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書城自編碼: 3030484
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英語讀物
作者: 希利尔 著
國際書號(ISBN): 9787563952557
出版社: 北京工业大学出版社
出版日期: 2017-07-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 351/498
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 324



** 我創建的書架 **

ALL ABOARD! 全体上车! 6
1 The World Through a Spy-Glass 用望远镜俯瞰世界 7
2 The World Is Round, for Ive Been Round It 地球是圆的,我曾环绕
一周 13
3 The Inside of the World 地球的内部 18
4 The Endless Parade 没有尽头的游行队伍 23
5 The 13 Club 十三州俱乐部 28
6 A City Built in a Swamp 建在沼泽里的城市 33
7 Marys Land, Virginias State, and Penns Woods 玛丽之地
弗吉妮亚之州和宾的森林 41
8 The Empire State 帝国之州 46
9 Yankee Land 扬基人之地 54
10 Five Big Puddles 五个大水坑 58
11 The Father of Waters 百川之父 64
12 The Fountain of Youth 不老泉 70
13 The Covered Wagon 大篷车 74
14 Wonderland 仙境 79
15 The Est, Est West 最遥远的西部 84
16 The Est, Est West continued 最遥远的西部(续) 89
17 Next-door Neighbors 隔壁邻居 93
18 The War-Gods Country 战神之国 98
19 So Near and Yet so Far 既近又远 103
20 Pirate Seas 海盗出没的海域 107
21 North South America 南美北部 113
22 Rubber and Coffee Land 橡胶与咖啡之国 120
23 Silver Land and Sliver Land 白银之国与狭长之国 125
24 The Bridge Across the Ocean 跨海大桥 131
25 The Land of the Angles 盎格鲁人之国 138
26 The Land of the Angles continued 盎格鲁人之国(续) 144
27 The Englishmans Neighbors 英国人的邻居 149
28 Parlez-vous Fran?0?4ais? 您会说法语吗? 155
29 Parlez-vous Fran?0?4ais? continued 您会说法语吗?(续) 160
30 The Land Below the Sea 低于海平面的国家 165
31 Castles in Spain 西班牙的城堡 170
32 Castles in Spain continued 西班牙的城堡(续) 175
33 The Land in the Sky 空中国度 179
34 The Boot Top 靴子顶上 185
35 The Gates of Paradise and the Dome of Heaven 天堂之门与天堂之顶 191
36 The Dead and Alive City 新旧罗马 197
37 A Pile of Ashes a Mile High 一英里高的灰堆 202
38 Wars and Fairy-Tales 战争与童话 207
39 The Great Danes 了不起的丹麦人 211
40 Fish, Fiords, Falls, and Forests 鱼儿、峡湾、瀑布和森林 216
41 Fish, Fiords, Falls, and Forests continued 鱼儿、峡湾、瀑布和
森林(续) 220
42 Where the Sun Shines all Night 太阳整夜不落的地方 224
43 The Bear 熊的国度 230
44 The Bread-Basket 粮仓 235
45 The Iron Curtain Countries 其他东欧国家 238
46 The Land of the Gods 诸神之地 243
47 The Land of the New Moon 新月之地 248
48 The Ship of the Desert 沙漠之舟 254
49 A Once-was Country 曾经存在的国度 257
50 A Land Flowing with Milk and Honey 盛产牛奶和蜂蜜的国度 261
51 TheExact Spots 确切地点 266
52 The Garden of Eden 伊甸园 271
53 The Land of Bedtime Stories 睡前故事之国 275
54 The Lion and the Sun 狮子与太阳 280
55 Opposite-Feet 脚掌相对之地 285
56 Opposite-Feet continued 脚掌相对之地(续) 290
57 The White Elephant 白象 295
58 Where the Thermometer Freezes Up 极寒之地 313
59 A Giant Sea-Serpent 巨大的海蛇 317
60 Picture Post-Cards 明信片 322
61 Man-Made Mountains 人造山峦 328
62 Robber Lands and Desert Sands 强盗之国与大漠黄沙 334
63 Afraid of the Dark 黑暗大陆 337
64 Zoo Land 动物天堂 343
65 The End of the Rainbow 彩虹尽头有金子 349
66 Fortune Island 发财之岛 354
67 Cannibal Islands 食人族之岛 359
68 Journeys End 结束旅程 364
You have never seen your own face.
This may surprise you and you may say it isnt sobut it is so.
You may see the end of your nose.
You may even see your lips if you pout outso.
If you stick out your tongue you may see the tip of it.
But you cant go over there, outside of yourself, and look at your own face.
Of course you know what your face looks like, because you have seen it in a mirror; but thats not yourselfits only a picture of yourself.
And in the same way no one of us can see our own Worldall of itthis World on which we live.
You can see a little bit of the World just around youand if you go up into a high building you can see still moreand if you go up to the top of a high mountain you can see still, still moreand if you go up in an airplane you can see still, still, still more.
But to see the Whole World you would have to go much higher than that, higher than any one has ever been able to go or could go. You would have to go far, far above the clouds; way, way off in the sky where the stars areand no one can do that, even in an airplane.
Now you cannot see the World in a mirror as you can see your face. So how do we know what the World looks like?
A fish in the sea might tell her little fish, The World is all waterjust a tub; Ive been everywhere and I know. Of course, she wouldnt know anything different.
A camel in the desert might tell her little camels, The World is all sandjust a sand pile; Ive been everywhere and I know.
A polar bear on an iceberg might tell her little polar bears, The World is all snow and icejust a refrigerator; Ive been everywhere and I know.
A bear in the woods might tell her little bear cubs, The World is all woodsjust a forest; Ive been everywhere and I know.
In the same way, once upon a time, people used to tell their little children, The World is just a big island like a huge mud pie with some water, some sand, some ice, and some trees on it, and with a cover we call the sky over us all; weve been everywhere and we know.
When some inquisitive child asked, What does the flat World like a mud pie rest on? they really truly said, It rests on the backs of four elephants.
But when the inquisitive child asked, And what do the elephants stand on? they really truly said, On a big turtle.
Then when the inquisitive child asked, What does the turtle stand on? no one could sayfor no one could even guess farther than thatso the turtle was left standingon nothing.
Thats the old story that parents long ago used to tell their children as to what the World was like. But just suppose you could go way, way off above the clouds; way, way off in the sky, sit on a corner of nothing at all, dangle your feet over the edge and look down at the World far, far below. What do you suppose it would really look like? I knowand yet I have never been there.
The World from way off in the sky and through a spy-glass would look just like a full moonround and white; not round like a plate, but round like a huge snowball. Not exactly white, either, but brightfor the sun shines on this big ball, the World, and makes it light just as the headlight on an automobile shines on the road at night and makes the road light. Of course, the sun can shine on only one side of this big ball at a time; the other side of the World is dark, but the World keeps turning round and round in the sunlight.



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