Intriguing series will take you to an enjoyable journey of learning strange things about China!趣读中国文化系列将引领您开启一段愉快旅程,了解那些有关中国的奇怪事情。
趣读中国文化系列之有趣的中国文化一共包括4本书,专门为非中华文化环境下的读者定制,作者凭借多年积累的经验,选择了目标读者感兴趣的中国传统文化沿袭下来的一些观念、习俗、物件、故事等,配以丰富插图,让阅读变得轻松愉快。为方便读者使用,内容编排按照英文字母顺序,第1册书从a到d,第2册书从d到h,第3-4册书将覆盖h-z。 话题广泛,涵盖如独特的动物、传说中的飞禽走兽、特殊节日、色彩、数字等 对有可比性的事物,进行东西方文化的有趣对比 大量插图和照片,让中国文化鲜活起来 对相关中国成语、习语配以英文翻译,便于汉语非母语的读者理解 A generously illustrated series introducing traditional Chinese ideas and beliefs that are still relevant today. The series Intriguing Chinese Culture includes 4 books with subjects arranged in English alphabetic order. Wide range of topics covered, such as particular animals, legendary creatures, festivals, colours and numbers Interesting contrast between Western and Chinese beliefs, where applicable Numerous illustrations and photos to bring Chinese culture alive Relevant Chinese phrases and idioms with English translations for vocabulary expansion
Mew Yew Hwa是前新加坡大学毕业生,主修汉学与历史。毕业后一直从事教育出版行业,积累了几十年的经验,对英语和汉语作为第二语言的学习方法有深入研究,并在实践中总结出一些行之有效的方法,近几年从编辑转为作者,著述丰富。 Y H Mew, MA History, has spent over 30 years publishing language-related books for young and adult learners. He is constantly seeking creative ways to present content so that readers may find learning more enjoyable.
This series is a general introduction to traditional Chinese ideas and beliefs that are still relevant to present-day Chinese practices. It is largely intended for non-Chinese readers, as well as Chinese readers who are more comfortable with the English language and who may have just a smattering of understanding of Chinese culture.
Books on Chinese culture, especially those in the Chinese language, are often written in a serious style and generally demand some basic knowledge of the subject. The books in this series have adopted instead a topical approach, dealing with individual topics such as particular animals and festivals, feng shui, colour, numbers, folk culture, and so on, with the intention of bringing Chinese culture alive. A number of the topics, such as dragon and bat, also provide an interesting contrast between Western and Chinese beliefs.
The series is generously illustrated to make reading easy. Wherever possible, there is also a list of relevant Chinese phrases and idioms with English translations to give readers greater understanding of the topic concerned.
It is hoped that this series of books will help readers who speak different languages better understand and appreciate the cultures of others.