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書城自編碼: 3030491
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英語讀物
作者: 托马斯-尼尔森公司 编;侯菲菲 译
國際書號(ISBN): 9787563952625
出版社: 北京工业大学出版社
出版日期: 2017-07-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 194/176
書度/開本: 大16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 202



** 我創建的書架 **

Lesson 1?THE SPIDER/第一课?小蜘蛛 1Lesson 2?THE CHILD AND THE BIRD/第二课?小朋友与小鸟儿 5Lesson 3?THE RABBITS/第三课?小兔子 8Lesson 4?THE TWO GOATS/第四课?两只小羊 11Lesson 5?EARLY RISING/第五课?早早起床 14Lesson 6?BEES/第六课?蜜?蜂 17Lesson 7?THE BEE/第七课?小蜜蜂 23Lesson 8?THE SWAN/第八课?天?鹅 26Lesson 9?TELL THE TRUTH/第九课?诚实的孩子 29Lesson 10?WELCOME, LITTLE ROBIN/第十课?你好,小知更鸟 32Lesson 11?THE WOLF /第十一课?大灰狼 35Lesson 12?THE ECHO/第十二课?回?声 38Lesson 13?GOOD NIGHT AND GOOD MORNING?????第十三课?晚安,早安 40Lesson 14?STORY OF A PARROT/第十四课?鹦鹉的故事 43Lesson 15?THE CAT AND THE CANARY?????第十五课?小猫与金丝雀 46Lesson 16?THE WASP AND THE BEE?????第十六课?大黄蜂与小蜜蜂 49Lesson 17?THE HORSE/第十七课?马 52Lesson 18?THE DOG WITH THE LANTEBN?????第十八课?带着灯笼的狗 54Lesson 19?THE CAMEL/第十九课? 骆?驼 58Lesson 20?STORY OF A DOG/第二十课?狗的故事 61Lesson 21?THE DONKEY/第二十一课?小毛驴 65Lesson 22?STORY OF THE SHEEP AND THE LAMB ?????第二十二课?绵羊和小羊的故事 68Lesson 23?THE BROWN BEAR/第二十三课?棕?熊 71Lesson 24?THE LION AND THE MOUSE/第二十四课?狮子和老鼠 74Lesson 25?THE PET LAMB/第二十五课?宠物羊 77Lesson 26?PERSEVERE/第二十六课?坚持不懈 82Lesson 27?THE CROW AND THE PITCHER?????第二十七课?乌鸦和水罐 83Lesson 28?THE SOLDIER AND THE HORSE?????第二十八课?士兵与马儿 85Lesson 29?LESSONS/第二十九课?学?习 88Lesson 30?THE WHITE BEAR/第三十课?北极熊 89Lesson 31?THE FOX AND THE GOAT/第三十一课?狐狸和山羊 92Lesson 32?PLAY/第三十二课?玩 95Lesson 33?THE TRAVELLER AND THE LION ?????第三十三课?旅行者与狮子 96Lesson 34?THE BEAR IN SCHOOL/第三十四课?学校里的熊 98Lesson 35?THE FAIRY RING/第三十五课?仙女圈 103Lesson 36?THE WHALE/第三十六课?鲸105Lesson 37?THE HARE AND THE TORTOISE????? 第三十七课?龟兔赛跑 108Lesson 38?SPEEDY AND STEADY/第三十八课?快而稳 111Lesson 39?THE WOOD-MOUSE/第三十九课?小栗鼠 115Lesson 40?THE BOY AND THE PLUMS/第四十课?男孩与李子 118Lesson 41?THE TWO CROSSING-SWEEPERS ?????第四十一课?两个相遇的清洁工 120Lesson 42?TOO CLEVER/第四十二课?太聪明 122Lesson 43?THE PRINCE AND THE PRISONERS ?????第四十三课?王子与监狱123Lesson 44?THE BRAVE LITTLE HOLLANDER?????第四十四课?勇敢的小荷兰人 125Lesson 45?WHAT THE SPARROW CHIRPS?????第四十五课?小麻雀叽叽叫 128Lesson 46?THE LION/第四十六课?狮?