL)访问学者。目前主要研究方向为通信信号处理、信息隐藏技术、超大规模集成电路设计等。承担或参与多项国家级、省部级科研项目,发表SCI 、EI收录论文10余篇,参与编写教材和著作3部。PrefaceThis book is about the digital logic design of microprocessors, and is intended to provide both an understanding of the basic principles of digital logic design, and how these fundamental principles are applied in the building of complex microprocessor circuits using current technologies. Although the basic principles of digital logic designhave not changed, the design process and the implementation of the circuits have. With the advances in fully integrated modern hardware computer-aided design CAD tools for logic synthesis, simulation, and the implementation of digital circuits in field-programmable gate arrays FPGAs, it is now possible to design and implement complex digital circuits very easily and quickly.Many excellent books on digital logic design have followed the traditional approach of introducing the basic principles and theories of digital logic design and the building of separate standard combinational and sequential components. However, students are left to wonder about the purpose of these individual components and how they are used in the building of more complex digital circuits, such as microcontrollers and microprocessors that are used in controlling real-world electronic devices. The primary goal of this book is to fill in this gap by going beyond the logic principles and the building of basic standard components. The book discusses in detail how the basic components are combined together to form datapaths, how control units are designed, and how these two main components datapath and control unit are connected together to produce actual dedicated custom microprocessors and general-purpose microprocessors. The book ends with an entire chapter containing many examples on how microprocessors are interfaced with real-world devices.Many texts on digital logic design and implementation techniques mainly focus on the logic gate level. At this low level, it is difficult to discuss larger and more complex circuits that are beyond the standard combinational and sequential circuits. However, with the introduction of the register-transfer technique for designing datapaths and the concept of a finite-state machine for control units, we can easily design a dedicated microprocessor for any arbitrary algorithm and then implement it on a FPGA chip to execute that algorithm. The book uses an easy-to-understand ground-up approach with complete circuit diagrams, and both Verilog and VHDL codes, starting with the building of basic digital components. These components are then used in the building of more complex components, and finally the building of the complete dedicated microprocessor circuit. The construction of a general-purpose microprocessor then comes naturally as a generalization of a dedicated microprocessor. At the end, students will have a complete understanding of how to design, construct, and implement fully working custom microprocessors.
Design of Circuits using Verilog and VHDLAlthough this book provides coverage on both Verilog and VHDL for all of the circuits, this information can be omitted entirely while gaining an understanding of digital circuits and their design. For an introductory course in digital logic design, learning the basic principles is more important than learning how to use a hardware description language HDL. In fact, instructors may find that students can get lost in learning the principles while trying to learn the language at the same time. With this in mind, the Verilog and VHDL code in the text is totally independent of the presentation of each topic and may be skipped without any loss



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