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本书是21 世纪高等教育土木工程系列教材之一。全书由16个单元组成,每个单元包括课文精讲、翻译练习、材料泛读等内容。本书所选阅读材料涵盖土木工程总论、结构工程、岩土工程、道路与桥梁工程、隧道与地下工程、土木施工管理等方面,阅读材料内容新颖,大都是相关领域的新知识和新成果介绍。书中介绍的内容涉及专业英语的教学、语法特点、阅读方法及翻译方法与技巧等,对提高学生的专业英语阅读和翻译能力很有帮助。 本书可作为土木工程本科生专业英语课程的教材,也可作为土木工程研究生专业英语阅读的参考用书,还可供土木工程及相关领域的高校教师和工程技术人员阅读参考。
目 录
Chapter 1 Scope of Civil Engineering
第1章 土木工程研究领域 1
1.1 Civil Engineering 土木工程 1
1.2 Role of Civil Engineers 土木工程师的作用 4
1.3 Impact of infrastructural Developments on the National Economy 基础设施的开发对
国民经济的影响 6
New Words and Expressions 生词和短语 7
Exercises 练习 7
Answers 答案 8
Chapter 2 Dubai A City under Construction
第2章 迪拜在建中的城市 10
2.1 Structural Dubai 迪拜建筑 10
2.2 Integrated Design 整体设计 13
2.3 Transportation 交通体系 14
2.4 Environmental Dubai 环境建设 18
2.5 Water Resources 水资源 20
New Words and Expressions 生词和短语 22
Exercises 练习 23
Answers 答案 24
Chapter 3 Civil Engineering Materials
第3章 土木工程材料 26
3.1 Traditional Materials 传统建筑材料 28
3.2 Composite Materials 复合材料 36
3.3 Smart Materials 智能材料 38
New Words and Expressions 生词和短语 40
Exercises 练习 41
Answers 答案 42
Chapter 4 Loads
第4章 荷载 44
4.1 Vertical Loads 竖向荷载 44
4.2 Lateral Loads 水平荷载 48
4.3 Other Loads 其他性质的荷载 54
New Words and Expressions 生词和短语 56
Exercises 练习 57
Answers 答案 58
Chapter 5 Structure Design
第5章 结构设计 60
5.1 Science and Technology 科学与技术 60
5.2 Structural Engineering 结构工程 60
5.3 Structures and their Surroundings 结构及环境因素 61
5.4 Architecture and Engineering 建筑与结构 61
5.5 Architectural Design Process 建筑设计过程 62
5.6 Architectural Design 建筑设计 62
5.7 Structural Analysis 结构分析 63
5.8 Structural Design 结构设计 63
5.9 Load Transfer Mechanisms 荷载传递机理 64
5.10 Structure Types 结构承重体系 65
New Words and Expressions 生词和短语 67
Exercises 练习 68
Answers 答案 69
Chapter 6 A Brief History of Structural Architecture
第6章 结构建筑发展简史 71
6.1 Before the Greeks 古希腊时期 71
6.2 Greeks 希腊时期 72
6.3 Romans 罗马时期 74
6.4 The Medieval Period 477-1492 中世纪时期4771492 75
6.5 The Renaissance 文艺复兴时期 77
6.5.1 Leonardo da Vinci 列奥纳多达芬奇 78
6.5.2 Brunelleschi 布鲁内莱斯基 78
6.5.3 Galileo 伽利略 79
6.6 Pre Modern Period, Seventeenth Century 新世纪早期,十七世纪时期 81
6.6.1 Hooke 胡克 81
6.6.2 Newton 牛顿 82
6.7 The Pre-Modern Period: Coulomb and Navier 新世纪早期:库仑,纳维 84
6.8 The Modern Period 1857 to Present 新世纪时期1857年至今 86
New Words and Expressions 生词和短语 88
Exercises 练习 89
Answers 答案 90
Chapter 7 Reinforced Concrete Architecture
第7章 钢筋混凝土 92
7.1 Use in Construction 在建筑中的应用 93
7.2 Behavior of Reinforced Concrete 钢筋混凝土的性能 93
7.3 Reinforcement and Terminology of Beams 梁的增强和概念 95
7.4 Common Failure Modes of Steel Reinforced Concrete 钢筋混凝土常见的破坏形式 97
7.5 Carbonation 碳化作用 97
7.6 Chlorides 氯化物 98
New Words and Expressions 生词和短语 100
Exercises 练习 101
Answers 答案 102
Chapter 8 Steel Structure
第8章 钢结构 104
8.1 History of Steel Structures 钢结构的发展历史 104
8.2 Steel Structures Characteristic 钢结构的特点 106
8.3 Application Of Steel Structure 钢结构的应用 108
8.4 Aim of Steel Structural Design 钢结构的设计目标 112
8.5 Limit State 极限状态 113
8.6 Load and Calculation of Load Effects 荷载与荷载效应计算 114
8.7 Material Selection 材料选择 115
8.8 Design Indices 强度设计值 116
8.9 Provisions for Deformation of Structures and Structural Members 结构及构件变形限值 117
New Words and Expressions 生词和短语 119
Exercises 练习 121
Answers 答案 122