子 131Lesson 47?THE TIGER/第四十七课?老?虎 135Lesson 48?THE LEOPARD/第四十八课?美洲豹 138Lesson 49?THE ZEBRA/第四十九课?斑?马 141Lesson 50?THE JAGUAR/第五十课?美洲虎 144Lesson 51?METALS/第五十一课?金?属 147Lesson 52?HIS GOOD ANGELS/第五十二课?他的善良天使 150Lesson 53?ABOUT KINGS AND QUEENS?????第五十三课?国王与王后 154Lesson 54?WORDS WHICH DECEIVE/第五十四课?说?谎 157Lesson 55?THE SEA-GULL/第五十五课?海?鸥 160Lesson 56?KINDNESS REWARDED/第五十六课?善有善报 163Lesson 57?TEA AND COFFEE/第五十七课?茶与咖啡 166Lesson 58?THE IDLE BOY/第五十八课?懒孩子 169Lesson 59?THROUGH THE SNOW/第五十九课?穿过雪地 172Lesson 60?TRUE COURAGE/第六十课?真勇气 176Lesson 61?THE WIDOW’S LAMP/第六十一课?寡妇的灯 179Lesson 62?A GOOD EXAMPLE/第六十二课?一个好榜样 182Lesson 63?A NOBLE BOY/第六十三课?高贵的男孩 185Lesson 64?WHAT MAGGIES PENNY DID?????第六十四课?麦吉的硬币做了什么 188Lesson 65?LET US SPEAK THE BEST WE CAN?????第六十五课?让我们说出最好的 192
《英国语文》原名《皇家读本》(The Royal Readers),是20世纪前后由英国著名的教材出版公司托马斯-尼尔森公司编写出版的一套小学语文教材。这套教材共分为六册,分别对应西方英语国家小学一至六年级的语文教学。这套书出版后,在西方英语国家的学校被广泛使用。根据这套书原编者的初衷,是为了引导孩子们对他们所阅读的作品产生真正的兴趣,并通过阅读提升他们的能力,最终将阅读所获得的能力运用到生活实践中去。可以说,这是一套以兴趣为引导、学以致用的教材。这套书的编写体例非常严谨,一至四册教材的每篇文章后面基本都有课后提问、拼读训练、书写练习等内容,从第五册开始,又增加了单词解释,使学生通过阅读增加词汇量,进一步巩固和加深对文章的印象。在选文内容上,这套书由浅入深,每一册对应不同年龄段的读者,选文也从简单的儿歌、短文、常用句型开始,逐渐提升为篇幅稍长的作品,再进阶到中长篇的经典著作。从难易程度来看,这套书前三册内容简单浅显,文字朴素简洁,比较适合国内中低年级小学生阅读;后三部分的内容相对繁复深奥,开始有侧重性,有的笔法精妙、描写细腻,有的文风犀利、寓意深刻,比较适合高年级小学生和中学生阅读。总之,这套书的选文内容丰富,从其所选文章涉及的体裁来看,包括了故事、童话、传记、诗歌等;题材涉及旅游、历险、历史、自然、科学等。这些选文体现了英国丰富的历史文化知识和西方国家的道德价值观念,让小读者们在提高文学修养的同时,也可以开阔自己的视野。这套书的最大特色在于它所包含的内容非常贴近生活,能让小读者们觉得书中讲述的事情就发生在他们身边。而且,这套书所选的文章除了颂扬真、善、美之外,并没有回避生活中的艰难与困苦,突出了困境之下个人的坚守与成长。这样的文章往往更容易引起心灵的共鸣,也将对小读者们的人生观起到正面积极的作用。我们衷心希望通过这套书的出版,让中国的读者朋友学习地道标准的英语,打开通往世界的心灵之窗;同时还能获得文学知识、个人修养、伦理道德等多方面的提升。如果您在阅读中发现有疑问或错误之处,请不吝指正,以便我们更加完善这套书的编写。

Do you see the spider in the picture? He has just got his web done; and there he sits in the very middle of it, ready to pounce upon a fly. The spider loves work. He begins to work as soon as he begins to live. Every spider is born a weaver. Even the youngest spider knows how to weave his web just as well as the oldest. The spider never has to go to school to learn his task. So, the little duck can swim as soon as it is hatched. And the little bird can build its nest, and the bee can make the honey-comb, without any teaching. These creatures are born to have the power to do their work. And