Gulliver''s Travels isan adventure story involving several voyages of Lemuel Gulliver, who is aneducated and trained surgeon. He speaks to the readers retelling hisexperiences at sea. Presented as a simple travelers narrative, Gulliversadventures are divided into four parts. 《格列佛游记》英国18世纪*秀的讽刺作家和政论家乔纳森斯威夫特代表作。故事大旨意在抨击当时英国的议会政治与反动宗教势力,是一本幻想游记为文体的讽刺小说。故事以一个外科医生格列佛的口吻叙述了在航海时遇难、漂流到几个奇异国度的经历。深刻反讽时政的腐败,以离奇、甚至令人作呕的情节,讽刺学究的愚蠢可笑,并且省思人性的不同面向。
Gulliver''s Travels is an adventure story involving several voyages of Lemuel Gulliver, who is an educated and trained surgeon. He speaks to the readers retelling his experiences at sea. Presented as a simple travelers narrative, Gullivers adventures are divided into four parts.
The first part is situated in Lilliput where he finds himself in the company of thousands of miniature people called Lilliputians. The second is on the peninsulatype land of Brobdingnag, an opposite world from Lilliput where Gulliver becomes the Lilliputian and everyone is a giant to him. The third part moves to the island of Laputa, a floating island inhabited by theoreticians and academics which oppresses the land below, called Balnibarbi. Finally in the fourth part he arrives in an unknown land. This land is populated by Houyhnhnms, the rational-thinking horses who rule, and by Yahoos, the inferior brutish servants to the horses who bear the image of a human.
First published in 1726, this collection of Lemuel Gullivers fascinating voyages all over the world, has been loved, read and re-read by every child and adult familiar with the English language.