Chapter 9 Masonry Structure
第9章 砌体结构 124
9.1 Introduction 引言 125
9.2 Materials to Use 材料的使用 125
9.3 Elements are Part of The Structural System 结构系统的组成 128
9.4 Preparation before Starting the Construction 施工前准备 129
9.5 How to Build the Foundation 基础施工 129
9.6 How to Build the Over Footing 地梁施工 132
9.7 How to Build A Wall 墙体施工 132
9.8 How to set the Confining Columns to the Wall 构造柱施工 135
9.9 How to Build the Slab and Beams 梁、板施工 136
9.10 How to Finish the Surface of the Elements 构件表面做法 138
New Words and Expressions 生词和短语 139
Exercises 练习 140
Answers 答案 141
Chapter 10 Building with Wood
第10章 木结构 143
10.1 Wood Frame Construction: Low-rise Solutions 木框架结构:低层建筑 144
10.2 Wood Frame in China 木结构在中国的发展 146
10.3 Hybrid Construction: Wood Frame Storeys on Concrete Structure 混合建筑:木框架与
混凝土结构结合 147
10.4 Engineered Wood Construction: Solid Wood Panels 工程木结构:实木板 149
10.5 Engineered Wood Construction: Glued Laminated Timber 工程木结构:木料胶合板 151
New Words and Expressions 生词和短语 153
Exercises 练习 155
Answers 答案 156
Chapter 11 Composite Structures
第11章 组合结构 157
11.1 Applications of Concrete-filled Steel Tubes 钢管混凝土的应用 157
11.2 Advantages of Concrete-filled Steel Tubes 钢管混凝土的优点 163
New Words and Expressions 生词和短语 164
Exercises 练习 165
Answers 答案 166
Chapter 12 Pavement Design
第12章 道路设计 168
12.1 Introduction 引言 168
12.2 Flexible Pavement 柔性路面 169
12.3 Rigid Pavement 刚性路面 174
Exercises 练习 178
Answers 答案 179
Chapter 13 Bridge
第13章 桥 181
13.1 Introduction 引言 181
13.2 Beam Bridges 梁式桥 181
13.3 Cantilever Bridges 悬臂桥 183
13.4 Arch Bridges 拱桥 185
13.5 Suspension Bridges 悬索桥 188
13.6 Cable-stayed Bridges 斜拉桥 190
13.7 Truss Bridges 桁架桥 191
New Words and Expressions 生词和短语 192
Exercises 练习 194
Answers 答案 195
Chapter 14 Basic Concepts in Surveying
第14章 测量的基本概念 197
14.1 Introduction 引言 197
14.2 Classification 测量类型 198
14.3 Principles of Surveying 测量原理 200
14.4 Modern Surveying Instruments 现代测量仪器 201
14.5 GIS GIS系统 206
14.6 Remote Sensing and Their Applications 遥感技术及其应用 208
New Words and Expressions 生词和短语 210
Exercises 练习 211
Answers 答案 212
Chapter 15 Disaster Prevention and Reduction
第15章 防灾与减灾工程 214
15.1 Principal Causes of Disasters 灾害的主要成因 214
15.2 Earthquake 地震 215
15.3 Geological Disasters: Landslide, Collapse and Debris Flow 地质灾害:
滑坡,崩塌和泥石流 217
15.4 Rainstorm and Flooding 暴雨和洪水 225
15.5 Disaster Self Rescue 灾难发生后的自救 228
15.6 Some Major Effects of Disasters 一些主要的灾害影响 229
15.7 Disaster Plan 灾难应变计划 230
New Words and Expressions 生词和短语 234
Exercises 练习 235
Answers 答案 236
Chapter 16 Planning, Scheduling and Construction Management
第16章 项目规划、组织及施工控制 238
16.1 Construction Management 施工管理 238
16.2 Organizing for Project Management 项目管理组织 242
16.3 Defining Work Tasks 规定工作任务 249
New Words and Expressions 生词和短语 252
Exercises 练习 253
Answers 答案 254
参考答案 256
前 言
编 者
Chapter 3 Civil Engineering Materials
第3章 土木工程材料
Several materials are required for construction. The materials used in the construction of Engineering Structures such as buildings, bridges and roads are called Engineering Materials or Building Materials. They include Bricks, Timber, Cement, Steel and Plastics. The materials used in Civil Engineering constructions can be studied under the following headings.