that is why they never make any blunders. Not all the weavers and spinners in the world could beat the spider in the work that he does. The spider is never in a hurry. He always takes care to make every thread fast. He takes a pride in doing his work well. All spiders have not the same kind of work to do. But they all do it in the very best way. Some spiders are masons. These build houses, the size of a big thimble. They make doors to them, which they shut when they go in. It is even said that they are able to fasten the door of the house inside, so that robber can get in. The garden spider lets its threads float in the air till they happen to take hold of plants or branches of trees. It then uses these threads as the roads or bridges by which it crosses from place to place. A strange story is told of a spider saving his life by this means. He was put upon the end of a stick which stood a foot or two out of water. He was on a little island in the midst of a little sea. What did he do? He walked down the stick to the edge of the water. He went round and round it; but he could find no way to get off. He then went once more to the top of the stick, and kept still for a while. He seemed to say to himself, “Well, I am in a nice fix now; what am I to do?” He soon made up his mind. For he at once began to spin a long thread. He made one end of it fast to the top of the stick; and let the thread float away in the wind till it caught a tree on the shore. He then slid along the line, and got safely to dry land at last!第一课?小蜘蛛你有没有见过图片中显示的小蜘蛛?小蜘蛛紧紧地盘在刚刚织好的网中间,准备捕猎一只苍蝇。小蜘蛛非常爱劳动。一出生就开始工作。蜘蛛天生就会织网。甚至连最小的蜘蛛都能像年长的蜘蛛一样知道如何去织网。蜘蛛从不需要去学校学习织网。同样,小鸭子一出生就知道如何游泳。小鸟天生就会筑巢,小蜜蜂天生就会建蜂窝,它们都不需要教。这些生物天生具有劳动的力量。这是为何他们从不出大错的原因。并非世界上所有的纺织工以及纺织机都能抵得上蜘蛛的杰作。蜘蛛从不慌忙。它总是快速仔细地织完每一天的网线。蜘蛛以做好工作为荣。并非所有蜘蛛都做完全相同的工作,但是它们都会尽全力做好。一些蜘蛛是泥瓦匠。它们建造像顶针大小的房屋。它们给自己建造门,当它们进入房子后可以把门关上。甚至据说它们能从里面把门加固,那样的话强盗就进不去。花园里的蜘蛛让网线飘浮在空气中,直到它们开始抓住植物或者树枝。然后它们就用这些网线作为路或者桥,可以不停地穿梭。下面就讲一个蜘蛛用这种方法挽救了自己生命的小故事。把一只蜘蛛放在离水面一两尺的木棍的顶端,周围是一小片海洋中间的一个小岛。它会怎么办呢?它沿着木棍走到水边。它围着木棍转了转,没有找到离开的方法。接着它又一次走到木棍的顶端,在那儿静静地待了一会儿,好像在对自己说:“我现在身处困境,我该怎么办呢?”过了不久,它决定了。因为它立刻开始织了一段长长的网。它把网的一端紧紧缠在木棍顶端,让网随风飘浮直到它抓住岸上的一棵树。然后它他顺着网线滑落,最终安然无恙地到达陆地。



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