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天有时,地有气,材有美,工有巧。中国传统工艺在世界各民族的物质文化史上有着独特的美名。几千年来,人们的手工技艺应和着日出而作、日落而息的生活节律而发展:它所有的品类在其*初的状态都与使用有关,实用、朴素、温情,具有与农业文明相适应的智慧;即使在它的高端宫廷工艺和文人工艺中,仍然保持着这种实用的痕迹和质朴的传统。这一切,都与中国独特的地理位置以及所形成的漫长的、绵延不绝的农耕文化有关系。它给我们留下了丰富的文化遗产,包含了许多人工造物与生活的智慧。 Crafts depend on skills, as the weather relies on seasons, the earth on the weather, and the material on appearance. Traditional Chinese arts and crafts have won good reputations in the international community in the history of material culture. In thousands of years, craft
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郭秋惠,1979年生,毕业于清华大学美术学院艺术史论系。文学博士,清华大学美术学院艺术史论系教师、中国工艺美术学会理论委员会会员。主要从事中国工艺与设计的历史与理论研究。发表论文及访谈30余篇,出版的著作有:《中国传统工艺》(合著)、《追逐太阳的光影邓伟》(合编)、《中国现代艺术与设计学术思想丛书吴劳文集》、《传统与学术:清华大学美术学院院史访谈录》(合编)、《光华路:中央工艺美术学院影存19561999》(合编)等。王丽丹,1978年生,毕业于清华大学美术学院艺术史论系。文学博士,中原工学院艺术设计学院教师、中国工艺美术学会理论委员会会员。主要从事中外设计历史与理论研究。发表论文及访谈20余篇,出版的著作有:《中国现代艺术与设计学术思想丛书邱陵文集》、《传统与学术:清华大学美术学院院史访谈录》(主要撰稿人)、《清华大学美术学院简史》(主要撰稿人)、《艺术鉴赏》(合编)等。Guo Qiuhui, born in 1979, graduated from the Department of Art History of the Academy of Arts Design of Tsinghua University. She is a Doctor of Letters, a teacher at the Department of Art History of the Academy of Arts Design of Tsinghua University, and a member of the Theory Committee of the China National Arts and Crafts Society. She mainly engages in research on the history and theory of Chinese arts and design, and has published more than 30 papers and interviews. Her published works include: Chinese Art Crafts coauthor, Pursuing the Light of the SunDeng Wei coeditor, Collection of Academic Thoughts on Chinese Modern Art and DesignCollected Works of Wu Lao, Tradition and Learning: A Collection of Interviews on the History of the Academy of Arts Design of Tsinghua University coeditor, Guanghua Road: Old Photos of the Central Academy of Arts Design coeditor, etc.Wang Lidan, born in 1978, graduated from the Department of Art History of the Academy of Arts Design of Tsinghua University. She is a Doctor of Letters, a teacher at the School of Art and Design of Zhongyuan University of Technology, and a member of the Theory Committee of the China National Arts and Crafts Society. She mainly engages in research on the history and theory of Chinese and foreign design, and has published more than 20 papers and interviews. Her published works include: Collection of Academic Thoughts on Chinese Modern Art and DesignCollected Works of Qiu Ling, Tradition and Learning: A Collection of Interviews on the History of the Academy of Arts Design of Tsinghua University main writer, A Brief History of the Academy of Arts Design of Tsinghua University main writer, Appreciation of Art coeditor, etc.郭秋惠,1979年生,毕业于清华大学美术学院艺术史论系。文学博士,清华大学美术学院艺术史论系教师、中国工艺美术学会理论委员会会员。主要从事中国工艺与设计的历史与理论研究。发表论文及访谈30余篇,出版的著作有:《中国传统工艺》(合著)、《追逐太阳的光影邓伟》(合编)、《中国现代艺术与设计学术思想丛书吴劳文集》、《传统与学术:清华大学美术学院院史访谈录》(合编)、《光华路:中央工艺美术学院影存19561999》(合编)等。王丽丹,1978年生,毕业于清华大学美术学院艺术史论系。文学博士,中原工学院艺术设计学院教师、中国工艺美术学会理论委员会会员。主要从事中外设计历史与理论研究。发表论文及访谈20余篇,出版的著作有:《中国现代艺术与设计学术思想丛书邱陵文集》、《传统与学术:清华大学美术学院院史访谈录》(主要撰稿人)、《清华大学美术学院简史》(主要撰稿人)、《艺术鉴赏》(合编)等。 Guo Qiuhui, born in 1979, graduated from the Department of Art History of the Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University. She is a Doctor of Letters, a teacher at the Department of Art History of the Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University, and a member of the Theory Committee of the China National Arts and Crafts Society. She mainly engages in research on the history and theory of Chinese arts and design, and has published more than 30 papers and interviews. Her published works include: Chinese Art & Crafts coauthor, Pursuing the Light of the SunDeng Wei coeditor, Collection of Academic Thoughts on Chinese Modern Art and DesignCollected Works of Wu Lao, Tradition and Learning: A Collection of Interviews on the History of the Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University coeditor, Guanghua Road: Old Photos of the Central Academy of Arts & Design coeditor, etc.Wang Lidan, born in 1978, graduated from the Department of Art History of the Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University. She is a Doctor of Letters, a teacher at the School of Art and Design of Zhongyuan University of Technology, and a member of the Theory Committee of the China National Arts and Crafts Society. She mainly engages in research on the history and theory of Chinese and foreign design, and has published more than 20 papers and interviews. Her published works include: Collection of Academic Thoughts on Chinese Modern Art and DesignCollected Works of Qiu Ling, Tradition and Learning: A Collection of Interviews on the History of the Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University main writer, A Brief History of the Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University main writer, Appreciation of Art coeditor, etc.