It is necessary for an engineer to be conversant with the properties of engineering materials. Right selection of materials can be made for a construction activity only when material properties are fully understood. Some of the most important properties of building materials are grouped as shown in Table 3.1.
The general classification of building materials is as follows:
aTraditional materials;
bAlternate building materials;
cComposite materials;
dSmart materials.
Table 3.1 Some Properties of Building Materials
Shape, Size, Density, Specific Gravity etc.
Strength, Elasticity, Plasticity, Hardness, Toughness, Ductility, Brittleness, Creep, Stiffness, Fatigue, Impact, Strength etc.
Thermal conductivity, Thermal resistivity, Thermal capacity etc.
Corrosion resistance, Chemical composition, Acidity, Alkalinity etc.Continued 续表
Colour, Light reflection, Light transmission etc.
Sound absorption, Transmission and Reflection
Shrinkage and Swell due to moisture changes
表3.1 建筑材料的性能
类 别
性 能
Definitions of Properties
Density: It is defined as mass per unit volume. It is expressed as kgm3.
Specific gravity: It is the ratio of density of a material to density of water.
Porosity: The term porosity is used to indicate the degree by which the volume of a material is occupied by pores.
Strength: Strength of a material has been defined as its ability to resist the action of an external force without breaking.
Elasticity: It is the property of a material which enables it to regain its original shape and size after the removal of external load.
Plasticity: It is the property of the material which enables the formation of permanent deformation.
Hardness: It is the property of the material which enables it to resist abrasion, indentation, machining and scratching.
Ductility: It is the property of a material which enables it to be drawn out or elongated to an appreciable extent before rupture occurs.
Brittleness: It is the property of a material, which is opposite to ductility. Material, having very little property of deformation, either elastic or plastic is called Brittle.
Creep: It is the property of the material which enables it under constant load to deform slowly but progressively over a certain period.
Stiffness: It is the property of a material which enables it to resist deformation.
Fatigue: The term fatigue is generally referred to as the effect of cyclically repeated stress. A material has a tendency to fail at lesser stress level when subjected to repeated loading.
Impact strength: The impact strength of a material is the quantity of work required to cause its failure per its unit volume. It thus indicates the toughness of a material.
Toughness: It is the property of a material which enables it to be twisted, bent or stretched under a high stress before rupture.
Thermal Conductivity: It is the property of a material which allows conduction of heat through its body. It is defined as the amount of heat in kilocalories or kilojoule that will flow through unit area of the material with unit thickness in unit time when difference of temperature on its faces is also unity.
Corrosion Resistance: It is the property of a material to withstand the action of acids, alkalis gases etc., which tend to corrode or oxidize.
3.1 Traditional Materials 传统建筑材料
The building materials such as stones, bricks and timber are called traditional building materials since these materials are used from the early ages of civilization. Cement, cement-mortar and cement-concrete are also grouped under traditional materials although they are of recent origin compared to stones and bricks. The properties and uses of some of the most commonly used traditional building materials have been discussed here.
