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書城自編碼: 3050847
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→藝術绘画
作者: 沈尧伊
國際書號(ISBN): 9787558602313
出版社: 上海人民美术出版社
出版日期: 2017-03-01
版次: 1

書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 1296



** 我創建的書架 **

The picture-story book The Long March: 1936 is the paniovolume of The Red Ribbonothe Earth.
The Red Ribboothe Earth narrates the Long March stories of the Red Army prior to October, 1935 Before pletioof The Red Ribboothe Earth i1993, I had hoped that the original author Wei Wei could write a sequel to finish the Long March stor.ies after October 1935, so that I could continue my painting. But Wei Wei indicated that he was already advanced iyears, and his ability didn''t equal to the ambition. Ithat circumstance, I did not stick to my request. However, it became aunfulfilled wish imy heart.
Since then, I devoted myself to oil painting ohistorical theme especially that of the Long March. But single pieces of historical oil painting differ after all from a picture-story book, whose advantages of all-dimensional, multiple-layered and multi-viewed narrative expressio continued to attract me unceasingly. Finally, 20 years after my creatioof The Red Ribboo the Earth, I was determined to write and paint the sequel all by myself about the Long March after October 1935. Hence The Long March:1936 came into being.The picture-story book The Long March: 1936 is the paniovolume of The Red Ribbonothe Earth.
The Red Ribboothe Earth narrates the Long March stories of the Red Army prior to October, 1935 Before pletioof The Red Ribboothe Earth i1993, I had hoped that the original author Wei Wei could write a sequel to finish the Long March stor.ies after October 1935, so that I could continue my painting. But Wei Wei indicated that he was already advanced iyears, and his ability didn''t equal to the ambition. Ithat circumstance, I did not stick to my request. However, it became aunfulfilled wish imy heart.
Since then, I devoted myself to oil painting ohistorical theme especially that of the Long March. But single pieces of historical oil painting differ after all from a picture-story book, whose advantages of all-dimensional, multiple-layered and multi-viewed narrative expressio continued to attract me unceasingly. Finally, 20 years after my creatioof The Red Ribboo the Earth, I was determined to write and paint the sequel all by myself about the Long March after October 1935. Hence The Long March:1936 came into being.
This book falls into three parts, namely, ''The foundatiostone laying ceremony: the Central Red Army amves inorth Shaanxi'', ''The great manoeuvre: the 2nd and the 6th Army Corps'' military expeditions iHunan-Yunnan-Guizhou'', ''The great force-joining: the 1st, the 2nd and the 4th Front Red Army of the Chinese Workers and Peasants joiforces . It has a total of 614 pieces of painting.
I2006, at the memoratioof the 7oth anniversary of the Long March victory, the Xinhua News Agency sent several delicate pages of The Red Ribboothe Earth as news pictures to a variety of social media. At that time, they also felt regretful for the missing one year ithe history of the Long March. However, tlus year at the memoratioof the 8oth anniversary of the Long March victory, they will no longer have such regrets.



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