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書城自編碼: 3074932
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→社會科學語言文字
作者: 沈卫荣
國際書號(ISBN): 9787030545688
出版社: 科学出版社
出版日期: 2017-10-01
版次: 1

書度/開本: 16 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 1210



** 我創建的書架 **

二木博史教授及其學術貢獻 烏雲畢力格(i)
二木博史研究業績表 財吉拉胡(1)
海都崛起與窩闊台系在中亞的進退 孫聞博(11)
愛新國指授歸順蒙古諸部遊牧地考述 薩出日拉圖(23)
兩件滿文題本與清代和中國民族史中的官印文化 賈寧(39)
清代喀喇沁三旗旗制的衰微——基於蘇木丁數的考察 珠颯(57)
清代蒙古秋朝審考 蒙古勒呼(73)
清初顧實汗與清廷關係 明額爾敦巴特爾(103)
五世達賴喇嘛致蒙古部三封書信研究 魏建東(117)
清代昭烏達盟的形成及其會盟問題探析——以翁牛特右翼旗印務處檔案爲中心 玉海(129)
乾隆中葉清與巴達克山關係考(1760—1767) 馬子木(139)
準清爭奪西藏的餘韻:昭地立汗問題 烏蘭巴根(151)
18世紀前期清朝、準噶爾、西藏、拉達克關係管窺——以拉達克喇嘛噶津林沁爲中心 陳柱(169)
《乾隆朝滿文寄信檔譯編》的史料價值特點略析 杜家驥(191)
被遺棄的歷史碎片:1772年大喇嘛羅卜藏堅贊奉乾隆皇帝之托忒文奏摺 葉爾達(203)
《塔爾巴哈台奏稿》與嘉慶時期新疆北部邊政研究 華立(213)
民國時期有關蒙地墾殖的兩種珍稀文獻 忒莫勒(229)
關於正黃旗滿洲副都統卜舒庫滿漢合璧碑 張閌(237)
蒙古國通史著作中所記之 Ts.丹巴道爾吉 劉迪南(245)
從醫學人類學與醫學史交叉視角試論蒙古族的整骨療法 財吉拉胡(253)
The Indictment of Ong Qa’an: The Earliest Reconstructable Mongolian Source on the Rise of Chinggis Khan Christopher P. Atwood(267)
The In.uence of Mongol Beliefs on the Law in the Mongol Empire Florence Hodous(303)
Арван Зургадугаар Зууны .еийн “Хоньчин” Гэх Цолыг Тодлох нь БоржигдайОюунбилэг(317)
Жаруудын хоёр хошууны нийгмийн з.рчил: 19 д.гээр зууны слч 20 дугаар зууны эхний хэрэг явдлуудаар сэдэвлэх нь Оюунгэрэл(335)
Улсын т.шээ г.н С.Жамьян монголшунханДанжуурыг Наянт вангаасзалсан тхээс .глэх.й Ж.Урангуа Г.Баярмаа(345)
Ндэлчин Малчдын Суурьшлын Тухай Шинжлэх нь Кодама Канаку(367)
Оуэн Латтиморын дурсамж СНINA MEMOIRS хэмээх номын Хятад орчуулгад гарсан асуудалНарангэрэл(375)
Наран улсын нэрт монголчэрдэмтэн Л.Чулуунбаатар(389)
『理藩院則例』の一規定とその背景—道光 3年のハルハ居住民人家屋焼き払い 事件を事例に— 佐藤憲行(393)
20世紀初頭,内モンゴル東部における「文契」と「地券」—ハラチン右旗土地 文書を中心に— 広川佐保(419)
中華民国期におけるモンゴル人の文化教育活動: 1912~1932年を中心に 娜荷芽(437)キャフタ会議における中国政府の対応 ボルジギンフスレ(451)
1920年代の内モンゴルにおけるモンゴル語教科書編纂に関する研究 ウユンゴワ(烏雲高娃)(465)
モンゴル牧畜民による地形に関する認識と表象、過剰な知識―モンゴル国ウブルハンガイ県ハラホリン郡の事例から 辛嶋博善(477)
忘れ去られた天然林の大規模な伐採―中国内モンゴル渾善達克沙地を事例 にして― ナラン(491)
サイチンガと東洋大学 都馬 バイカル(505)
Foreword Borjigidai Oyunbilig(i)
FUTAKI Hiroshi—Bibliography Compiled by Sajirahu(1)
The Rise of Qaidu and the Expansion of the .gedei Family in Central Asia Sun Wenbo(11)
An Inspection and Narration of Aisin Gurun’s Granting Herding Lands to the Monglian Tribes that Had Pledged Allegiance to the State Sachuraltu(23)
Two Manchu Memorials to the Throne and the Culture of Using Seals in Qing and Chinese Ethnic HistoryChia Ning(39)
A Discussion on the Decline of Kharachin Three Banners’ Banner System: Based on a Survey ofSumus’ Population Zhu Sa(57)