1. Early construction materials 早期建筑材料
1 Stones 石材
Stones as shown in Figure 3.1 are obtained from rocks. A rock represents a definite portion of earths surface. Process of taking out stones from natural rock beds is known as quarrying. The term quarry is used to indicate the exposed surface of natural rocks. Stones, thus obtained, are used for various engineering purposes.
Figure 3.1 Stones
图3.1 石材
Uses of Stones:
①Stones are used as a construction material for foundations, walls, columns and lintels.
②Stones are used for face-work of buildings to give good appearance.
③Thin stone slabs are used as roofing and flooring material.
④Crushed stones are used for production of cement concrete.
⑤Crushed stones are also used as ballast for railway track.
⑥Aggregate of stone is used as a road metal.
2 Bricks 砖
Bricks as shown in Figure 3.2 are obtained by molding clay in the rectangular blocks of uniform size and then by drying and burning these blocks. Bricks are very popular as they are easily available, economical, strong, durable and reliable. They are also reasonably heat and sound proof. Thus, at places where stones are not easily available, if there is plenty of clay, bricks replace stones.
Figure 3.2 Bricks
图3.2 砖
Uses of Bricks:
①Bricks are extensively used as a leading material of construction.
②A fire brick refractory brick is used for lining the interiors of ovens, chimneys and furnaces.
③Broken bricks are used as a ballast material for railway tracks, and also as a road metal.
④Bricks are extensively used for construction of load-bearing walls and partition-walls.
⑤Bricks are also used for face-work when artistic effect is required.
3 Timber 木材
The word timber as shown in Figure 3.3 is derived from Timbrian which means to build. Timber thus denotes wood which is suitable for building construction, carpeting or other engineering purposes. When it forms part of a living tree it is called standing timber, when felled it is known as rough timber and when cut into different forms such as planks, beams etc., it is known as converted timber.
Figure 3.3 Timber and Products of Timber
图3.3 木材和木制品
Uses of Timber:
① For making doors, windows and ventilators.
② As flooring and roofing material.
③ For making furniture.
④ In making agricultural implements.
⑤ In the manufacture of sport goods, musical instruments etc.
⑥ In making railway coaches, wagons, buses, boats etc.
⑦ In making sleepers for railways, fencing poles, electric poles, footways, bridge floors, temporary bridges etc.
⑧ Soft wood is used for manufacture of paper, card-boards, walls paper etc.
4 Mortar
The term mortar as shown in Figure 3.4 is used to indicate a paste prepared by adding required quantity of water to a mixture of binding material and sand. The most common binding material used in the preparation of mortar is cement. Such a mortar is called cement-mortar.
Figure 3.4 Mortar
图3.4 砂浆
Uses of mortar:
① As a binding material for brick and stone masonry constructions.
② To carry out pointing and plastering work on exposed surfaces of masonry.
③ To provide fine finish to concrete works.
④ For decorative finish to masonry walls and roof slabs.
⑤ As a filler material in ferro-cement works.
2. Modern construction materials 现代建筑材料
1 Cement concrete 混凝土
Cement concrete is an artificial product obtained by hardening of the mixture of cement, sand, gravel and water in pre-determined proportions. The hardening of cement-concrete is due to chemical reaction between cement and water and the process is also called setting. Mixing cement concrete is shown in Figure 3.5.
Figure 3.5 Mixing Cement Concrete
图3.5 混凝土的搅拌
Properties of cement-concrete:
Properties of concrete are different when it is in plastic stage green concrete and hardened stage.
Properties of green concrete:
① Workability: The workability of a freshly prepared concrete is the ease with which it can be mixed, placed, compacted and finished without affecting homogeneity.
② Segregation: A good concrete is a homogeneous mixture of cement, sand, coarse aggregates and water. Segregation during mixing, placing and compacting affects strength, durability and water tightness.
③ Bleeding: Bleeding is the separation of water cement slurry from coarse and fine aggregates either due to excessive quantity of water in fresh concrete or due to excessive vibration during compaction process. Bleeding of concrete causes formation of pores and reduces compressive strength.
④ Harshness: Harshness of concrete is due to use of poorly graded aggregates in concrete mix. A harsh concrete is porous and difficult to get smooth surface finish.
Properties of hardened concrete:
① Strength: Hardened concrete should have high compressive strength. Compressive strength is the most important parameter considered in the design of concrete structures.
