編輯推薦: |
1. 牙周治疗作为口腔治疗的基础,市场容量非常大。2. 目前国内没有相关同类图书,市场前景非常好,发展空间非常大。
內容簡介: |
關於作者: |
章锦才(主译) 男 主任医师 教授。是中华口腔医学会牙周病学专委会常务委员。主要从事牙周病病因与防治的研究。
经典文献 Classic Literatures
的改变 1
Analysis of changes in gingival contour from threedimensional
co-ordinate data in subjects with drug-induced
gingival overgrowth
Thomason JM, Ellis JS, Jovanovski V, Corson M, Lynch E,
Seymour RA
栾庆先 审 张井然 译
苯妥英诱导的牙龈增生的影响因素 6
Factors influencing phenytoin-induced gingival
Majola MP, McFadyen ML, Connolly C, Nair YP, Govender M
章锦才 审 董潇潇 译
药物性牙龈增生的风险因素 13
Risk factors for drug-induced gingival overgrowth
Seymour RA, Ellis JS, Thomason JM
章锦才 审 万鹏 译
的处理、处方用药、治疗反应以及额外花费 17
Management of periodontal disease in patients using
calcium channel blockers gingival overgrowth, prescribed
medications, treatment responses and added treatment costs
Fardal , Lygre H
栾庆先 审 曾佳骏 译
有效性 22
Effectiveness of periodontal therapy on the severity of
cyclosporin A-induced gingival overgrowth
Aimetti M, Romano F, Debernardi C
章锦才 审 董潇潇 译
钙离子通道拮抗剂与牙龈增生的相互关系 27
Association between calcium channel blockers and gingival
Kaur G, Verhamme KMC, Dieleman JP, Vanrolleghem A, van
Soest EM, Stricker BHCh, Sturkenboom MCJM
栾庆先 审 王延峰 译
摘要 Abstracts
疗后牙龈和牙周情况的评估* 32
Evaluation of gingival and periodontal conditions
following causal periodontal treatment in patients treated
with nifedipine and diltiazem*
BuHon P. Machuca G. Martinez-SahuquiUo A. Rios JV. Velasco E.
Rojas J. LacaJle JR
章锦才 审 董潇潇 译
3种不同手术方法治疗药物性牙龈增生的疗效观察 32
The efficacy of three different surgical techniques in the
management of drug-induced gingival overgrowth
Mavrogiannis M, Ellis JS, Seymour RA, Thomason JM
章锦才 审 董潇潇 译
患者牙龈增生的分别影响 33
Contribution of individual drugs to gingival overgrowth
in adult and juvenile renal transplant patients treated with
multiple therapy
Wilson RF, Morel A, Smith D, Koffman CG, Ogg CS, Rigden SPA,
Ashley FP
章锦才 审 董潇潇 译
率和风险 33
Prevalence and risk of gingival overgrowth in patients
treated with diltiazem or verapamil
Miranda J, Brunet L, Roset P, Berini L, FarrM, Mendieta C
章锦才 审 董潇潇 译
硝苯地平引起牙龈增生的发生率和严重程度 34
The incidence and severity of nifedipine-induced gingival
Barclay S, Thomason JM, Idle JR and Seymour RA
栾庆先 审 李雪 译
簇的分布频率 34
Evaluation of the frequency of HLA determinants in patients
with gingival overgrowth induced by cyclosporine-A
Ceheci I, Kamarci A, Firatli E, Aygun S, Tanyeri H, Aydin AE,
arin M. G U, Tuncer
栾庆先 审 李雪 译
HLA表型的作用 35
Determinants of gingival overgrowth severity in organ
transplant patients An examination of the role of HLA
Thomason JM. Seymour R.4. Ellis JS. Kelly PJ. Parry G. Dark J.
Wilkin.son R, Ilde JR
栾庆先 审 李雪 译
严重增生 35
Pre-transplant gingival hyperplasia predicts severe
cyclosporin-induced gingival overgrowth in renal
transplant patients
Varga E. Lennon MA, Mair LH
栾庆先 审 李雪 译
药物性牙龈增生:一项对法国药物警戒数据库的研究 36
Drug-induced gingival overgrowth: a study in the French
Pharmacovigilance Database
Bondon-Guitton E, Bagheri H, Montastruc J-L
章锦才 审 万鹏 译
牙龈增生的关系 36
Relationship between IL-1A polymorphisms and gingival
overgrowth in renal transplant recipients receiving Cyclosporin A
Bostanci N, Ilgenli T, Pirhan DC, Clarke FM, Marcenes W, Atilla
G, Hughes FJ, McKay IJ
章锦才 审 万鹏 译
叶酸对苯妥英性牙龈增生的作用 37
Effect of folate on phenytoin hyperplasia
Drew HJ. Vogel RI. Mohfsky W. Baker H and Frank O
章锦才 审 万鹏 译
生的患病率 37
Prevalence of gingival overgrowth in transplant patients
immunosuppressed with tacrolimus
Ellis JS, Seymour RA, Taylor JJ, Thomason JM
章锦才 审 万鹏 译