An Inquiry to the Mongol Autumn and Court Assizes during the Qing Mongolkhuu(73)
On the Relationship between Gushri Khan and the Early Qing Imperial Court M. Erdenebaatar(103)
A Study on the Three Letters to the Mongolian Rulers by the Fifth Dalai Lama Wei Jiandong(117)
An Exploration and Analysis of the Formation of Juu Uda League and Its Problems during the Qing Based on the Archival Materials Housed in Ongnigud Right Banner’s Printing Office Yu Hai(129)
An Investigation on the Qing-Badakshan Relation in the Middle of Emperor Qianlong’s Reign 1760-1767 Ma Zimu(139)
Spreading Rumors as a Strategy in Competing for Influence in Tibet between Jungarian Khanate and the Qing CourtUlaanbagana(151)
A Limited View on the Relationship of the Qing Court, Dzungar Khanate, Tibet, and Ladakh in Early 18th Century Centering on Ladakh Lama Gajin Rincin Chen Zhu(169)
A Brief Analysis of the Value of Collection of Translated Letters in Manchu under Qianlong’s Reign as a Historical SourceDu Jiaji(191)
Da Lama Lobszangjanzan’s Tod Mongolian Memorial to Emperor Qianlong in 1772:A Forgotten Piece of History M. Erdemt(203)
A Study on the Memorial by Taerbahatai in Its Relation with the Qing Court’s Frontier Policies Regarding Northern Xinjiang during Emperor Jiajing’s Reign 1522-1566 Hua Li(213)
On Two Rare Texts Related to the Cultivation of Mongolian Wasteland in the Era of Republic of China 1912-1949 Tuimer(229)
On the Stele with Both Chinese and Manchu Inscriptions Dedicated to the Manchu Vice-general Bushuku of Plain Yellow Banner Zhang Kang(237)
The Ts. Dambadorj Depicted in the Works on the General History of Mongolia Liu Dinan(245)
An Attempted Discussion on the Mongolian Therapy of Bonesetting from an Interdisciplinary Perspective of Medical Anthropology and Medical History Saijirahu(253)
The Indictment of Ong Qa’an: The Earliest Reconstructable Mongolian Source on the Rise of Chinggis Khan Christopher P. Atwood(267)
The Influence of Mongol Beliefs on the Law in the Mongol Empire Florence Hodous(303)
A Study of the Sixteenth Century Mongolian Term Qon.in Borjigidai Oyunbilig(317)
On the Social Conflicts of Two Jarud Banners: Centering on Several Cases in the Late 19th to Early 20th Centuries Oyungerel(335)
A Study of Duke C. Jamiyan’s Request for Tibetan Buddhist Canons from King Nayant J. Urangua Г.Bayarmaa(345)
A Study on Inner Mongolian Herdsmen’s Life after Their Being Resettled KODAMA Kanako(367)
A Reexamination of the Ch



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