② Durability: Concrete should be capable of withstanding the adverse effects of weathering agents such as wind and water. In addition, it should resist temperature variation, moisture variation, freezing and thawing.
③ Impermeability: Hardened concrete should be impermeable or watertight. This property of concrete is considered in the construction of water tanks and bins.
④ Resistance to wear and tear: Hardened concrete should be capable of withstanding abrasive action during its usage. When concrete is used as a flooring material, or for construction of cement concrete roads, it should withstand abrasive action.
Uses of Cement Concrete:
① It is used for making Reinforced Cement Concrete R.C.C. and Prestressed Cement Concrete P.S.C..
② It is used for mass concrete works such as dams and bridges.
③ It is used for making electric poles, railway sleepers and high rise towers.
④ It is used for the construction of silos and bunkers.
⑤ It is used for the construction of water tanks and under water construction.
⑥ It is used for the construction of road pavements and air port pavements.
⑦ It is used for construction of arches and ornamental structures.
⑧ It is one of the best universally accepted construction material and used in various civil engineering works.
2 Reinforced Cement Concrete R.C.C. 钢筋混凝土
Plain concrete can withstand very high compressive loads, but it is very weak in resisting tensile loads. Steel, on the other hand can resist very high tensile force. Hence, steel is embedded in concrete whenever tensile stresses are expected in concrete. Such a concrete is called Reinforced Cement Concrete as shown in Figure 3.6.
Figure 3.6 Reinforced Cement Concrete
图3.6 钢筋混凝土
Uses of Reinforced Cement Concrete:
① R.C.C. is used for construction of structural elements such as beams, columns and slabs.
② R.C.C. is used for the construction of water tanks, storage bins, bunkers, tall chimneys, towers etc.
③ R.C.C. is used in making raft foundations and pile foundations.
④ R.C.C. is used in the construction of bridges, marine structures, aqueducts, high rise buildings and many other civil engineering works.
3 Ferro-Cement 钢纤维混凝土
Ferro cement as shown in Figure 3.7 implies cement mortar of cement sand ratio 1:2 or 1:3 reinforced with multiple layers of steel fibres. The reinforcement is usually made of wire mesh which is usually made of 0.8 to 1.0mm diameter steel wires at 5mm to 50mm spacing. The skeletal steel may be placed 300 mm apart to serve as a spacer rod to the mesh.
Ferro-cement is suitable for low-cost roofing, pre-cast units, man-hole covers etc. It can be used for the construction of domes, vaults, shells, grid surfaces and folded plates. It is a good substitute for timber. It can be used for making furniture, doors and window frames, shutters and partitions. It can also be used for making water tanks, boats and silos.
Figure 3.7 Ferro Cement
图3.7 钢纤维混凝土
3.2 Composite Materials 复合材料
Composites are combinations of two more separate materials on a microscopic level, in a controlled manner to give desired properties. The properties of a composite will be different from those of the constituents in isolation. When two materials are combined together to form a composite, one of the materials will be in reinforcing phase and the other material will be in matrix phase. Typically, reinforcing material in the form of fibers, sheets or particles are strong with low densities while the matrix is usually a ductile or tough material, e.g. glass - reinforcing material, polyester-matrix material.
Glass Polyester=GRP Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic
玻璃 聚酯 = GRP玻璃纤维增强塑料
1.Classification 分类
Composites can be broadly classified in to two groups. They are Natural composites and Man-made composites.
Several natural materials can be grouped under natural composites, e.g. bone, wood etc.; man-made composites are produced by combining two or more materials in definite proportions under controlled conditions.
2.Properties of Composites 复合材料的性能
① Composites possess excellent strength and stiffness.
② They are very light materials.
③ They possess high resistance to corrosion, chemicals and other weathering agents.
④ They can be molded to any shape and size with required mechanical properties in different directions.
Disadvantages of composites:
① High production cost.
② Difficult to repair.
③ Susceptible to damage.
3.Uses of Composite Materials 在土木工程领域中的应用
① Extensively used in space technology and production of commercial airplanes.
② Used in the production of sport goods.
③ Used for general industrial and engineering structures.
④ Used in high speed and fuel efficient transport vehicles The harmony express is shown in Figure 3.8.
① 广泛应用于空间技术及商用飞机结构中;②用于运动器械上;③用于一般的工业及民用建筑中;④用于高速、高效的交通工具中如图3.8所示为和谐号动车。
Figure 3.8 The Harmony Express
图3.8 和谐号动车
Composites are extensively used in the field of Civil Engineering. Ferro-cement is a good example for composite. R.C.C. and P.S.C. Pre-stressed Cement Concrete are composites that are widely used for structural components. Even concrete can be considered as a composite.
Block boards, Batten boards, and Chip boards which are composites are used in light construction works such as doors, windows, furniture and cabinets. Asbestos Cement Sheets are used as roofing material. Reinforced glass is used for sky-lights and door and window paneling.
3.3 Smart Materials 智能材料
They are the materials which have the capability to respond to changes in their condition or the environment to which they are exposed, in a useful and usually repetitive manner. They are called by other names such as, intelligent materials, active materials and adoptive materials.
The devises that are made using smart materials are called Smart Devices. Similarly the systems and structures that have incorporated smart materials are called Smart Systems as shown in Figure 3.9 and Smart Structures. In other words the complexity increases from smart materials to smart structures.
Figure 3.9 Smart System
图3.9 智能系统
1.Stimulus Response System as shown in Figure 3.10 刺激-反应系统如图3.10所示
A smart material or an active material gives an unique output for a well defined input. The input may be in the form of mechanical stressstrain, electricalmagnetic field or changes in temperature. Based on input and output, the smart materials are classified as following.
Figure 3.10 Stimulus Response System
图3.10 刺激-反应系统
1 Shape Memory Alloys SMAs 形状记忆合金
They are the smart materials which have the ability to return to some previously defined shape or size when subjected to appropriate thermal changes, e.g. Titanium-Nickel Alloys.
2 Magnetostrictive Materials 磁致伸缩材料
They are the smart materials which have the ability to undergo deformation when subjected to magnetic field, e.g. Terfenol-D Alloy of Iron and Terbium.
3 Piezoelectric Materials 压电材料
These are the materials which have capability to produce a voltage when surface strain is introduced. Conversely, the material undergo deformation stress when an electric field is applied across it.
4 Electrorheological Fluids 电流变材料
They are the colloidal suspensions that undergo changes in viscosity when subjected to an electric field. Such fluids are highly sensitive and respond instantaneously to any change in the applied electric field.
2.Applications 智能材料的用途
1 Smart materials are used in aircrafts and spacecrafts to control vibrations and excessive deflections.
2 Smart concrete is used in smart structures. Smart concrete a composite of carbon fibres and concrete is capable of sensing minute structural cracksflaws.
3 Smart materials have good potential to be used in health care markets. Active control drug delivery devices such as Insulin Pump is a possibility.
4 Smart materials have applications in the design of smart buildings and state of art vehicles. Smart materials are used for vibration control, noise mitigation, safety and performance improvement.
New Words and Expressions 生词和短语
1.brick n. 砖,砖块;砖形物
2.timber n. 木材;木料
3.cement n. 水泥;接合剂
4.steel n. 钢铁;钢制品;坚固
5.alternate building material 交替建筑材料
6.composite material 复合材料
7.smart material 智能材料
8.density n. 密度
9.porosity n. 有孔性,多孔性
10.specimen n. 样品,样本;标本
11.deformation n. 变形
12.abrasion n. 磨损;磨耗;擦伤
13.ductility n. 延展性;柔软性
14.rupture n. 破裂;决裂;疝气
15.brittleness n. [材] 脆性,[材] 脆度;脆弱性
16.creep n. 爬行;蔓延;蠕变
17.stiffness n. 刚度;硬度
18.fatigue n. 疲劳,疲乏
19.toughness n. [力] 韧性;强健;有黏性
20.corrosion resistance 耐蚀性;抗腐蚀性
21.cement-mortar 水泥砂浆
22.cement-concrete 水泥混凝土
23.quarry n. 采石场
24.lintel n. [建] 过梁
25.moulding clay 浇铸泥土
26.load-bearing wall 承重墙
27.partition-wall 隔墙
28.mortar n. 砂浆
29.gravel n. 碎石;沙砾
30.workability n. 可使用性;施工性能;可加工性
31.segregation n. 隔离,分离
32.harshness n. 严肃;刺耳;粗糙的事物
33.durability n. 耐久性;坚固;耐用年限
34.impermeability n. 不渗透性;不透过性
35.Stimulus Response System 刺激-反应系统
36.magnetostrictive adj. [物] 磁致伸缩的
37.piezoelectric adj. [电] 压电的
38.Electrorheological Fluid 电流变液体
Exercises 练习
Ⅰ. Write a T in front of a statement if it is true according to the text and write an F if it is false.
1.Specific gravity is the ratio of density of a material to density of water.
2.Thermal Conductivity is defined as the amount of heat in unit calories that will flow through unit area of the material with unit thickness in unit time when difference of temperature on its faces is also unity.
3.Broken bricks are used as a ballast material for railway tracks, and also as a road metal.
4.Cement Concrete can be used for making electric poles, railway sleepers and high rise towers.
5.Composite Materials possess low resistance to corrosion, chemicals and other weathering agents.
6.Magnetostrictive Materials are the smart materials which have the ability to undergo deformation when subjected to magnetic field.
Ⅱ. Complete the following sentences.
1.Engineering Materials or Building Materials include ______________, ______________,
________________, _________________ and _______________.
2.Some of the most important properties of building materials are ___________________,
_______________, ______________, ________________, _______________, _____________ and ______________.
3.The traditional building materials include_______________, ______________ and _______________.
4.The most common binding material used in the preparation of mortar is ______________.
5.Properties of Green Concrete are __________, ____________, ___________, __________.
6.Disadvantages of composites Materials include __________, __________, ___________.
7.Smart Materials are also called ____________ or ___________ or _____________.
Ⅲ.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.
1.The materials used in the construction of Engineering Structures such as buildings, bridges and roads are called Engineering Materials or Building Materials.
2.Stiffness is the property of a material which enables it to resist deformation.
3.Bricks are obtained by moulding clay in the rectangular blocks of uniform size and then by drying and burning these blocks.
4.The term mortar is used to indicate a paste prepared by adding required quantity of water to a mixture of binding material and sand.
5.Cement Concrete is one of the best universally accepted construction material and used in various civil Engineering works.
6.A smart material or an active material gives an unique output for a well defined input.
Ⅳ.Translate the following sentences into English.
1. 一个工程师熟悉工程材料的性能是必要的。
2. 建筑材料,如石头、砖块和木材被称为传统的建筑材料。
3. 混凝土在塑性阶段和固化阶段的性能是不同的。
4. 复合材料大致可分为两组,分别是天然复合材料和人造材料。
5. 复合材料可以在不同的方向按照机械性能的要求以任意形状和大小尺寸加工成型。
6. 智能材料应用于智能建筑和一流的交通工具的设计中。
Answers 答案
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T
1.brick, timber, cement, steel, plastic
2.physical, mechanical, thermal, chemical, optical, acoustical, physiochemical
3.stones, bricks , timber
5.workability, segregation, bleeding, harshness
6.high production cost, difficult to repair, susceptible to damage
7.Intelligent materials, Active materials ,Adoptive materials
1. 用于像建筑物、桥梁和道路等工程结构建设方面的材料叫作工程材料或建筑材料。
2. 硬度是材料抵抗变形的性能。
3. 砖是通过在统一尺寸的矩形块中浇注泥土并烧结而成。
4. 术语砂浆是用来表示把所需要的用水量加入到黏结材料和砂的混合物中形成的糊状物。
5. 水泥混凝土是最被普遍接受的建筑材料之一,可以用于各种土建工程。
6. 智能材料或活性物质根据确定的输入而产生一个特定的输出。
1.It is necessary for an engineer to be conversant with the properties of engineering materials.
2.The building materials such as stones, bricks and timber are called traditional building materials.
3.Properties of concrete are different when it is in plastic stage and hardened stage.
4.Composites materials can be broadly classified in to two groups. They are Natural composites materials and Man-made composites materials.
5.Composites materials can be molded to any shape and size with required mechanical properties in different directions.
6.Smart materials have applications in the design of smart buildings and state of art vehicles.